218654 r � �1���4 counoil File rro.__......._............. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. PUBLISHED G -/ 3- �� Theundersignedhereby proposesthemskingofthefollowingpublioimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,viz.: Construct sanitary sewer in BERRY STREET from Territorial Road to Pearl Street; ........--•......................_____._.........---••----------.......--•--•----------......_...�.....----------•-------..._.....�_.......----•---•-------•--.........-----..._..._...._..._.. construct Sanitary sewage pump station in Territorial Road at Berry Street; also, ......-•------•.......................•-------------•---•-••------....-•-----•-•---•-•--......_-----------------------....---------•------.._......--------•-------._...----......-•-----•---•••- construct force main in Territorial Road from Berry Street to the existing sewer ...------••-•---••-•--•--------....___-------------•-----•-----....---.....-----•-------•--....-----------•--..............-•-----------------------------...........................----•--------- in Territorial Road approximately 650 feet west of Eustis Street. ----------•--•---•-------------------------------------•----.........._...-•-----•--..............._...-------•---•--•-----......._...._......_.......--•-------••--•-••---• --... _........_.... , . Dated thie.........1.Oth,.---.day of..........June.----•--.._..--•---•-•-----•------•------------- -•-----, 19 -•----• �� .........................•-• - •-- - _ ....----••-----.........--------••------•------------ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Construct sanitary sewer in BERRY STREET from Ter-ritorial Road to Pearl Street; --------------•-•-------•-------•--•------......•--•----•-----•---•--._.....-•-•---...._...___...--•------•-•--•----•---•--•-------........----•--•---....__...--•-------........._......-•---•--- construct Sanitar sewa e um station in Territorial Road at Berr Street; also, - ----------------------•-•-•----•-------Y---------•--�--...P......P. .. .....---............_._...-------•------------...-------------._.._...Y.------------...._...----------.._..._. construct force main in Territorial Road from Berry _Street .to..the_ existin� sewer__ __ , ------•-------------------•-•-------------------------••--•-•--•---------•___-••--•-----•-..........•-----•--•----•- in Territorial Road approximately� 650 feet west of Eustis Street. �s�. ; ...............•---------•--•-•--•--....---•--•-•---------......--°---•-___-•----------------...-------•------•-••----......--------•--•-----•----------...It• .l EYle No. 218854 — By Milton ,8v ;Fi— , having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..................... ' p � - ...........................:.. :eas, A written �•;: osal for the - �. ^ of the folloc°�;,,_improvement, therefore, b8 lt r t �,tm", ^ ' � ^in BERRY RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worka be and is hereby ordered and iif�.�tr�: -;f^-a��5�ua�."`3��e�� 6lidUn' intss' ro;+'� ttsi,i ,`�Z ' 1. To inveatigate the neceseity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improveme�l�:' ��' ;'.I' �r , r -. 2. To investigate the nature, extent a,nd estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furniah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. � � 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to the Commiesioner�of �nance. " . JUN 11 -1964 Adopted by the Council..__------------------------------------------------•-----.........._...._. —� YEAB NeYa � t,� JUN 11 ��� _ `� Councilman Da 1 g 1 i sh " ' Holland Approved.---......__...- --••-----------•--------------------------------------- ��.. - »;'� Los s ���,1�c./c� �* '- MaLti-ASOR . _ � Peterson - . '�• " �Rosen .....---•---- ••-------------- ---- ------------------_____... ..._._.__ �a" Ma. PaESin�xT. Vavou 1 i s � Mayor. � �3 w- �.� 3000 7-54 - ti' _ , 1 � . L , ,� . 1 ' . �t �