218696 ORIOINAL TO CITY CL6RK u �5,- -��� , '�. CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa ����� ; ' o � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO- ° � C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ,— �RESENTED EY ' COMMISSIONE pA� J'nne 1,Q� �.�� � I�ESOLUID, That the Purchasing Agent be a.nd he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Co�ptroller to purchase Parts for Seaman Pulvi-Mi-xer No. 921, . , Model DS�+7-22-ME'RHE from BORC�RT INGERSOLL, IlQC. at a total cost of $7�+.52, withont competitive bids pursua.nt tv Section 290 0� the Charter of the City o� St. Paul as these axe patented. Code 1210-320 APPRC3VID AS . _ , APPROVED: Jc�c�h J. ��:��hell G"dy C���g�".�•ch:cr i SISTANT ORATION COUNSEL ' �'" + `- C�ROLLLB ll� ,.�fy C:o�.a�p��:xer , ,� ING AGENT. ' Council Flle No. 218698—By Milton Rosen— ' Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby authorized, with. the consent of the Comptroller to ptu�_ chase Parts Yor Seaman Pulvi-Mixer No. 921, Model DS47-22-MFR.BE from � � BORCHERT-INGERSOLL, INC.� at a - --- -- -- ---�-----�� total cost' of $744.52, without competi- tive bids pursuant to Section 290 of the� Charter of the City of St.Paul as these are patented. � Code 1210-320. Adopted by the Council June 16, 1964. Approved June 16,1964. . (June 20, 1964) ' COUNCILI►�N Adopted by the Counc��UN 16 �� 19—, , Yeas Nays �P�N 16 1964 Dalglish Holland Approved 19— Loss � Favor � Meredith � �'v Peterson J MSyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - 1on� e�s DUrLICAT[TO rRiNT[R ' � �-� ��/�►� _ . � � . CITY OF ST. PAUL F110�UNCIL NO "� , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM fRESENTED�Y �.,� i�� i� COMMISSIONE� DATF �t�i �'� 'f$B I�t13'C�j.'II� �2�'� �713 81�� � �.L� �I'tl�f $�'q.'�lOZ'�XQ�� �.'�1 '� ' COT�86ZPti q� '� �O�t•Y'4�.�JJ '� pi�'C� �� �'Q�' �l �L1�.�.�.70�I' �O. �y �Q�.'�. �7-�� f� � •�� ��, d'� �, 'l'A�Z Sf3l�'I5 8'� .�•�� I �r1:t'boa� co�x'tit�.v+e bids pur�u�ri� tt� �c�3.ose 2�p o�' � Char�er o� �he ��ty , o� $t. �c�7. a,a �the�, ar� pe,'ten.t�. atx'�e ].�10-�2fl � � � - ��- � � �� J�?�t .I�_-;:f� J. i�F:��c"::.il I ' ` .,� �L�1 :=�.:...cr , '✓VQ/ I � ��.: ' . — � . . - u� �,.:�;� L.Ci:.�}'.i:':..l�T � JUN �6 1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �l� JUN 16 �9�� Dalglish Holland Appro�� 19_ Loss Tn FSVOP Meredith Peterson �AyOr Rosen �/ g��t Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-as I