218650 � ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK ' « �'^��'�+'�o "` � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � �RESENTED CY M i 1 ton Ros en �' PUBLISHED G -/3-G � COMMISSIONE DAT� e �� In the matter of improv'i�ng ARCH-PENNSYLVANIA HIGHWAY from Rice Street to I .S. No. 35E by grading, paving, curbing; by constructing and reconstructing sidewalk; by reconstructing the intersecting alley, street, and driveway returns; by constructing storm water drainage facilities; by constructing sewer, water and gas service connections, by constructing an ornamental lighting system and by doing all other w�rk which. is necessary and incidental V to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C.F. #215381 , approved November 6, 1963. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement (excepting the ornamental lighting) as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved and be it further resolved, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to adver�tise for bids on this improvement. � -• Council •Flle No. 218850—By Milton ' Rosen— ' � In the matter of improving ARCFI- • PENNSYLVAPIIA HIGI3WAY from Rice Street to I.S. No. 35E by grading, pav- . ing, curbing; by constructing and re- constructing sidewalk; by reconstruct- ing the intersecting alley, street, and driveway .returns: .by constructing storm water drainage facilitles; by con- structing sewer; water and gas service connections; by constructing an orna- mental lighting system and by doing all other work which is necessary and Sn- �� ' cidental to complete said improvement, � 4 under Preliminary Order C. F. No. uN 1 1 215381, approved November B, 1963. Resolved, That the lans and 1 9_ COLJNCILI�N n sneo- he Council j , iHcations tor the above named improve- ment (excepting the ornamental light- ��� �J ��� Yeas IJaYs ing) as submitted by the Commissioner 1 'of Public WoYks, be and the same are Dal lish hereby approved, and be it further g Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be and he is hereby directed to adver- rOVBd 19— Holland . �tise for bids on this improvement. Adopted by the Councll June 11,19&}. LOSS Approved June 11, 1964. r (June 13, 1984) � Meredith ` Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis - - iont a�s `-./ + DUrLICAT!TO MINT[R �j����o ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL Fo�NCi� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORtv! n��s�,�o�r M i i ton �os�n COMMISSIONER DATF in the a�tt�r ofi i�rov�ng AI�CH-��NIi�YLVANiA MICHI�IIY fro� Rice Streat to I.S. Wo. 35E by gr�ding, paving, curbtnyi by constructinq and raconstrucfitng sidawalk; by reconatructing ths intar�ecti�g �lley. str�t, ac�d drivaway returns; by +consfiructir+g stocs� w�ter drainags faciliti�s� by constructing sewer, water and gas �ervi�� corm�ctivn�, by const�uctinq an ornaa�u+t�l lighttng systs� a+nd by doinq a11 otlx�ar aork which is nscassary and tncidental to ccxu�,l�te s�id ia4provea�ant, under Pr�l imioary brd�r 6.F. �1538� . approved Nov�mb�r 6, 19b3. Resolved, Tha�t the pi�ns �+nd sp�ci�ications for the above namad tinprov�ment {excepting the orn�+mental � lighting� as submitted by the Cor�rni$sioner of Pu61Ic Works� be �nd the s� are hereby approved and be it Further r�soived, th�t the I�ufcha�sing Agent be and he is hGreby diractEd to advertf:e for bids on this frnprove+ment, r� � r�� l�J ( � 6 � ;li� (� �� � ,� � � �' 'J � �` 19� JUN 11 COUNCILIuIEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� 1� i�� Dalglish � Hollaad � 1 Approved 19— Loss I Tn Favor Meredith Peterson � �YOr g'Sin9t Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis 1o�s e-es