218668 '{j � � ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHI2K � ' ���'{f!'� = ' " CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � -� � F�� NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �RESENTED EY M 1 ton Ros COMMISSIONE DA� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the plans and specifications for constructing sanitary sewer on Minnesota �Avenue from Marion Street to 230 feet west of Marion Street for the Village of Roseville, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 10725, approved January 20, 1956, for the connection of the public sewer system of the Village of Roseville with that of the City of Saint Paul , prepared by the chief engineer of said� Village and approved by the Village Council of Roseville, and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Wortcs and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all things app�oved. Grouncil File No. 218688—By Milton 'Rosen— Resolved, By the Council oE the City of Saint Paul that the plans and speci- � ffcations £or constructing sanitary •.sewer on Minnesota Avenue from ,Marion Street to 230 feet west of Mari= on Street for the Village of Roseville, ` ` ' ' � authorized by and sub�ect to the pro- visions, terms and conditions of the '�"- City of Saint Paul Ordinance No. 30725, approved January 20, 1958, for the con- nection of the public sewer system of the Village of Roseville with that of the City o4 Saint Paul,prepared by the chief engineer of said Village and ap- � proved by the Village Councll of Rose- ville, and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works and the Chief Engineer, hereby are in all things approved. Adopted by the Council June 12, 1984. Approved June 12;1964. - (June 20, 1984) JUN 1��� `G� - COIJNCILI�N - Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish .lU�1121�' Holland � Appr ve 19— Loss v Tn F'aVOr ^ Meredith ,\ U Mayor rson �lcfPng A gainst �— �iE���9�en'ry'.:5�'g:'o�FS1I1��'E:°e� � - 1VIr. Vice President (Rosen) 1oM ba4 DUrLIGTC TO rRINT[R . � ��('���� - CITY OF ST. � ��� ; r PAUL Fo�NC�� NO � OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOt�M rRESENTED tY F�I�tOCJ R03�i'1 COMMISSIONEt DATE lt�SOLYEO, By �he Councli of ths �lty� of �aint Psul that ths plans and �pec(ficetions �or constructtng sani�t8ry sewer on Hinnesata Av�nas from Itar ton'St�e�t to 230 �fse� w+�st bf Mar'ian Strcat for the V i I lsge� of Rossv I I 1�. �uthorized by and sub,jcct to th� 'p'rovi�lons� tmrns and canditions� of ths City of Sa int �Pau i 0'Pd f nance No. 10725. �pproved .lanwry 20, 1956, For ti�� connect�on' bf th� pub6re sewer aysts,� of ths Viiiag� of Roseville with thar of the Ctty ofi $aint Paul, prepared by th� chieF enqinear �f saEd Yiliaga , � and approved'by the Yill�ye Council af �Ros�vilie, �nd h�retofor¢ sub�itt�d to �nd �pproved by the Commissionor of Pubi ic 1,torks and �he Chief �rtigic�er, h�reby are tn a� l things approved. ,,., ,� ,� �,� ,� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ,;',','� -1 " "� '. �L �� :}°��-'.. Holland � Approved 19— I.oss ,�~ '� � Tn Favor Meredith erson � �SyOT �n_ A g8iII8t ��:pr•���r��;::�����ac��:� ........................ ..::�:: .... - . . .:•,t �iioS�n� ionc e-as