218132 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ,J,! � v���
COMM SS�IONE � t n sen-- ic Works o� Ma.y,, 196[�
WH�REAS� Comptrollerts Contract �65�4� Pederson Bros. Inc.�
Contractor for the 1963 Sidewalk '�Contract °Dis�rict No. 3'.�, ha.s
been substantially comple�ed, and �
WHEREAS, Said Contractor requests that a portion of the 5%
retained under the Contract from estunates for work done, be paid �
in advan.ce of the final completion of the Contract, and
T��QS, The Commissioner and Chief Engineer of the Depart-
ment of Pu.blic Works approve the payment at this time of �$�000.00 �
of the �9,592.�� retained; therefore be it�
RESOLVID, that the proper City Officials be and� they are here-
by authorized to pay an estima.-te in the amount of �g�000.00 from the
retained percentage,:amounting to �p9,592.�� to said contractor; and
be it�
rURTHER RESOLVID� that this resolution sha11 have no force or
effect wzless the sureties on the Contractor�s bond consent thereto "
in writing and file such consent with the City Comptroller.
�Council File No. �18132 — By Milton
Rosen— •
Whereas, Comptroller's Contract L-
8544, Pederson Bros. Inc., Contractor
�for the 1963�Sidewalk Contract "Dis- , �
trict No.3",has been substantially com-
�pleted, and
Whereas, Said Contractor requests
that�a portion of the 5%retained under
� �'� the Contract from estimates for work
�done, be paid in advance of the'flnal
completion af the Contract, and
Whereas, The Commissioner and
Chief Engineer of the Depar�ment oi
Publlc Works approve the�payment at
this time of$8,000.00 of the�9,592.88 re-�
tained; therefore be it,
Resolved, That the proper City Oi8-
cials be and they are hereby authorized
' •to pay� an estimate in the amoun4 of'
�8,000.00 from the retained percentage
amounting to $9,592.88 to said coatrac-
�tor; and be it, '
� Fu�,rther Resolved, That this resolu-
�tion shall have no foroe or eSect unless
E�the sureries on the Contractor's bond'
consent thereto in writing and ffie suchl
� consent �vith the City Comptroller. t
Adopted by the CouncA May 15, 1964.� ��g �p � ����
Approved May 1S,1964. 8 g
(i1Say 23, 1964)
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 1 —
Yeas Nays �� �,� `���
Holland � Approved 1 _
LOgg � Tn Favor /��'1�'G�,
'� May�or
Peterson d1 Ct�,�,
A gainst
, M� resident,
ionz s-s2