216366 �+..RR �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' n'A �� •e4��'.� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N�. �'� �- � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - � COUNCIL SO UTION-GENERAL FORM - . . PRESENTED BY Robert F. Peteraon January 28, 1964 COMMISSIONE DATF yY�REAS, the Co�iasioner of Publie Safety has reported in, aoaordanoe �ith section 5S of the City Charter, the existence of an emsrgenoy during the period from Jaaue�ry l, 1964 �o January S1, 1964, xhich rendered neoessary the employmiant of certain employee� in the Departmant of Public Safety for more than eight houre per day, or for�ty houra per week, in doing the followin.g rrork= Nlaintenanae work in 'the BureaU of General Admi.nietration (Building I�aintenenoe) and THAEREAS, thia emergenay arose by reaeon of the following faats and aircumstanaess Repe►ir of the boiler ia the Publia Health Center, repair of the boiler ia the Public Safety Building, plorting saow and ssnding and msintaining a are�r becauae of shortage ofinen. ._._ __-_- ---�---_. _ --- __ . ,.,__.._ _.. _. __...._-.- - _---• -- - - THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV�Ds That the proper oity oYf3.oers are hereby authorized to pay the employees who performad auoh worY in acscord�nae with the proviaiona of the Counoil+s Sal.ary Ordinanae No. 6446. � Council Flle No. 216366—By Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That the proper City ofH- cers are hereby authorized to pay cer- kain employes in the Department ot Public Safety,.Bureau of General Ad- ministration (Building Maintenance) Por extra employment a's described in the resolution. Adopted by the Council January 28, 1964. Approved January 28, 1984. (FebriiarY 1R 1964} , J AN 2$ ���'� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ` Dalgliah �,��� 2� �v� Holland Approved 19_ LOSS In Favor Mortinson Peterson �/ Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-sz