216416 � , � !1 /1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERiC�"� �- r�� • A'� �?�,���9 � ` " CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL '� "d �d'�" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO• �� — .� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �-�.. , –�_ PRESENftD Y� � ��-�„ COMMISSIONER DATF � — _ � � i _ RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Slope Permit maxked "Exhibit A'� , in connection with Pro,ject S.P. 6215 (51=125)902, allowing the State of Minnesota to reconstruct Snelling Avenue neax Midway Stadium to � enter the Schroeder Road area and reconstruct it, said Permit having been approved as to form. by the Corporation Counsel. a� � c � o "�`- i..�, V Council Flle No', 218416 — By Milton LiJ' c Rosen= � � Resolved, That the proper C i t y Q . R officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute the attached Slope � Permit marked "Exhibit A" in connec- ` tion with Project S.P.6215 (51-125)902, � p allowing the State oP Minnesota to _ U T, .,.,_ � reconstruct Snelling Avenue near Mid- � � way Stadium.to enter the Schroeder � N � ' Road area and reconstruct it, said' Permit having beea approved as to, � form by the Corporation Counsel. � Adopted by the Council January 29, � 1984. - Approved January`29, 1964. (February 4,1984) -, � JAN 2 9 1��� ��� � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nayg J AN 2� 1g6a • Dalglish Holland p roved 19— �� ' Loss . Tn Favor � ' Mortinson • 9 �� Mayor Peterson • A gainst ' Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-sz DUPLICATE TO rRINTER , „ , „ " ���4+'�� ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� f�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTiD DY' COMMISSIONER DATF - RESULVED, the.t �he proper City oificere axe hereby authorized and direeted to execute the attached Slope Permit marked "Exhibit A" in connection with Pro�ect S.P, 62i5 (51=�5)902, allowing the State of Minnesota to reconstruct Snell3ng Avenue neax MidWay Stadium to enter the Schroeder Roa,d area and reconstruct it, said Permit having been approved as to form by the Corporation Counsel. JAN 2 9 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��N 2 9 1964 Holland Approved 19— ��� In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-s2