216369 .i � ORIGINAL TO CITY GLERK 4- � �� - !� CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO.������ �- � �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , �' � CO NCIL R SOLUTION ENERAL FO �a � PP .SEPfTED BYl �/�� � ' � ���- C�MMISSIONE �"'�`� AT (���` ,- � �' WHEREAS� the Ramsey Coun,ty �7elfare Board, at i�s meeting on Jan�ary 14 1964, voted to req�est the City Cc�un.cil and the Boar-d of Co�.n�y �ommissioners to a�thorize the egpenditure of �1,497.00 for the revampmen�G of elevator hoistway and penthouse at the Ramsey County Welfare Bt�ilding at 476 S�. Peter t5treet; and � _ WHERE�S� the contrao� for such work will be let to the Gladstone Improvement Company� which will f�.irnish labor� , materials� equipment and serviees� all as more fully outlined in the letter of January 20� 1964 from Miss Ruth Bowman� �eQUtive Director of the Ramsey County Welfare Department� to the Honorable Mayor an.d Members of the City Counail� et al. � Now, Therefore� sub�ect to concurrence by the Board - of County Commissioners with reference to�the County�'s share of the aforesaid expenditure, the Council hereby authorizes said expenditure� with referenee to the cityss 27�- per cent. of said expenditure of the a.mount of �1,497.00� said 27�- per ' cent. thereof being in the a.mount of �411.68. Councll Fi1e No. 216389—By James J. Dalglish—Bernard T. Aolland—Frank L. Loss — Severin A. Mortinson — Robert F.Peterson—Milton Rosen— George T. Vavoulis, Mayor—` . Whereas,The Ramsey.County Welfare _. _ _ , Board, at its meeting on January 14, ;1964, voted to request the City Council and the Boazd aP County Gbmmission- ers to authorize the expenditure oP ' �1,497.00 for the revampment of el- evator hoistway and penthouse at the Ramsey County Welfare Bullding at. ' / _ ' 476 St. Peter Street; and Whereas, The contract for such work will be let to the Gladstone Improve- � ment Company, which will fUrnish � FOR PPROVED 18bor, materials, equipment and serv- _ � ices, all as more fully outlined in the letter ot January 20, 1984 £rom Miss ' Ruth Bowman, Executive Director of the Ramsey County Welfare Depart- Asst. Corpora iora Counsei ment, to the Iionorable Mayor and � Members oP the City Council, et al., Now, �herefore, subfect to concur- �-- rence by the Boazd of County Com- ' missioners with reference to the ' County's share oP the aforesaid ex- penditure, the Council herebq auth- orizes said expenditure, with reference to the city's 273� per cent af said ��N 2� �g6� expenditure oi the amount of �1,497,00, said 273� per �c4ent thereof being• in .. COUNCILMEN �Ad pt d byithe1Councll January 28, il 19— 1984. Yeas NSy3 , Approved January 28, 19H4. (February 1, 1964) " ��TlS �� ���� Dalglish �" _ _ _ Holland Approved 19_ Loss ' n Favor � Mortinson � i Peterson ' � Mayor • A gainst Rosen - Mr. President, Vavoulis � iont s-sa t _ . _� � � `� ��. �o�nt� �.uaitor's �f f ice C08pTY BOAQD r z � � Fil� II�. �5�9 s Sk Panl, Minn., � I � � / �i � . �� �_ / e � t•tolutio■ 9-7�18 II�. January 27, 18� The sttention o! unty Auditor - County Welfare Departnent - City Council - City Comptroller is reapectfully called to the following Resolntion of the Board of Count� Commiaeionen of Rsmae� Coan�Y, �inneaota. adopted at the meeting held on January 2'j, 1�64 B� Commiaaioner• Daubney - . " *.� W�iEREAS The Board of County Coamisaionera and the �ouncil of the City • o� St. F'aul have heretoPore approved the expenditure of funds for the replace- Ynent o2` the elevator in the County Welfare Building; and - l . . WI�REpS The Welfare Board, acting on insistence of the Elevator � Tnspector, is requesting the City and County to authorize the further expenditvre of �1,497.00 for revampirsg of elevator hoistway and penthouse at said building, the contract for this r�ork being let to the Gladatone Improvement Company; Now, Therefore, Be It RESO:.VED That sub�ect to appraval by the Council of the City of St. Paul, the Board of Ramsey County Commisaioners approves the expenditure ou� of Welfare Department fl.inda of the s�u of �1.,497.00 for revamping of elevator ,, holstWqy and penthouse at the Welfare Bui�ding and approve3 aWard of contract for such Work to the Gladstone Improvement Compaqy. EUGENE A. M CH, c���r �ydu�. B� eput�►. )aes AM.f0� :;�:�.� �.-�-�n � � . , . � I � . • ,. . _ ���y� 4'� • ` .� � - = COU1�1T� �ELF� Y��P�.TI�IENT � orvtstoN oF --' r BOARD DiRECTORB COUNTY WEL`FAFqE�sowaD 476 SAIIdT PBTER S'TREET SAINT PAUL,b�iNESOTA 55302 SAM .. ae�is, CNAIIIYAN C17'Y OF SAINT PAUL $jJ�j,�$Q���BCJL�'Yf DTTfCtOT W. [. ■R[NNAN� VIC46NA11tYwN ' AND MRf. RICNARD MCMILLAN i courm o��zwMS�r � IIYRON�. COCHRAHt� Y.D. , Ja nua ry 2 0, 19 6 4 ' ����ex■� The Honorable George J. Vavoulis Mayor of the City of Saint Paul . t President of the City Council and Chairman • G . of the Board of County Commissioners - - I 5 � _ The Honorable Edward K. Delaney � _Chairman of the Welfare Committee of the ' � Board of County Commissioners - The Honorable Members of the City Council • � The Honorable Members of the Board of County . �' Commissioners �' . Mr. Eugene A. Monick, County Auditor . Mr. Joseph J. Mitchell, City Comptroller � ' Subject: Expenditure for Re- , vampment of Elevator Hoistway, � ' and Penthouse at the Ramsey � � ' County Welfare Building Gentlemen: ' The Ramsey County Welfare Board, at its meeting on ' --' " January 14, 1964, voted to request the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners to authorize the expenditure of $1,497.00 �� ' for the revampment of eleva-tor hoistway and penthouse. at• the �1 r� Ramsey�County Welfare building at 476 St. Peter Street. � ��d , � _ ' . ` � � ` . The contract for"this work will be let to the Gladstone Y� Improvement Company which will furnish -labor, materials, equipment and services necessary. The Gladstone Improvement Company is the low bidder for this work. The award of the bid to the low bidder • ' _ has been recommended by the City ArchitectTs office as the low, , responsible bidder. • � The elevator at 476 St. Peter Street was reported as un- � , . safe and the elevator inspector, last year, ordered the County � Welfare Board to replace it. The payment for the elevator was - approved by the City Council and the Board of County Commissioners �'� � ', with instructions that the monies be used from the current budget "» � appropriation. ,�� . _ � • . The City Council and the County Board have not approved ' ' ' the use of appropriated funds for the revampment of the elevator ' -' •��_ ��,hoistway and penthouse and, _in ordinary course of events, the ' � ' � - � [ ' AG6NCY MEMBER OR TH6 AMERICAN PUBLIC W6LFARE ABSOCIATION � �\ / �� ' • • � � �_ r .. ._ , . , . ���C� _ . �� . �, • o v • :_ ,.__ . � i • '' . � _ The Honorable George J. Vavoulis • January 20, 1964 . Pa ge 2 . • ,�i , Board would have secured your approval before going ahead with � , the bid. However, the elevator inspector is insisting that the„ , � work b'e done immediately because of the unsafe condition of the . . • present elevator. _ � ' Sincerely yours, . ' J � � ' ( iss) Ruth . Bowman . Exe utive Director ' RLB;aj cc - Mr. James D. Swan . � Mrs. A gnes OtConnell , � . y � - - --- —, I � ——-- , . n, , . �M � � / � ' •• , � I ' � I . Jr . •�4_ �� � - ' t� /` ' � • • � � " • r , J . ' � - 'r • / , J`__ - '