218662 � ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK a ,r� -�• �• CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ������G '' Y � ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. -� -� _ - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM ,�6 _� � pT'� �D PRESENTED BY 1 COMMISSIONE DATE �.�rL� ' 'WT . / RESOLUED, That the Council hereby approv�es the award o� the Contract Committee therefor and hereby awa,rd.s contract for ��I:shing aLl la.bor, ma.terials, . -.�_ equipment an.d services necessary for and reasonab],y incidental to the insta.11ation of the ga.s-�ired conversion burner in Fire Sta,tion lYo. 24, 1720 East Seventh - - Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota, to TSE K�ATT. COM].'ANY� INC. in accorda.nce with � , City plan and specifYcations there�'or hereto �attached and the Informal Bid #6937 of said The Kimball Compa�y, Inc. for the contract price of $�-5.00, such bid Ueing the lawest and said The Kimball Compa�y, Inc. be3ng a reasonable and reliable bidder, a.nd the Corp.ora.tion Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City o��icials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on beha].f of the City o� Sain.t Pau1. �T—.---_- Informal Bid �i�� ' #�937• �� Zcil Flle No. 218662—By Dean - � �redith— - " 'iil solved, That the Council hereby �t.rnces the award of the Contract —� . - �.ar,�n'_ttee therefor and hereby awazds •' - u':1�:�i',Cor furnishing all labor, ma- . -it 1�.�'�nuinxer,t and services neces- ' L43:tc:i' �'.,.;�n_:bly incidental to • �r.i���a3c'c t;.�rs:�gas-fired conver- • t .zoii»t �taLr:,�:on No. 24, 1720 - - ' ''caf �in7;G�;:3 t.,����) .7�_,1_„ � it Y .K"'v�, �s.zia avu-atr!,ttMY . � � �iotl� . •S[e:aN • _ i t?u �.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci�.�N 1219� 19— Yeas Nays . ' - � n�,��.sh � JUN 121964 - . Holland ; �� Approved 19— Loss . -- In Favor � ���1 � ' g�so 6 Mayor � o�s�n� A gainst q��� 1�E9�.���u�"ei4:�;:�'��,',�;;�;�:��� ::::: . . Mr.�yice�President (Rosen� sM 6-G1 ' ' DUrLICATE TO PRINTER ��V��� � �- ^ � � CITY OF ST. PAUL F,OENCIL NO .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �, y COMMISSIONER DATE � ""'� 1� �0�) �1�8'1'i 't+�}� Cr01$C�.7. ��1.°�J3T 8�7�i11�Y�E'6 '�8' � 01' �+a�1 �"r0�1'�'iZ'8C� QO�.'1'i�� �erefor ar�d �era�y �rards Qon�i;ac� for �;1,ahing a�l]. ]�bc>�, ��e�1.s1.�, aQu�t.pa�nt and e�rv�.c.as a,ece�saz�y 3'4r aud reascaae.b�,y 3�,aidr�ta,� $o the 3ast:a.J.�ati.an of �e ga,���3.i�^�$ aosivcrsio�i '[�n�x' 3n Fi�e S�at3an, Pfo. 2�, l'T20 �� Seveath &�reQt�,' Sain�t Paul,� Mi�te�o�ta to T� �I, C4�Il'ARYt I�C:, i� aceordaace �ri.t�, City plan �nd .s�c��i,cat�.art� ti�xe�o� b�eret� e.�t�c2�d a�td the �n,�'orn�l Bid �937 c�� �.� �Eae� :�i3�a�,7.°���Pa�y., �n�r �or t�� ���on�tra;�t ���R a� $9�+5.OQ; � ��.d be3,ng � �.ca�est ;a�td.��e3c� ��..�.�,31 G�Y: iac* bQi�1g �'a rg�a�c�sa,ble sad �eLtabye bidc�er, � tl�e Cbr,�oratia} Ctra�e3. ''�e �d. �e�by 3,s .dir�cted f,o dra�r �P '�e P�?� �'6� bf caei��'act ther�.for, �,nd t� proper Gity oPfic3el� Y��eby are author3zec� to execut,� sa�d ¢on-�x�act on '�al� o� �ie Gi�Ly of Sa�3ht Paul. 7rt�orim,l. �.d 4��37';• ' ,� , . , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouncilJUN �, 219� �9 �� Yeas Nays „'\ ��.g1ia� J UN 121� . �, Holland Approved 19—�, Loss , ; n Favor ' i �4e��so� � ' 1 '� .Ee�e�eex-- n � Mayor � � D^�.^� �Against � �� �i'L�ii� ' A �+ � 11 11!��;;;;�?x�'s'iden�,;.Y�Qoulis� � ;r � ... .....::::....�...:........::�.� i 111r. Vice�resident (Kosem , t sM L'-G1 �� i� I � ' 1V �