D001511� ADMINIS'I'RAT"IVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the improvement described No. � L5� i Date �O CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATI VE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4.01-41 � J as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion. CP-4 Buildina Construcrion known as Contract L-_City Project NoA15ll7 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the following: 2. .— - City Cterk `- Finance Dept. _ - Dept Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (HGA) - Contrac[or _ - Project Manager (CPMI) Delete carpet at Wilkins existing Ballrooms per Proposed Change # 192. Approved by Expansion Coordinating Committee 18 November 1997. Reason: Owner requesUvalue engineering. Provide bumished block at northeast side of Exhibit Hall per Field Order kF4,156. Approved by Expansion Coordinating Committee 18 Novem6er 1997. Reason: To provide uniform look in Exhibit HaII. Total {$29.52 t AO) $23,892.00 ($5,629.00) ORDERED, Tttat the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $(5.629.00) , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as contract L-, 930-90300-0898-00000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. and which amount is to be financed from: Z la 19 l � 19 � a � i9 JO � ' /% \ '�'\`\� � 1998 Dire,� f Human Rights Expan on o r'natin ommittee Director oY Civic C ter � � A chrtect M.A. Mortenson c or . �iL.Erx-�� {J�� OY TOTAL # OF SIC�NATURE PAGES UTqN REOUESTEO: N° 51554 �� J� � _ � q GREEN SHEET � INITIAVDATE INITIAUDATE // � DEPARTMENT DIRECTOH � pTY GOUNCII ��`� ���� NVMBEFFOR {: �CINAtTOHNEY �� �CfTYCLERK � BUDGET DIRECTOR � FIN 8 MGT SEflVICES DIR. ROIfT{NCs � ORUER (�'� MAYOR �OA A551$TAM) � 6�—� (CLVP ALL �OCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) � si., _. � y� �„ ��-� �y � � 1t /�� � ���5 6>-�- � _ PIANNING COMMISSION CIVIL SERVICE � __ CIB COMMITTEE � £� _ $TAFF _ _ OIS7AICT CDIIRT _ SUPPORTS WNICH COUNCIL O&IECTIVE� s e e PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE fOLLOWING OUESTIONS: t. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this department? YES NO 2. Has Nis perwnRirm ever 6een a ciry employee? VES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normally possessetl by any cwrent city employee? YES NO Explain ali yes answaro on aeperate ahaet and enaeh to grean aheet wnvl: ����� � FEB 11 199� ��YO�'s �F��� DISA�VANTAGES IF REGEI�IEQ MAR 2 31998 GITY CLERK I�J �'EE 12 i99� {�EPS: G3F {�lih��N �lG�iTS 71Sl�VANTAGES IF NQT APPR�VED� 7R$ q�F.°�,..�9 ME+sm+{ ��� �i�� 1�S�u I iTAL AMOUN7 OF TqANSACTION S CS�p OZ �. QO � COS7/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NDINGSOURCE «'-*� 4ita-r�'-G ��� �� 'n���NUMeER �� ANCIAL INFORbfATION: (E AIN) NO �� CPMI s ROUTING TRANSMITTAL CHANGE ORDER Attached please find 7 copies of Change Order GP4,�1-4'i for signaturestrouting. I.�i5ll -�, r �� _ � �': � ` � ' �i �s'� f? r� .° ~ ' � � V �} J�N 2 � f � ; ;- h x ,. .n. ��,���� �.l u�r�., �('� � V Per the Partnering Session, the Change Orders are to be routed as listed below. As you receive it from the firm lisfed above your name, piease review, sign and SEND IT DIRECTLY TO THE FIRM listed below your �ame. When you send it to the firm listed below your name, please do the fol(owing: 1. 2. 3. 4. . Verify all 7 copies are signed. SEND ALL COPIES TO THE NEXT FIRM. Initial and date this transmittai u�der the coiumn "pate Received" and "Initial". Fiii in the date you forward to the next firm under the column "Date SenY'. Send a COPY of the transmittal to CPM{ THE SAME DAY you forward the change order 3225-404.9 A13225\CP-41co-lot 5. Cali CPMI at 298-5409 if you have any questions. • � LJ PROJECT: CONTRACTOR Saint Paut Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota M.A. Mortenson PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount PO # 015117 PO # CO No. Cd.01-Q1 C4.01-02 C4.01-03 C4.01-04 C4.0'i-OS C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.01-16 C4.01-11 C4.01-12 C4.Q1-13 C4A1-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-18 C4.01-19 CA.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.01-23 C4A1-24 C4.01-25 C4.01-26 C4.01-27 C4.Q1-28 C4.01-29 C4.01-30 G4.01-31 C4.01-32 C4.01-33 C4.01-34 C4.0135 C4.01-36 C4.01-37 C4.01-38 C4.Q1-39 C4.01-40 Deduct (4,535.50) (4,422.0�) (9,016.00) (23,313.00) $33,973,Q00.00 385,700.0� Add 34,475.00 151, 969.00 29,684.00 10,193.00 24,598.00 86,610.00 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,OOD.00 15,46Q.00 50,000.00 3,253.00 24,705.00 29,18&.OQ 40,889.00 8,883.0a 19, 081.00 5,531.00 8,734.00 4,715.00 21, 389.00 14,593.00 18,700.00 10,723.00 182,948.00 354,744.56 28,970.00 37,566.00 13,D97.�Q 23,813.00 187,332.00 8,219.00 14,459.00 3,124.00 20, 398.00 DATE ISSUED: �"" CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT T17LE: CONTRACT DATE: " ' '23 January 1998 CP-4.01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 ,� , PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion Project Saint Pauf, Minnesota • CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortensan PO Box 710 Minneapolis, MIV 55440 Original Contrect Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4.01-41 Subtotal Totai Deduct (5,629.00) (46,915.501 $1,505,950.06 �.. $1,552,865.56 DATE ISSUED: '' � CONTRACT NO.: CONTRACT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: � ` ( 23 January 1998 CP-4 01 Building Construction Multiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract . inciuding this Change Order: $35,864,650.06 s . �, �S�I i `� . , COIVTRACTOR'S PROPOS Contractor Proposal No.: PCO# 192 Date: 14 Januarv 1998 Project: ST. PAUL CIVIC CENTER CP.4 Coniract No.: 4.01 A change '�cope of the work is requested as indicated below: /��tf' / V �,, l /Y ����� It is reque$ted the compietion date be ( 1 extended, (! decreased, {) unchanged by cal�Sar d�ys. The adjusted completion date wi(I be p � 5 ty } 2� Description f the change: {Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if appiicable). .�rR&�ere_ P No.: ; FO No.: ; PCO Na.: 192 Basis of payment: (Check one} lXl Firm price for performing this change is Adequate supporting details and intormation must be attached to atlow Owner to evaluate. () Time and materiai per contract, but not to exceed () Actual cost at completion of work $ (29.521.001 {Increased) {Deduct) S Submitted bY� M. A. MORTENSON Date: 1 ffi Contractor �� � O� � Contractor Signawre • — - — FOR CPMf USE Action Recommendad: (Check onel () Change will �ot be made. Explain: CPMI Job No.: 3225 �Proceed on the toliowing 6asis: {) As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptable. t) Change is accepta6le, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shatl be $ �((E The following modification is recommended: (! Change in completion date is accepted. ( 1 Change is acceptable with no change in price. �Change is acceptable with no change in completion date. ( � Other Z, Reason for Change: O Design Change ( 1 Client Request O Field Condition C � . � U {) Suggested by Contractor �Design Omission or Other iexplain) �Gi�2- �iY�� �} D V 3. Is this a part of the originaf contract scope? ( y YES �NO 4. Is Contractor's Estimate attached? �.YES O NO 5. AtE consulted. �YES ( ! NO Prepared by: �SVA/ "� tCPMI} � Approved by i , ��,�.���; Approved 7 CPMI inc., c/o Saint Paul Civic Cenier,�LA. �'Shaughnessy Plaza, 743 West Fourth Street, cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehrinq Date: �� Date� Date: 3225- �� �f-14�gg St. Paul C+vic Center Expansion ���� Summary Change Proposa{ l ���� ST C�IE�C CENTER IXPANS�Ip o:4s�oaz Tt+eCocmuaionOr�o sairoraauc, nnv ssioz PH.� 61?/193-4154 FAX� 6!1l193-9557 Desuiption: PCO#192 TRfe: Delete carpeUtloors @ Existing Wilkins Ba{Iroom 561 $ Amowt Mortenson Labor. (See atfached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) MoRenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) $ - $ - $ - $ - General Conditians: $ � (Mortenson Work) SUBTOTAL M.A.Mortenson $ - S UBCONTRACTORSNENDOfZS 1. St Paul linoleum & Carpet $ (29.000) � 2. Summit $ (245) 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ � 7. $ - 8. � ' 9. � ' 10. $ SUBTOTAL SubNend $ �29 SUBTOTAL Fee SUBTOTALTax M. A Mortenson Company Feei Su6conitactorsNendors Fee 5°!0: M. A. Mortenso� Wo�ic t5°Ja: iotaf Materiaf & Equipment S M. A. Mortenson Material 8 Equipment Tax: $ - $ - $ - 7% $ SUBTOTAL: M. A. Martenson + SubNend+ Fee+ Taz $ i29,2457 Buddets Risk GCL lnsurance Gosts Payment & Pehormance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurence 8 8onds 0.0007 (S.72lfhousand) 0.0038 ($3.77ffhousand) 0.005D ($4.9593rThousand) S (21) S (t 10) � (145) $ (276) TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ �Z9�`'Z�� Page 1 JRN-14-1998 16�10 '1 • '�.- �:�� •` FROl�T: ra: � � �s�'i�st� D�11'GU�Son? Phone: �` /� " 1� Fax Phone: � / � y �JJ � -- � RE: V J !"/�` l)L �l/1 � <��c!< 612 686 6660 P.gliel GARYFARSUND ST. PAUL LItVOLEt/1:9 & CARPET COAbPANY 2956 CENiER CQU,41' EAGAN, NrN 55i2i-125T Phone: 692-686-7770 Fax Phone: 612-686-6 RE/�FARKS: ❑ Urg�r•t ❑ Fotycvrrevi�r� . ST. PAUL LINO 8 CARPET CO �GSII ��afe ` �/JU�4R,� 1 � l � / _y' I ' �Numbe� of �ages inciud�ng cover sheet / ❑ RepIyASAP [] Ptea.e Ccr,,.r,er.: TOTRL P.��1 .., :�i.r;:�.�:;i4;�;.,5.-.;. :_.., - _. "�'��''DGT=�9-299? ' 1�:��4 � — _ . , _ •:��.s�t-.,; _.. '-- � � � �-- �.,�'. � . � P:Rc = �.:;_: . ` _ __� .'. Bid/Proposal Date: From: Jab: Attn: 7 012 919 7 PAULA ELL1S CIVIG CENTER � JASON LAW SBCtlOt1: Q8211-Wx�od Doors 1 �/27 Cancel 561 per Jason �245.OQ Doors cance(ed after 8/1!97 refiect a veneer cancel(aiion ctrarge. if this transmission is incompiete or you have any questions piease cali 612J292-9711 THE RIG13T DDOR, Ol� TIME SU1VllVltT DOQR, lIVC. i 30 Eva Street St. Paui, MN �5102 (6i 2)292-97� 7 Fax(6i2}292-0129 (800)343-3264 r` : , �I Z i�f5� 1 � MORTEHS4H The Canstruction Organi�ation � 14 January 1998 Susanfones CPMI c f o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street St. Pau( MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: . Dear Susan: � rr �=i- � Ffk�Cw:l i_ . i ? JAN 1 5 i998 i i ; {.,�,� � ! .ii Ivl% Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Pzoject #951042 � Minneapolis Office 70Q Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0770) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Teiephone: (612) 522-2160 Facsimile: (612) 5203430 PCO#192 - Delete Carpet and Wood Doors @ Existing Willcins Baliroom 561 In accordance with conversations between CPMI and Mortenson, we understand that the Owner wishes to delete the speciEied carpet and wood doors at the Existing Wilkins Ballroom 561. We offer a credit of Twenty-Nine Thousand Five Hundred Twenty-One Dollars (-$29,521.00) for the deleted work. Enclosed are copies of suUcontractor proposals and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional information or clarification on the enclosed. We have not proceec�ed with the procurement of these deleted materials. Please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted indudes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract noY specificatly identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposaI for addifional costs and flme related to the impact of this change on nnchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very tru(y yours, �� � � Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager £ile: CPMI �J PCO#192 M+nneapolis•Seattie•Oenver•CoioradoSprings•Mifwaukee•GrantlRapids•San Francisco•Honolutu•�os Angeles 11f20l97 • � St. Pau! Civic Genter Expansion ��j "' � Summary ChangeProposaf � ✓��_�� i��511 ��a� ST. PAUL C/V/C CENTER EXPRNS/ON ,� ,_ _, n , 300EAGLESTREET IOBID:951042 SRlN7'PAIJL.:NN 551l7? PK 6!?I?93Ai.i4 FdX- 6/?Q93_955? � Description: Title: Add 4" BCMU veneer @ Ex-Hafl northeast comer Mortenson Labor: (See attached) Mortenson Maferial: (See attached) Mortenson Equipment (See attached) Assoaated Costs (Change Proposai) $ Amount $ 11.892 "_� ftE��i`JEC'r $ � sszs � , NQ�:� u i E99� r s ,,76s C��1 � _... -._..�.�.__�_._..._,.._ _.. .. __.��. --_' General Contlittons: � - (MOAenson Work) SUBTOTAL M. A. Mortenson $ 20,154 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1 3 a 5 SubNend SUBTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNend + Fee � Tax $ 23,668 M. A. Mortenson Company Fee� SubcontractorsNendors Fee 5%: S - M. A. Mortenson Work 15%. $ 3,02^0 SUBTOTAL Fee $ 3,028 Total Material & Equipment $ 6,525 M. A. Mortenson Material & Equipmeni Taz: 7% $ n57 SUBTOTAL7ax � a,7 Buildets Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAL Insurance & Bonds Q.0007 ($.72lThousand) 0 0038 (53.77fihousand) D.0�50 (54.9593/Thousand) 5 $ $ 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ I% 5 :,9 5 117 $ 224 TOTAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 23,892 Page 1 • � 2 � y Z Q 4 k W w ti W U U > () J � Q � �\ ti a .� c �n � Y � M �i � b m O 'm Z d a n ' °' U � � t� �5[ 1 � N m � � � �n � h T �g mo q r F co �n O � � (J Il� � M � tD U h � � ^ � N � m !D b � Q 6 N o'l N O a0 f� N �- (7 O � LLO � o � v �. .- � Q� N o n � a�, ro Y K 1� N N tn � ^ N V p a o �" c �O �n -i m "' O � Z Q 4� n p� � O N N N V J W Q � pj � tn Y Q> Y Z r N � Q rn n� � ? � � '[� e n n. m � � w F- rn Z m � o 0 0 0 0 W �n d o 0 0 0 0 a ^ N o o c�.� o K Q U K r �� A °' o 0 0 , o°o W Z o n o 0 0 0 0 U LL � W m � �v m c�'� m� � V � � t0 O�- N Q1 Z r N � c�9 Q �-�t N Q Y O N � � J � Q m C J � � 0 � O Z » � � W Z � W ?> O m m !L � � K N � 0: m `p J J _ �O .0 p U` S � Q m a m n c F- m r fL � -� J �°u��i O K O y V � � � m o r 3 m o � LL ��� N � N 0.. �T�, ►fl� ����► _ �. r r. r C.P. No. 0 fteference: Date� � 1120l97 � �COlS► i ST. PAUL C!V!C CEN7ER IXFANSION 300EAGLESI'REET JOB[D:9SIn-q SA/MPAUL.,NN J510? PH: 611Z93-9154 fAY� GI>J?93-955, Material Quantity Unit Unit Cost Tota! Measure d" burnlshed cmu 2237 ea 2.55 5704.35 mortar 160 ea 325 520.00 tlurowall 2 bndl 43.80 87.60 ties 1 Is 700.00 100.00 dearnng agent 3 pl 37]2 113.16 0.00 0 00 o.00 0 00 o.00 o.00 o.ao 0 00 o.00 a.00 Subtotal = 6525.91 Page 1 � . Eqpt. � `� 6 � ST. PAUL CtV1C CENTER EYPANSION C.P. No. Referertce: Oate: 0 t � 12Q197 300 EdGLE 57REET lOB iD� '�� 1042 SdGG'TP,tUL..�4t�' 35702 PK GlS93-9lad Fd.Y.� b!J?93-9557 I I � EQPT. � � EQPT. I forklift hrs 20 7.50 150 scaffoid - 30 frames days 14 106.50 1491 cement mixer days '14 8.95 '125.3 0 0 Q 0 0 � D TOTAL EQUIPMENT 1766.3 Page 1