218210 � � � t��pT��7p� 5'- a 3- �`� ���%��� ORIGIN/'L..TO CITY GLERK ��T"°"—D —! — '� � ' , � _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. � `- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -�------� � _ , C �IL -SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 3•;�5��„hi1F,ra°�' �182�0—SBy James a. • - K.�_> — PRESENTED BY � +b:'t.�g.��tle VIl`• of the' Aousing COMMISSIONE � , DATF �=bi.95., F.rovi;��, for the makin "�-rs...-Fisn',u„i:�?:.:ng and Fio�D"j ' a•t.��'t�;tLEx.i�+�+, t�x state4.�u n_ DLrCt :3L71�L�l/•u'f`l.-'a�; :ea +aw�8.�,, — – +tQ_^dt O?``*+itirt�#tiL �i ctt br''y> �- . -_„ _, • - '��REAS, Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961 provides for the making of grants by the Housing and Home Finance Ad.ministrator to states and local public bodies to assist them in the acquisition of permanent interests in land for open- space purposes where such acquisition is deemed essential th �he proper long-range development an.d welfare of urban areas in accordance with plans for the allocation of land to such ' purposes; and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Farks and Recreation of the - City of Saint Paul desires to have the City aequire title to certain land �iown as the Hillcrest Golf Course; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of �aint Paul is in the process of preparing a comprehensive land use plan for the City of Saint Paul and the use of Hillcrest Golf Course as a recreational area is included in such plan, and the acquisition of such a tract or parcel of land to be used as a public golf course is authorized by the Charter of the City of �aint Faul for the purpose of affording to the citizens of the City adequate a�eas��or recreational purposes; and � WHEREAS, the Hillcrest Country Club has offered the sale of such golf course to the City for�.the sum of One Million Dollars (�1�000,000) ; and M WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is interested in , o acquiring such parcel of land; an.d � � o WHEREA�, the City of Saint �aul contemplates further >- � negotiations with the oTaners of said Hillcrest Country Club, � 0 �. o Now, Therefore, be it ¢ U � � N RE�OLVED� by the Coun.cil of the City of �aint Pau1; � ` < that the proper City officials are hereby authorized, on behalf u- � of the City, to execute an application to the Housing and Home Finance ,Agency for a gran.t in an amount authorized by Title VII � � COUNCILMEN - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays .. Dalglish Holland � Approveci 19— I'O3g Tn Favor Mortinson . Peterson • Mayor Rosen � � Against Mr. President, Vavoulis 10I11 8-82 . � . ORIGINA�TO CITY CLERK ����� O ' � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ���� `' � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ . - � ., COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF Page 2. � of the Housing Act of 1961, as a.mended, which amount is presently estimated to be a sum less than Three Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000) , but in any event� the maximum amount allowable by the Housing and Home Finance Agency for the accomplishment' of a pro�eet such as the pro�ect herein described, the said application to be contingent upon acquisition by the City of Saint Paul of the aforesaid,Hillcrest Country Club� by the execution by the City of a firm contract looking toward the acqui- sition of title to said traet by the City of Saint Faul; be it FURTHER RE�OLVEll, That the aforesaid City officers � are hereby authorized to execute and file such application, on behalf of the City, with the Hou sing an.d Home Finance Agency upon passage, approval and publication of this Resolution; be it FINALLY RESOLVED, That the Cityts share of the cost of acquisition of the tract described as the Hillcrest Country , Club, exclusive of any federal grant to be used in partial payment of such acquisition, shall be produced from the sale of revenue bonds. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun��RY 2 � 1� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ' ��� 2 0 ]�� Holland rove 19— Loss � Tn Favor � Mortinson � 1 / - Peteraon �� Mayor ' A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iort s-sz `FU!?LICATE TO rRINTER ���`� L ! 1 a - • � CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ` -�' �� � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. _ _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF WHEREAS� Title YII of the Housing Aat of 1961 provides for the making of grants by the Housing and Fiome P`inanQe Administra�tor to ��ates and local publ�.c bodies to assiat them in the �cquisition of permanent interests in lan.d �or open- spaae purposes where �ueh acquisition 3s d�emed e$�ential t� �he proper long-ra�ng� development and wel�'are o!' urban areas in accordance wi�h plan� for the allocation of l�d to �u.ah purposes; and WHEF�EAfl, the Bureau o� Parks and Recr�ation ot' the City ot' Saint Paul desires to have the Cit� acquire title to certain I.and known a� the Hillarest Go�.t' Cour�e; and WHEREAS, the Planning Board of the City of �int P�.ul �.s in the proceas of preparing a comprehensive la.nd use plan for the City o�' Sain� Paul and the use of Hillcrest (�olt' Courae as a recreational �rea is 3ncluded in au.ah plan, and the aoquisition of such a tract or parcel of land to be used as a public golf course is authorized by the Ch�.rter of the City of Sain� Paul �or the purpose of aff'ording to the citizens of the City adequa�e are�s for recre�.tional purposes; �nd WHEREAS� the Hillcrest Country Club ha� otfered the sa1.e of such golf course to the City for'.the �um of On� Million Dollars (�1�000,000) ; and WHEREAS� the City of S�int P�ul is interested in scquiring such parcel of land; and WHEREAS� the City oP S�int Pau1 contQmpl�te� t'urther negotiations with the owners oi said H311creet �ountry Club� Now� Therefore� be it RESOLVED, by the CounQil of the City of Saint Paul� that the proper Ci�y of�icials �r� hereby s�uthori��d, on behalf' of th� City� to ezsaute an �ppliaation to th� Houaing and Home Finan�e Agency for a gr�.n.t in an amount authorized by Title YII COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �sg In Favor ° Mortinson ° Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iont s-sz 4U�IGATE TO rRINTHR ��J�±r��� 1 � . - •• - CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � �� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ Psge 2. of the Housing Act of 1961� as amended, which amount is preaently estimated to be a sum less than Three Hundred Thou�and Dollars (�300�000) , but in any event� the maaimum amount allowable by the Housing and Home Finance Ag�ncy for the ace:omplishment o�' a pro�ect such as the pro�ect herein described the said application to be contiagent upon acquisition by �he City of Saint Paul of the s�ore�sid Hillcrest Country Club� by the ezecution by the City af a firm contract looking toward the acqui- sition of title to said tract by the City of Saint Paul; be it FIIRTHER R£SOLYID� That the aforesaid City officers are hereby authorized to eaecute and file such application� on behalf of the City� with the Housing a.nd Home Finan.ce A�ency upon passage� approval and publication of this Resolution; be it FINALLY RESOLVED That the City' s share of the cost of acquisition of the trac� described as the Hillcrest Country Club� ezclusive of any �ederal grant to be used in partial psyment of such acquisition, �hall be produced �'rom the sa].e of revenue bonds. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coun�l� 2 0 19�4 19� Yeas Nays Dalglish I �":QY � � '��' Holland 1 Approved 19— Loss In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1'0111 8-82