06-601Council File # � Green Sheet # 3030937 RESOLUTION CITY OF Presented Refened To PAUL, MtNNESOTA .I Committee Date WHEREAS, on April 19, 2006, the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul adopted Council File #06-383, said Resolution being the Ratification of Assessments of benefits, cost, and expenses for property cleanup during December 2005 (File No. J0506A1, Assessment No. 8174); and WHEREAS, the properry at 1772 Marshal] Avenue, being described as: Skidmore & Cassedy's Pazk Addition, Lot 4, Block 2, with the property identification number 04-28-23-12-0104 was assessed an amount of $337; and WHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recommends reducing the assessment to a total of $200 because the owner made a good faith effort to address the code violations at the property; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the amount of the assessment for 1772 Marshall Avenue be reduced from a total of $337 to a total of $200, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the reduction of $137 be funded by the Exempt Assessment Fund. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom � Harris ` Helgen `- Lantry r / Montgomery � Thune � U � Requested by Department of: � Form Approved by CiTy Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adopted by Council: Date i�i9F /� �?O//!o Adoption Certified by Council ecretary By ' By: . Approved by May ate � `� / —� By: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �'�O� Departrnenf/office/wuncil: Date Initiated: co -���il o,�,�N� Green Sheet NO: 3030937 Conpct Person 8 Phone: ���ent Sent 7o Gerson InitiaUDate Racquel Naylor � 0 0 'I Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 For Routing 3 Ortler 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Reducing amount of the assessment for a properiy cleanup during December 2005 at 1772 Mazshall Avenue. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commtssion Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has this perso�rm ever worked under a contrect for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personffirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this personffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separate sheet and attach [o green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): E AdvanWges If Approved: Council Res�arch Cerrter 20�8 DisadvantaStes If Approved: — ...�...:..... .� �_.��:w_-". ' �! . ,�.., . Disadvantages If Not Approved: "otal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: Financial Infortnation: � (Explain) � LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINUTES OF MARCH 28, 2006 Ms. Moermond asked did he own the building in 2005. Mr. Lor responded no. Page 4 ��. t. daqs adequate aznount to clean it up. Mr. Lor did not foliow the law with vacant buildings; therefore, he did not get notice from the City on the snow remodal situation. Mr. Magner added that his office got the new ownership information on 3-16-06. His office has it now. 330 Marvland Avenue West (J0506A), $300 John Betz reported that a letter went out to the properiy owners on 12-12-OS from a complaint about snow and ice on the sidewalk. This has a 72 hour compliance date. The reinspection was done and the inspector reissued another Summary Abatement to the property owner on 12-20-OS with a compliance date or 12-25-05. It was reinspection on 12-27-OS and the work was not done. The work was issued to the Pazks DeparLment It is uiilniown why the inspector reissued them. Patricia Schickling, 200 Winthrop Street South #308, appeared and stated the notice may have been reissued because the she does not live there anymore. The house was surrendered on 3-14-OS when baiilcruptcy was filed. The Sheriff's sale was 7-21-05. Net Bank is now the owner. She has a rent lease. Steve Magner explained that if Net Bank is now the owner, they are also responsible for the assessment. Marcia Moermond recommends approval of the assessment It will not affect Ms. Schickling. I�et Bank should have been maintaining the property. � 1772 Mazshali Avenue (J0506A), $337 Jolui Betz reported that his office issued orders on 12-1-OS to remove garbage, rubbish, and a brush pile to comply by 12-12-05. A reinspection was conducted. The conditions still existed, and the inspector issued a Si.mlinary Abatement notice to the properiy owner to correct the violation by 12-19- O5. A reinspection was conducted, and conditions had not been corrected. Parks did the work on 12- 27-05. Gregory Breining, owner, appeared and stated he is looking for clarification because he is also being billed by his private trash hauler. He is confused as to who hauled what. He asked when the trash was hauled. Mr. Betz responded 12-27-05. (A videotape was shown.) Mr. Breining stated that he was saving the boards (mentioned on the videotape). What happened is confusing. His tenant was moving out and had a big pile of gazbage by the gazbage area. It sounds as though that is what the call was in response to and that was hauled by the private trash company. The City crew got stuff that was put out later. Also, $337 seems much for the volume the City hauled. He has papenvork from On�, and they hauled at least some of the stuff that generated the original complaint. He would ask that the amount be reduced since he did respond to the initial complaint. D���PD� / , �-�o� � " LEGISLATIVE HEARING MINtJT'ES OF MARCH 28, 2006 Page 5 Ms. Moermond recommends reducing the assessment from a total of $337 to a total of $200. There is an houriy chazge of $260. Mr. Breining responded that is fair. 752 Carroll Avenue (70601A), $358 Ms. Moermond recommends approval of the assessment as no appellant appeared. 105 Manitoba Avenue (J0504E), $70 (laid over from 3-21-06) John Betz reported that he inspected the properry on 6-15-OS and issued orders to remove mattresses, shopping card, discazded swimming pool, and fencing from the yard by 6-20-05. The reinspection was conducted on 8-15-OS and the items remained in the yazd. A$50 excessive consumption fee was imposed. The items had been relocated to the backyazd; they were on the side of the house. Mr. Betz does not show anything for five yeazs. Ms. Moermond responded that the owner may not have owned it five yeazs ago. Ms. Moermond recommends deleting this assessment. Appeal of Summary Abatement Order at 1941 Nortonia Avenue; owner: Thomas Jirik, (NHPI) Steve Magner reported that Rich Singerhouse (NHPI) went out to the property on 3-3-06 on a complaint. He found the dwelling open at the northside rear door, the interior was trashed and abused, animal feces throughout, basement full of gazbage, and a missing window. There were no animals at that time. He sent a Vacant Building Registration Notice and issued a Summary Abatement to secure the basement window. On March 15, the inspector went back out, the reaz door had been boazded, and the east basement window was broken out. A Summary Abatement Order was issued for dog feces. Ms. Moerxnond asked are the feces inside the house or outside. Mr. Magner responded both. As of this date, the window was still broken, the dog feces was covered by snow so it is unknown if it had been removed from the reaz yard. They have received another complaint in regazds to that window, and they aze concerned that previously the building had a strong odor during the summer months. The inspector's notes indicate that the building will smell with the gazbage and feces in it once the weather gets warmer. Ms. Moermond asked did he receive the order. Mr. Jirik responded, "Of course not." (A copy of the order was made and Mr. Jirik was given a copy in a few minutes.) Thomas Jirik, owner, stated he removed a lazge window air conditioner from the back yard. The dogs were gone, and that had nothing to do with the March 15 order for dog feces. Ms. Moermond asked is he saying that the dog feces aze not there. Mr. Jirik responded that if they aze, they were not there after Mazch 3. Ms. Moermond asked if he is saying that he cleaned the yard on Mazch 3. Mr. Jirik responded the yazd is snowed in with three feet of snow. He is not even going in there. O`n February 26, he removed the