06-579Suspension — 6/28/06 RESOLUTION 2 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Presented by TY OF �� co�o��� Fae # p� -�� y Green Sheet # 3L`31164 MINNESOTA Resolution Requesting That the Saint Paul Planning Com»zission Add a New Chapter to the City of Saint Paul Comprehensive P[an to Address Human Development WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is a rich and vibrant community where people live, work and play, and the City of Saint Paul's suongest assets are the people who make the City a communiTy; and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Planning Commission is currently updating the City of Saint Paul's Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, by intentional, proactive planning through the City's Comprehensive Planning Process, the City of Saint Paul will enhance its livability for both current residents and future generations; and WHEREAS, the goals of our infrastructure and economic development plans are to positively influence the quality of tife within the City of Saint Paul and to help people reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, the recent "Mind the Gap" report reveals the potential negative impact on the regional economy of failing to address the disparities associated with race, class, and place. Now, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Councit requests that the Saint Paul Planning Commission develop recommendations for adding a new chapter to the Comprehensive Plan to address one of Saint PauPs most important elements, our Human Development; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission consider at least the follow topics as part of this chapter: 1. Disparities 5. Education Partnerships 2. Diversity and Demographic Change 6. Arts, Culture and Entertainment 3. Health and Human Service Needs 7. Neighborhood Vitality 4. Jobs and Economic Oppor[uniry 8. Citizen Participation; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the City Councii requests that the Saint Paul Planning Commission report back to the City Council on the process and timeline for the creation of this chapter by August 25, 2006. Benanav Bostrom Harris Absent ✓ ✓ Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretazy By: � Approved b� a Date '�� �� p� By: Requested by Deparhnent of: � Form Approved by City Attomey By: Form Approved by Mayor for Submission to Counci] By: DG S79 � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Gree� Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � � ��� Contact Person 8 Phone: Couicilrtrernber hlelgen 2fi6�8650 IAustBe on Council Agert Contrad Type: RE-RESOLUiION Total � of Signature Pages Date tr�itia ��,� �� Assign Number For Routing Ortler (Clip NI Locations for Signature) Green Sheet NO: 3031164 0 ae 1 mt Dir 2 3 4 5 Requesting that the Saint Paut Planning Commission add a new chapter to the City of Saint Paul Comprehensive Plan to address Human Development. Watiais: Appm�e (A) a Rejec[ (R): Plm�ning Canmission CIB Committee Ciwl Service Commissian Personal Service 1. Flas this person/fiim e�er wvrked under a contract forthis department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirtn e�er 6een a cBy empioyee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill rrot normally possessed by any curterR city employee? Yes No Explain all yas answers on sepa2te sheet and attach W green sheet Ntitiating Problem, lssues, Oppwqinity �Who, What, When, Where, WhyY AdvantageslFApproved: Disadvanpges N Approved: Disadvantages 8 Not Approved: Tronsaction: Funding Source: Financial Infortnation: �Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Acfivity Number: Jw�e 27, 2006 6:54 PM Page 'I ��P' ���1 PLANNING COMMLSSION � BrcanAlfon. Chnir w J���D� �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Chris[opherB. Ca[eman, Mayor 25 Wut Fourth Street Teiephone: 657-266-6700 SniniPau{MN55l0? Fncs�mde.651-228-3220 Allgi1S125, 2��6 Council President Kathy Lantry and Members of the City Council Crty Hall – Suite 310 15 West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55102 RE: Human Development Principles for the Comprehensive Plan Dear President Lanhy and Council Members: In June the City Council by Resolution #06-579 asked the Planning Commission to consider preparing a new Human Development chapter for the Compxehensive Plan. The Commission and City staff have discussed the Council request and we would like to propose, as an alternative, that the Planrung Commission do a synthesis of human develop principles gathered from the organizations that work on social issues in the city. The pnnciples will be used as guidehnes for the preparation of the Comprehensive Plan of 2008, for which the Planning Commission is now organizing. We expect that the principles will also be incorporated into the summary chapter of the Comprehensive Plan. The Planning Commission reached the alternative of doing human development principles after weighing several considerations. First, the Planning Commission agrees with the City Counci] about the importance of human development issues for the future well-being of our city. Although the Comprehensive Plan, as mandated by state law, is largely a plan for the city's physical development and redevelopment, the underlying purposes of comprehensive planning are social and economia Having an explicit set of human development principles in front of us as we work on the Comprehensive Plan will help us to understand relationships and priorities for future inveshnents in the city. Second, the City is one of many entities that affect human development. Human development is a collaborative enterprise with no one "in charge." Ramsey County, the Saint Paul School District, the United Way and other shared giving organizarions, the Wilder Foundation, faith- based organizations, arts organizations, volunteer groups—all of them play important roles in human development. Therefore, planning for human development has to be collaborative. The Planning Commission proposes to contact major participants in human development and gather human development principles from their mission statements, current iniriatives, pzogram goais, and budget priorities. The Commission will collate and edit this information into the human development principles that the Planning Commission will submit to the Council. We believe AA-ADA-EEO E�LOYER � Y / �� � Council President Lantry and Council Members August 2�, 2006 Page 2 that a collective statement of our shared principles will sharpen the Crty's and other panc�ipants' awareness of the commumry's direction and priorities. Third, the Planning Commission and staff don't at this point have the capacity to do a full Human Developmeni chapter for the Comprehensive Plan. linder state law, the City has to do five new or updated chapters in the next 18 months (the Land Use, Transportafion, Parks, Aousing, and Water chapters). The chapters are supposed to be drafted by early 2008 for six months of public review and submitted to the Metropolitan Council in the fall of 2008. The Planning Commission is about to set up task forces for the five chapters. And finally, our experience in the human development arena is that the most effective way to make progress is for the City to join broader initiatives and wrthin them to find roles where City govemment can provide effective leadership and services. Currently, for example, the Mind the Gap mitiative has regional momentum across the private, pubhq and nonprofit sectors. The Crty's Second Shift Program addresses one of the needs of children and families in Saint Paul in a way that is fully m sync with minding the gap. I understand that the Mayor and the Council are working on other similar programs to be initiated by City govemment. Pragmatically, our time and energy are better spent on building support for specific initiatives than attempting to write comprehensive policies that would invite debate over polirical philosophies. The Planning Commissron will try to report on human development principles for the Comprehensive Plan by the end of this year. The Planning Commission will start work on the approach described above in Septeinber. If the Council would like the Planning Commission to use a different approach or Council members have suggestions about how to proceed, please call me at 651-290-0301 or Larry Soderholm at 651-266-6575. ncerely, Brian Alton Chair cc: Mayor Coleman Nancy Homans Cecile Bedor Trudy Moloney Larry Soderholm