06-580Council File # /��—S�l� Green Sheet #��`�� � RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented Referred To Committee Date WI�EREAS, on June 6, 2006 a legislafive hearing was conducted to consider the appeal of Geneva A. Whethaa; to the requirement that her property at 752 East Maryland Avenue continue to be registered as a vacant building and that she is required ta have a code compliance certificate in order to re-occupy the structure; and WHEREAS, the legisla6ve hearing recommended the City Council deny this appeal; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered this recommendation and the statements of Ms. Whetham at it June 21, 2006 public hearing on this matter and determined that the appeal should be denied, but ttiat the fees associated with registering 752 East Maryland Avenue as a vacant building be waived, as well as the fee for conducting a code compliance inspection; now THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Councii's decision to deny this appeal, waive the vacant building registration fee and waive the code compliance inspection fee is hereby memorialized. Yeas Nays Absent Benanav � Bostrom �/ Hanis � Helgen � Lantry � Montgomery � Thune � U � Adopted by Council: Date � D Requested by Deparfinent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Adoption Certified �b �Council S� retary B y' BY� / j" �1d� Approved by M, ayer� e� �Co BY� ��-.L. � � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � D�-s'a� Depar6nenUoffice/couneil: Date In"itiated: co -�w�� z��N� Green Sheet NO: 3031178 CofkaM Person 8 Phone: DeoartmeM Sent To Person Initiai/Date Marcia Mcennond � 0 0 ' 266$560 Assign 1 ouncil De artmeotDireMOr Miut Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number 2 � �� For Routing 3 Order 4 5 Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: Memorializing Ciry Council action taken on June 21, 2006, regazding 752 Maryland Avenue Fast. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: P�anning Commission 1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contrect for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civii Service Commission 2. Has this person/firtn ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this pereonffirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate Sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Advantapes If Approved: ' ' Council F�esearch Cerrter Disadvantages If Approved: � U IV � q 2�06 � � � _ Disadvantages If Not Approved: � Total Amount of CastlRevenue Butlgeted: Transaction: Fundinp Source: Activity Number: Financial I nfortnation: (Explain) � � �• CITIZEN SERVICE OFFICE 37t�i Moore, Ciry Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAITI, 29Q CiryHall TeL: 65]-266�989 ChristapherB. Colemm', M¢yor 1� YV KeIIoggBwlev�d F¢c: 657-266-8689 Saint Paul, Ivtumesota 55102 ""' May 22, 2006 Geneva A. Whetham PO Box 6877 St. Paul, MN 55106 RE: Appeal for 752 Maryland Ave. E. Dear Geneva: Your application for an appeal has been received and processed. Please attend the public hearing before the Legislative Hearing Officer on Tuesday, June 6, 2006 at 10:00 a.m. in Room 330 City Hall and Courthouse to consider your appeal concerning the above referenced property. At that time the Legislative Hearing Officer will hear all parties relative to this action. Failure to appear at the hearing may result in denial of your appeal. Sincerely, ; �,f/1 Cl/U G � Shari Moore City Clerk cc. Steve Magner, Program Supervisor Vacant/Nuisance Building Unit Bob Kessler, NHPI Director �SXlarcia ;Moermond, .Legislat'tv�.�eari�g �ff cer _ •,: m 6 6 "5�'a i U/ v(,C'u-� �D- � APPLICATION FOR APPEAL Saint Paul City Clerk 15 VJ. Kellogg Blvd.� 290 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Telephone:(651)266-8688 � F�Fi�, G'(J�,� ���� `� 4. Name of Owner: ( `'tiyr �c� � � .��yy � �� �7 � Address: ',5�, fyl�tu.y� City: �� t7a-�-D State: �!� Phone Number: ��j ' ��c� /`� `/o Business �` Residence Cellulaz h..La' (�,_ 5. Appellant / Applicant (if other than owner): Address: City: Phone Number: Signature: Business Residence Cellulaz 6 State specifically what is being appealed and why (Llse an attachment if necessary): 0 Zip: �%b� NOTE: A$25.00 filing fee made payable to the City of Saint Paul must accompany this application as a necessary condition for filing. You must attach a copy of the original orders and any other conespondence relative to this appeal. Any person unsatisfied by the fmal decision of the City Council may obtain judicial review by timely filing of an action as provided by law in Dish-ict Court Date Received: ��a-3--�G (n For Office Use Only Fee Received: Receipt I�Tumber: D� of He�� : L � �• ,,� �,��P�' , �39�'G�' 1 �D �3 �[ � l .�a .�� �o �«.f� � / . '� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ChnstopherB. Coieman, Mayor May 08, 2006 Jenna Widom P.O. Box 6877 St Paul MN 55106 NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSING AND PROPERTY IMPROVEMENT Bob Kessler, Directo� ' . Nuisance Building Code Enforcement 1600 White BearAvenue N Te% 651-2661950 � Saint Pau( MN 55106 Fax: 65L2667926 , j4�.� t�.�� 1�'�� �`�#�.��` VACANT BUILDIl�?G REGISTRAT�ON RENEWAL NOTICE Dear Sir or Madam: As the owner or responsible person for the property located at 752 NIARYLAND AVE E � i 3 3 you aze required by law to register this building with the Department of Neigborhood Housing and Property Improvement on the form provided with this letter and to pay an annual Vacant Building fee. If this is the second consecutive year this buildiiig kas been vacant, the registration fee is $375.00; if this is the third ox more consecutive year this liuilding has been vacant, the registration fea is $500.00. The puipose of this fee is to pravide pax�i� teimbursement to the City foi�a8ministrafive costs. This fee is due annually as required in.Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 43. . �g,4':F_. - _ - $:�3 +f 3f. .iC�� �� The renewal due date for this building is June 09, 2006. The annual registration fee and the enclosed registration form for this building is due on the renewal date. If you pay by mail, please fill in and enclose the attached form with yow payment. ' .-�- If you wish to pay in person, you may do so from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday at: NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSIN(i AND PROPER"T"Y TMPKOV�,MENT 1600 White Beaz Ave N. SaintPaul, MN 55106-1b08 � You may file an appeal to this fee or registration requirements by contacting the City Clerk's Office by calling (651)-266-8989. Any appeal of this fee must be made within ten (10) days of the date of this notice. The Citizen Service Enforcement Officer has notified the Building Inspection And Design Secrion that tliis properiy meets the legal definition of a registered vacant building and in accordance with Legislative Code Chapter 33, no peimits (except demolition, wrecking and removal permits) will be issued until the requirements of all applicable ordinances are fulfilled. �� AA-ADA-EEO Bmployer �p�� •. i1 DAT'E May 18, 2006 FROM Geneva A Whetltam 752 Maryland Avemie East P O Box 6877 St Paul, MN 55106 TO Bob Kessler, Director The City of St Paul Neighborhood Iionsing and Property Imprwement SUBJECT APPEAL THE VACANT HOIISE FEE AND REGISTitATION REOIIIItEMENTS REGARDING 752 MARYLAND AVENUE EAST. ST. PAIIL, 55106 I would like to file tbis appeal to the fee for Vacant Building Regishation and to the Regislration Requirement, regarding the honse that I purchased, at 752 Njaryland Avemie Fast, St Paul, MN 55106. ♦ I purcLased the house thaY was zoned as a duples to live in as a single family home. ♦ The intem was to pwcLase the house, zepair and upgrade the house while living in it ♦ To date I have set an appointment with Mr. Yaya Diatta , Zoning 3nspector, to verify that the extra kitchen k�as bezn remwed a� the electric and gas meters to the second floor have been removed. Tbis will pern�anenfly com�ert the property to a single fami status. ♦ I liave also registered the properry as my homestead. It is a liardship not to be able to occupy the house legally, monetarily and to the restoration process that has to be made, considerin� the weather and the after work hours available to complete pmjects. Diuing the purchasing process the house was inspected to verify to the lender that the properry was in good enough condition to be lived in before a homeowner loan would be created. The loan stipulates that we are required to live in it and I signed the loan witt that intent Granted the house is a fixer upper. Some of the repairs that will be made will reqnire permits from the city of St. Paul. need to be able to exercise the right to obtain permits to further the process of repa'rino the house. I feel the house is in an acceptab condition to 3ive in and will only improve at a steady pace. ♦ The elecuician needs to acquire a permit to wire the second floor to th� main breaker box. ♦ I will have a structmal engineer evaluate the house to ensure the corrections, I want to make, to the leveling of the floors will b done correcUy. ♦ The roof will be replaced and thaY wi11 require a permit. ♦ The windows will be �gaded. ♦ The yard is being worked on to improve tfie maintainance. Perniits rvill be required and I will need to be able to acquire them. I will repair and correct any defects this house Y�as, it will not be over night but the effort and results will be consistent. The impact that a homeawner brings to a neigl�borhood has value and I intent to do my part. RespeCtfnllY, Geneva a. Whetliam Invoice May 8, 2006 Invoice To: P.O. BOX 6877 ST PAUL MN 55106 06 �� City of Saint Paul Department of Neighborhood Housing and Property improvement 1600 White Bear Avenue North Saint Paul, Minnesota 55'106 Phone (651) 266-1900 Fa�c (65'i ) 266-1926 Customer Number. 1016327 Q� ' 12?49 `��aca^. Eai#di^^ Fee SubType: Category 2 Fee Description VF AnnuaiFee Year2006 Total Amount Due: 752 MARYLo.ND 4VE E Work Type: Duplex Amount $375.00 $375.00 Pfease retum bottom portiors w+th your payment for proper credit Customer Number: 1016327 Total Amount Due: $375.00 � Cash"" ❑ Check Check # � ❑ ❑ ❑ � ❑ � � , ❑ � "" �e Rot R"ail Cash ?ayrn°nt �mount IF PAYING BY CREDIT CARD PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: " If paying by credit card, you may fax this invoice to the fax number listed above. You must sign and date this form at the bottom "` � American Express � Discover U MasterCard � Visa Expiretion: ❑❑/❑❑ Account Number: ❑❑�❑- ❑❑❑0' ��'❑❑'CI !'�❑ name as d appears on Cardholder Signature Page 1 of 1 Date D6 ��g Date Address of Property: City' of Saint Paul 1_�eighborhood Housing and Property Impro��ement `'ACAtiT BUILDItiG REGISTR�TIO`' FOR�'I Disposition of this buildinn (please checl: one): _ I plan to rehabilitate this structure commencinQ: _ I plan to demolish (wteck and remove) this buildin� by: _'I am willin� to authorize the City of Saint Paul to demolish and r:mo�•e this buildin�(s). _ This buildin� is vacant as a result of fire dama�e. The fire occurred on . I, as tn: property o«ner, want to claim regisuation and fee exemption status for ninery (90) days from the date of the fire. I intend to repair and reoccupy the building. Other: Persons who will be responsible for compliance with the requirements of ordinancz: hA�hIE ADDRESS HOVIE NO. `VORI{ NO. Persons, lienholders, mort�aQees, morteaQors and other interested parties knotirn to me: l�AME ADDRESS � HO��ENO. �VORI:�O. Please complete and return this form �r'ifh your check made payable to the "Cit}� of Saint Paul" to: Please Prinf Your Name City' of Saint Paul Date of Birfh Vacant Buildin;s Department Signature Division of�ieighborhood Housin� Address Cit}' Telephone State Zip and Propertc Improvement 1600 White Bear Avenue St. Pau1, iblti' �=106 Thank you for }'our cooperation. Fom.wpd 07(OS : +._='< ae=c:� - Citr of Saint Pnul \eighborhood Housine and Propertr' Improvement �'acant Suildings Requirements Reaulations and Information r. :s The Council of the City� of Saint Paul has adopted ordinances reaulatina cacanY and unoccupied structures. You musf reDister this building �z�ith St. Paul Neiahborhood Housina and Propert3� Impror�ement, Vacant/�iuisance Buildings Code Enforcement Unit if #he buildinD is unoccupied and: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Unsecured, or Secured by' other than normal means, or A dangerous structure, or Condemned, or Has multiple housin; or Buiiding Code vioia�ions, or Is condemned and illegally occupied, or Is unoccvpied for a period of time longer than one year during tichich fime Yhe Enforcement Officer has issued an order to correct nuisance conditions. Registration Requirements 1. Submit the enclosed VacanY Building Registration Form rr•ithin 30 days, describing plans for rehabilitatine and reoccupying or demoIishing the building. 2. Disclose all pertinent o�vnersh7p information. 3. Disclose all pertinent lienholders. 4. Disclose an}' current Truth-in-Sale �f Housing Disclosure Reports. 5. Pa}�theannualVacantBuildingRegistrationfee�r�ithin30da}�sofreceivingffiis letter. NOTE• If the buildin� is vacanf due fo a fire vou have 90 dacs to Dav fhe Vacant Buildina fee proti�ided vou submit the enclosed Vacant Buildina ReQistration Form �vithin 30 davs informina us of vour�lans for fhe buildin�. 6. Provic�e unencumbered access to al] porfions of fh,e.premises of the buildings fo permit the Enforcement uer to ma •e a comp e e msp i n. Oivners, aaents, assinnees and ail responsible parties are required to comply tirith the follo�r�ing requirements of fhe Saint Paul Legislati�'e Code: 1. I�eep all buildings secure. 2. Iieep all porches, stairs, and esterior premises free of refuse, junl: and debris. 3. Cut grass and tt�eeds. 4. Remore snow and ice from sidewaI�. The City has £nancial assistance programs. Please contact the Department of Plsnning and Economic Development af (6�1) 266-6700. G:\Shared\NHPI\VS\Z�RI.WpD 07lOS ..a - �� •1 June 6, 2006 Minutes of the Legislative Hearing Page 2 2. Appeal of Deficiency List, which includes condemnation, at 550 Snellin� Avenue North #607; appellant: James Duncan. (Division of Fire Prevention) Ms. Moermond stated no one from Fire Prevention could attend the hearing so this matter would be laid over to June 20, 2006. Mr. Duncan presented pictures of his unit and could not understand why it would be condemned. He had lived there for nine yeazs and there had never been a problem. The order stated there were too many combusribles in lus unit. He left a message for the inspector to contact him, however, no has called him back. Ms. Moerxnond stated that since this matter needed to be laid over, she wouid not force Mr. Duncan to move out at this time and the matter would be continued to the June 20, 2006 Legislative Hearing. Mr. Duncan requested a letter for his landlord indicating he could remain living in his unit. Ms. Sheffer drafted a letter for Mr. Duncan. � 3. Appeal of Vacant Building Registration Renewal Notice at 752 Marvland Avenue East; owner: Geneva A. Whetham. (NHPI) Geneva Whetham, property owner, stated she was appealing the vacant building registration fee order as she wanted to continue to live there and work on her home to bring it into compliance. When she purchased the building, it was a registered vacant duplex and she had since rezoned the property to a single-family dwelling. She attempted to obtain permits, however, she was denied because the property was considered a vacant building. Mr. Magner stated the building has been registered vacant since May, 2005. There were a number of violations on the property and a suimnary abatement notice was issued and sent to the mortgage company and Tom Sawyer, the managing agent. Mr. Sawyer then registered the building as vacant and paid the registration fee. It was his understanding, Mr. Sawyer marketed the properry as vacant. The owner was appealing the vacant building status and code compliance requirement. Ms. Moermond asked Ms. Whetham whether she intended to have a code compliance inspection done. Ms. Whetham stated she already knew what needed to be fixed and she believed it was redundant to have a code compliance inspecrion as she did not want the additional expense. Ms. Moermond explained that there were serious code violations to the building and having the code compliance inspection would allow Ms. Whetham to obtain all of the necessary permits to complete the necessary work on the building. She recommended denying the appeal. 4. Appeal of Notice to Cut Tall Grass and/or Weeds at 1341 Alameda Street; owner: Tami Swiggum. (NHPI) Mr. Betz stated Citizen Service Office automatically sends out a letter when they receive a complaint for tall grass and weeds. He had looked at the property that morning and found it to be in compliance and the owner had a neatly planted prairie area in her yazd. Ms. Swiggum, property owner, brought in plantings from her yard to show the height of what