218146 � .'.y • � � � � - , . " ..r� ± , . ��,�ti .Y. .I '' ` ..._ . ••y� .F-�y , ����„�� � � f�. 3. � FINAL ORDER � COUNG`IL FILE N0. . � � $ �.t, ,�.�„ .�-� �^G � � y t File No. S��d� . � = In the Matter of r�ccx�nstru.�'tixig �'h� s�dewa�.k on 'bot� $ir�es a£ Aahlanr� ��r�. ��om Sy�dice�e 'St f ro. Gx3:ggs �t: a�',�y c��'9:ng �2� ather s�orlt �hich is nec�ssary and ;ti - ihciden�al ti� �omp�ete �aid �.mp�rn�renr.ez�� under Prelimina,ry Order ����g7 approve� December 19� 1963 - � � . Intermediary Order approvecL A public heaxing ha"ving been had upon the abave improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered ' the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement ta be made by the said City is �o ��constzuct �the �ici�a'a�.I� c�n b►�tt� ��d;�s of Aeb�.azid Aua..� €rc�tn Syndic�fp Sr. to Gr3gge ��� a�c� b� do�,a� a�11 �rth��r work which i� ncc��sa�y ��n�3 i�ncidental tc� camplet� s�id improv�ea� e���pt �ih�re ,gs�iod �n�. euffip�.Qnt aide�+ra.�.k� now �ciat u � , � � - 3•sl Flle No. 218146— M. • _ . �g:r�! matter of reconstructing the.i � .. - � i:=+:c,on both sides of AshlanEl Ave. ' �a:�: -�ti�ate 5�:. to Grigg,c `t;._and� . �R,�; F.�.r,ll�..-���r'_?• �vork i;:,�� r, 1s , ezyC:+w +s:�� i:}.a':al��'!s:'w.t �•'at . - :3r:.iui3;roYqtIIt'gtia:'mmr' , ��Ftr.n,. ��-- • , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTIi�R, That the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , ,� �g 19� � � ��� COUNCII�MEN Adopted by the Council ' - Yeas palglisll Nays . �VI�Y 1�.�� . o a - , � Approve Loss ' - Allortins6r� •, peterson � �n Favor "`' Rosen � D Mayor .� . VaVOUII� . Against • s-ss zn� s� [�i � `� �- `4 . . ..:`;. . - j ' Di st, No. 2 c� �o��� . B. S, Ashland - Syndicate to Griggs `. . ������ y OFFICE OF THE COMh�ISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS � • .. � _.����� R�PORT TO COMMISSIONER �OF FINANCE �• � Dec, 27th, �q 63 To the C�mmissioner of Einance of the Caty of Sto Paul; The Commissioner of Publac Wo�kso having had und�� con�ide�ation th� p�e- liminary ord�r of the Council known as Councal Fale No, 215897 appro�ed Dec. 19th, 19 63 a°�l�ti ��� to reconstructing the side- walk on both sides of Ashland Ave. from Syndicate St to Griqgs St� and by doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to compTete said improvement. ' � � and haaing investigated the matt�,�� and thangs re�f����d to thereino her�b�► reports: . 1, The e�timated �ost th�reof a� �� 3. 25 per lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. wide and $3, 80 per lin. ft, for standard sidewalk 6 ft, wide, 2. A pLan, profile or sk�tch of said amprorr - ��h�reto atta�hed� ��, � and mad� a part her�of, � ,. � � � , �� 3, Initiated by the Commissione� of Pu �c �,fWr�.���V� � X �� • c� ' "��:�� 196 4, Impror��ment i s ask�d fo� ��po�n p�ti t '�' �PT;' � • ' ���� ~ . � � — Co mission�r of Publi� Wo�ks