216386 � Council Flle No. 216386—By Severin A. ���[°�
.Mortinson — Robert F. Peterson — � ,�,�
�.� 1.;;�a
ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK Whereas�Raymond Stevens dba Radio
r CITY OF ST. PAU �cab ha9 made Application H-8502 for
licenses to operate six (6) automobile
LICENSE CCf�II�TTEE OFFICE OF THE CITY 89 ��abs upon the streets o� ri, L
GYty of Saint Paul,described as follows: IS
COU CIL RESOLUTION—GE T��f� �- No. 71; Make Ford; Seri��_
N'" ,fatr`'`w5421; Ins� r: - � Natlo" I D `, �
I, � { . 1�f�''.p11�C� 'M�,��� F 3�,yi�� `
COMM SS�IONE 'r �'—D'AT "�"•�"�' , 1964 _
- �C_ �2 �ti�i7^�— •
WI�ERF�AS: Ra.ymond Stevens }iba Ra.dio �ab has made Application H�6502 for 7icenses to
operate six (6) automobiles �as ta�dcabs upon the streets of the �ity of
Sai.nt Pau1, described as follows: '
Ta�dcab No. Make Serial No.. Insurance
71 Ford 1P32V105�.21 ' National Indemnity �o.
� . Policy IJo, ACEE 309921
72 Plymouth 2831.J-93707 �nirin� 12:01 A.M. SP -
` � July 2�., 196�
73 Plymouth 28211l�3268 � " " '�
} 83 Plymouth 282112590l� " �� ° ��
� i� �� �� ct
� , � �. 8�. Plymouth � 2827198903 ,
� , � ,
12L� Chevrolet 11569J26i�525 ° � �� " "
_ " ., inTI�REAS: Said _applicant has fil�d. a copy-of-the insurance�policy with the City of
— i� J .. ,x j y :
� • , �Sa�nt Paul .arid said�policy has been approved as to form and execution by
. �, ,.
,' � •' 'the Corporation �ounsel, therefore, be it % � -
. � �`_ _ _-�;. �.. .,,.-_______ ' _ : � �- ' - - - ` - .
, RESOZVID; That licenses to operate said automobiles as taxi.cabs upon the streets of
� the �ity of Saint Pau1, be and the same are hereby granted to Ra.ymond
� • , Stevens dba Radio �ab.
530 Stinson Ave.
. t
' " Renewal +
� - � � �IAN �8 '�9� �,:
, �:,..,.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— � :�z••
. ��'yV
ti Ya
Yeas �Nays . ��:,
• Dalgliah ' ���] �� ��'4
Holland A .pgoved 19_
- Loss - •
_; In Favor ���_V
Mortinson '
P,�.t,�erson . , � Mayor
� Rosen �--Against
% .
`�''� Mr. President; Vavoulis �
+.'- �. f, . T ' � ' .
lOTS �8-82 � - '
% ... � _ w.;�'� ,� .. . .. 4 • , .