218679 covrrcii F Na - ����� . _ . �.. . � � BY �.�.� GS � pUBLISHED � �a o- 6� �. In the matter of condemni ng and taki ng an easement i n the 1 and necessary for the sl opes, cuts and fills, including right of removal of lateral support from subject iand or remainder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bituminous material the East and West alley from th e East, North and South alley to the �est, North and South alley and the West, North and South alley frmn the East and West alley to Sims Ave., all in Block 26, Charles Weides Sub. of B1 ocks�25 and 26 of Arl i ngton Hi�l l s Addi ti on „n under Preliminary Order 216906 , approved March 4i 1 g64 , m t Intermediary Order 21$�6� , approved May 19, 1964 � � � � A public hearing having been h�d upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having �, heard all peraons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully coneidered the eame; � therefore, be it � � :il File No. 218679—By Milto� `� '�en— ( � z' RESOLVED B the Council of the Cit of Saint Paul tha ��i�u�e matter o� �onae�ng ana� ..c c> > 3' Y _ � y ing an easbmAnt in the land neces- � � pr ement to be made by the eaid City ' condelnning aid taking an ease nt�•r;�gl�s: '';�jP'�,°°:�;,�'a�'i.�P� � �= nece ar for the slo es cufis and ' 11s includin ri ht of r�no �•�� �''�lf�:�e��',•�'�,•W�'�� � ���'` i� Y P > > 9 9 ���- � , ,. �' �,., � ° suppor from subject 1 and or remai nde thereof, occasi oned by excava�;e�ns- ther�of�;,�' � � -= or cons uction of slopes in the gradi and surfacing with bituminous ateri� �: .� the .East d West alley from the East, N th and South alley to the West, North and " � South alley d the West, North and South lley from the East and West al to �. y :" � Si.ms �Ave. al 1 ' B 1 ock 26, Cha rl es Wei des b. of B1 ocks 25 and 26 of Arl i ng� Hi 11 s � ^ Addi ti on � =" and the Council here ers eaid improvements to be e. a� n i � � �= RESOLVED FUR ER, that the following land, land or easementa therein be and the same e � � hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the urpose of mal�ng eaid improvemente, vi .: �_� � > � For the s 1 opes,cuts nd fi 11 s, i nc ludi ng ;ri ght o removal of 1 ateral s upport � � � � rom subject land or rema'nder thereof, occasioned by excavations thereof or con- �— struction of slopes in the rading and surfacing with ' tuminous material the East �-- " " and Glest alley from the Eas North and South alley to e West, North and south '� J alley and the West, North an South alley from the East a d West alley to Sims Ave. �� all in B1ock 26 Charles �leide Sub. of Blocks 25 and 26 o Arlington Hills Addition o� RESOLVED �'IIRTHER, That t Comm.iseioner of Public VPorks b and is hereby instructed and T-� directed to prepare pla,ns and epecificati s for said improvement, and the p er city officials are hereby � � authorized and directed to proceed with t making of s�id improvement in acc dance therewith. p. � Adopted by the Council JUN 16 1964 ' is , ' ���,�- ��N 16 1964 City Clerk. Approved-- , 19 � i • � Mayor. Councilmen: DALGLISH , ��du:rcy . HoUland Loss � -Me����ct�%2� . � Peterson Rosen , Mr. President. Vavoulis . t�^4 . f ,l(/�V � �, t i' ' .' - '' • ` � ������ � 1 ` ���� ' OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W O�KS � BEPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE March 9. 19�4 i To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Public Works � having had under consideration the pre- limi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216g06 _ a p p�,o e e d - � Man-�c h�4,. , _ 19 r 64 • r e l a�t i n e t o - - � .x--- _ � . �-' - - - '- _'�._--�_��_ r -. _' _ _ "- - -�- -- - � , Cond�n#r�g anc� taktng� an r����amertt �3ii, thc,l�,�d �i�ecqs��ry fc�r �hd �inp�as cu�� and '�"'�i°17_�f n�l'��i�t���i`�t�"`�if��-�rivar�-°of�1°at�i�al�-sc�ppcitt�=��ota�s�tt�e��--l�t�d�r�-re��t�nd�w-- � - l.h�r�o� �t���s.$1on+ed by excav��kions ther�a� �r•� con��ructidr± �f ��1�pes� 1a',��th� greding '_. ac�d au� s��c""`Y g�'C'��°�#ii.��l7�if�'�a�c"�a.Rar�1`�1-�th�Ea�t�.ar�d�rWest-°ei,�ey°�rcxsr°��thre�r���;�+lorth-� . �ad Sauth et l ey �Q the���s�, l��rt� �nd aoi�th �l t�y �;nd th� �IQ��, Narth an� South ai� e1�y�rpa► t�c:��t�'�r'tklti��fi�i°�`ep"t"n�'-9fms�v�:."'�t�.�-1n•-�1°o�clt-•26;�I�r��¢3°�waide��S'u6�� o� 91 ock� �5 �nd 26 0�' A�1 i r�g�cn H��i�1; Add�-ti ori,� . �,..�_._._.__�. and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein�. hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $� 12 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i er� �ta d�' d � �� and made a part hereof. � ����1� �`�6� W} . P� .{ � I . Initiated by the Commissioner of Public -Works X � �� `,�• � , 4. Improvement i s asked fo'r u on � ��� � p petition 9 � � . Commissioner of Public Works �•� � , � � � � . 1° � ° °' � _ � � �- � - t � � �� Z � i po o �-� �-;a.;`.�_.��—.��- :; �� � 3 [ � �� T, � � {)� � • ` � ,-. _ .^a -t , ` i '�f- i 1 : � ' ;i Y � � - e . � � �� � � ; � G �� � - i �i � � .. � _ . � ` � i� _ ;� •�, ; ; _ �. �� , ,T .. J _ . ;� VI � F . �; � w, f , � f : �� � �' � � � �� � . �, - W a . ��--___.._ -_--;� , ,? W . ___—�e�_ - � � Z � � , . - � � I I , • � D r'c n , i � K � ' � �.1� �iJ � � I 6� -� ,I ce ° �q O �-" rv u� - ' , d . �- I tn � w � — - ' � a " �� � �! �I � � p N 3 I � ,y � P -�^j � Q ; � � r0.3 ��ian �'�� . _ - - - WI� _ r'�b N_ '�I . 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