06-582Council File # Q�— �g �. Green Sheet # 3030962 RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MiNNESOTA � Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the rate of pay for the new classification of Horticulture Supervisor be 2 established at the rate set forth in Grade 10, of Bazgaining Unit 09, the Saint Paul Supervisors Organization 3 Salary Schedule, and be it 4 FINALLY RESOLVED, that this resolution shall take effect and be in force on the first pay period 5 following its passage and approval. Requested by Office of Human Resources By: � Form App ved Fi ncial S ices Adoptedby Date BY � `� CounciL � r o Adoprion Ce�rtified by Council Secr ry Form Appro d by Ci o ey BY� /l'/l.i/u /_�J�i�.Sr��L/ BY� Approved by Date ,, Mayoi: /] )� � By: ( �/L� Form ppro y�i yox for Submission to Council By: G�Sfiared�SYSTEMS DEVELOPMEM SECIIOMOrg Du�gn\Consulcant-McKeown�I,isa's Clus �✓ork�PAAKS�itoniculture Supv Raol�tion doc � u-n� �c�i, �S% -y-v��JO � DEPARThIENTlOFFICF%COUNCII.: DATE INiTIATED 3030962 Auman Resources 6/6/06 GREEN SHEET No.: CONTACf PERSON & PHONE: wlrui✓DAie I�vrri4uDATE Lisa McKeown 266-6479 1 DEPAI[7Aff2L[ D➢t � < caY couHCU. LeeAnnTurchin266-6517 q�IGNED 2CIiYA1TORNEY CITYCLERK MJNIDERFOR MUST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DATE� itOO'envG tvaurcur.s�cv nm rwnt+cw, saewaccrG oxu�t 3 MAYOR(ORASSTJ TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGFS_1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) - acnoN �Ques�n: Approve the attached resolution establishing the rate of pay for the new classification titled Horticulture Supervisor in Grade O10 of Saint Paul Supervisors Organization, b.u. 09. RECOMMEIVDATIONS: Appenve (A) ox Rejeet (R) PERSONA[. SERViCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER TiiE FOLIAWSNG QUESTIONS: i. HasthispersoNfmneverworkedunderaconhactfor0usdepa[tlnent? PLANNING COMMISSION Yw No _CTB COMMITTEE 2. Has this persodfim� ever bern a city employee? �CML�CECOMMLSSION Yes Na 3. DoestltispetsodfumpossessaskiRnotnorma➢ypossessedbyanyciurentcirye�loyee? Yes No 4. Is this persodfvm a prgeted veadoYt Yes No _ Explaia all yes answers on aeparate sheet and attach to green sheet INIITATING PROBLEM� ISSUE, OPPORTUNII7 (Who, wnat, wne�, wne�e, wny�: Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Department requested that Human Resources study the composite duties of a position to determine the appropriate classification and compensation. Human Resources deternuned that a new class ritled Horticulture Supervisor be established. This title supervises and plans, organizes, and directs a section of the intricate horticulture o eration of the Como Pazk Zoo and Conservatory. ' nnvnlvTpGES � arrxovEn: Appropriate compensation will be assigned to the new classification in accordance with the City's job evaluation system. v�snnvaNrncES � nrrsoven: None. . nisanvnn rncES � no'r aerxovEn: Appropriate compensation will not be assigned to this classification. This may limit the City's ability to successfully recruit, hire, and retain qualified candidates who possess the lrnowledge, sldlls, and training required to effectively provide services within the Depariment of Parks and Recreation. TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: COST/REVENUEBUDGETED: YPS FUNDING SOURCE: ACTIVITY NUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) � � � � JUN p'� 20U6 ��� ��T����"Y G:�SHARED�SYSTEMS.DEVELOPMENT.SECTSON�ORG. DESI61J�C0135LiLTANT-WII,LiAMS�SHEILA'S CLASS WORKIMARY HIBER, lN 1T,XlilfAlU1C �1 tl(:H J 1 UllY u(;Jl l Council Research Center JUN 23 2006 Ob-S�2 The City of Saint Paul Class Specif'ication Proposed Title of Class: HORTICULTURE SUPERVISOR CODE: 310B BU: 09 Effective: DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Dutv Statement: Under the direction of the Conservatory Manager, performs supervisory and expert-level work to plan, organize, and direct a section of the intricate horticulture operation of the Como Park Zoo and Conservatory. Performs and oversees floriculture production for a multitude of ptant species and varieties, and for tropical plants and plant collections including orchids, bromeliads fems, palms, cycads and unique ethnobotanical plants; plant propagation; greenhouse management, including the environmental computer system; plant nutrition, soil, foliaz, and water testing; greenhouse safety practices, including ergonomics and pesticide and respirator safety; and disease and pest control. Performs other related duties and responsibiliries as requued. Suaervision Received: This class works under the general guidance and supervision of a unit or division supervisor. Supervision Exercised: This class exercises within a unit, supervision of horticulture staff, interns, temporary workers, and volunteers. COMPETENCIES Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of principles, terms, techniques, trends, and procedwes associated with floriculture production for a mulfitude of plant species and varieties. Demonstrates an ability to apply this understanding to resolve issues and problems related to the work. Demonstrates an understanding of the full range of Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations, education standards, policies, and procedures governing the hodiculture field. Demonstrates an understanding and ability to use a range of current and modern job-related equipment, computer hazdwaze, and sofiware appiications to include database and spreadsheet softwaze programs. Demonstrates an ability to identify risks involved in projects and minimize any liabilities. Demonstrates an ability to work collaboratively with others to accomplish the mission and vision of the organization. Demonstrates an ability to meet deadlines, define, measure, and evaluate project and program results. Demonstrates an ability to utilize technical ea�pertise of plant species and floricukure crops to appropriately prioritize and set deadlines for one's own work and the work of others by adjusting work schedules. Demonstrates an ability to resolve technical and operafional problems through consultation with appropriate staff or resource. Demonstrates an ability to troubleshoot crop problems or specimen plant problems, predict detrimental results, and recommend alternative practices. Demonstrates an ability to ascertain appropriate climate settings and operate computerized and manual climate control systems. (PRNA) Demonstrates some analytical skills required to compile and analyze data, prepaze and understand reports, and assist with the budget. Demonstrates ability to maintain crop production or plant collection and display records and interpret soil, foliar, and water test results. Demonstrates an ability to effectively listen, speak, write, and interact in a tactful and persuasive manner. Demonstrates an understanding and respect for the diversity of customers and coworkers and an ability to HORTICULTURE SUPERVISOR Page 1 Proposed Title of Class: effectively communicate before lazge groups and in one-on-one situations. a�-S�z CODE: 310B BU: 09 Effective: Demonstrates ability to perform physical activities such as standing or walking for long periods, repeated bending, crouching, stooping, stretching crawling, and climbing ladders or scaffolding, and lifting. Demonstrates effective supervision and leadership of a work group by encouraging individual participation and creativity, by being supportive of others and the group decision-making process, by effecfively managing conflict, and by being tactful and 'unpartial. Demonstrates an ability to pian, d'uect, coach, train, and evaluate staff work performance. Demonstrates an understanding of the mission and vision of the organization and the associated customer service standazds. Demonstrates an ability to maintain quality standards and direct service planning activities which meet the high quality expectations of visitors, intemal and external customers, coliege £aculty and students in horticulture programs, and related organizations. Demonstrates a commitment to continuously evaluate and improve customer service. Demonstrates an ability to coordinate the capabilities of staff and facilities to meet the request of intemal and external customers and communicate results. REQUIItEMENTS Must have a Bachelor's Degree in horticulture and 4 years of experience in commercial floriculture or plant collection maintenance and display including exotic and tropical plants. No substitution for education. Must obtain a Minnesota Pesticide Applicator's license within six months of appointment. Must possess a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license, or equivalent out-of-state license, with no suspensions or revocations within two yeazs prior to the date of appoinhnent. Suspensions for pazking-related ofFenses aze excluded. HORTTCULTLTRE SUPERVISOR Page 2