218127 ' ���a`�� -Origi.nal COUNCIL RESOLUTION to City Clerk FIOENCIL NO. _ Authorization for payment for overtime �RESENTED EY „ COMMISSIONE DATE WHEREAS, the head of the Departm�ent �B�ea�} of Parks & Recreaticn & P�u.blic Buildings has reported that an emergency existed during the payroll period from Ma.y 1 to Ma,y 15, 1964 which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on file in the office of the City Clerk and numbered_ _ 36 & 38 : , Council Flle No. t18127—By_EScank L. Loss— Whereas,The head of the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public - Buildings has reported that an emer- gency existed during the payroll period fmm May 1 to May 15,19&4 which made necessary overtime employment; now ` therefore, be it . Resolved, That the proper city ofH- cers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the •reports on file in the offlce at the Clty Clerk and num- bered 36 and 38. Adopted by the Council May 15, 1964. Approved May 15,'1984. (May 23, 1964) ��,s'� 11�Jrn COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— . Yeas Nays Dalglieh �aq � • �� Iiolland � • Approved 19— Loss � •-� Tn Favor .Mn��ova � Peterson v � .��t�t� Mayor ` A gainst ' �Orse�r ,� . President, n C SB 44a . � � ' -