06-572Return copy to: (BJE)
PW/Technical Services — Real Estate
1000 City Hall Annex
Presented By
Council File # ��__ �,� �
Green Sheet #
I � -�
Referred to ` Committee: Date
WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation ('`Division") has received a request from the owner of a vacant,
undeveloped parcel of land east of 741 Bay Street in Saint Paul (PIN # 11-28-23-44-0083) to purchase his
property ("the Property"); and
W HEREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("City"), currently owns puk land at the southeast comer of B ay Street and
�scazora Avenue, lying adjacent to and immediately north of the Property, and which if combined with the
Property would create a one-half-acre pazcei of pazk land in a dense residentiai neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the Property has offered to sell it to the City for his cost to acquire and maintain it; and
WHEREAS, the ValuaUon & Assessments Engineer of the Pu61ic Works/Technical Services Division, Real
Estate Sec6on has determined that the owner's asking price is consistent with the value of similar properties in
SaintPaul; and �
WHEREAS, the Division recommends that the City purchase the Property for park purposes, with funding to
come from the Parkland Replacement Fund, and has secnred an agreement with the owner for said purchase, a
copy of which is attached hereto; and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Parks and Recreafion Commission concurs with the Division's recommendation, and
further recommends City Council approval of the acquisiflon as documented in its ResoluUOn No. 06-14,
approved June 14, 2006, a copy of which is attached hereto; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council hereby approves the attached purchase agreement and authorizes
and directs the proper city officials to purchase the Froperty for $31,523, plus applicable fees and closing costs; to
pay said amounts from Activity Code 720-50087; and to record the deed with Ramsey County.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date ///li�P �?� �jJil�
Adoption Certified by ouncil Secretary
BY� � �
Approved� r: te `7— � o�
G:�[teal EstzteWcquisilions�Parks and Recreation�BayTriangle�BayTr�angle.CCres.061i06.doc
Parks and Recreation
Bv: % • _
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
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DepartrnenVOfticeMouncii: Date Initiated:
Pw �li<w� ,�� Green Sheet NO: 3031074
Contact Person 8 Phone:
Bruce EngNbrekt
ustBeonC uncilAgend
Total # ot Signature Pages
(Clip NI Locations for SignaW re)
1 arksandRecreation De azmientDirecior
4 un 'I
5 erk G Clerk
City Council approval of resolufion authorizing acquisition of a pazcel of land abutung city park property at Bay Street'and Tuscazora
Avenue for pazk purposes
Apprrne (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
ciB Committee
CiNI Service C ion
_� P4Yk� �ON COMMi�j%Dw
Personal Service Contracts Must Mswerthe Following Questions:
'I Has this persoNfirtn e�erworked under a cwrtract for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirtn e�er been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does ihis personlfirtn possess a skill not noimally possessed by any
cuRent city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and altach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The cunent owner purchased this 5,000 sq ft pazcel at the tas-forfeited lands auction in 2005. He sought approvals to construct a
buiTtling on the lot, but it was not buildable given its long triangulaz shape. The City owns pazk property contiguous to this pazcel.
Pazks and Recxeation has offered to purchase the pazcel at market value to assemble more pazk land for potential future recreational
development. Funding would come from the Parkland Replacement Fund, which was established ro acquire city pazk propeny.
AdvanWges IfAppraved:
The City wiIl have additional pazk laud that, rogether with contiguous pazk land, could be developed into a small passive pazk or
children's play in the future.
Disadvantaqes IfAppraved:
None, except for the cost of the property to the City.
DisadvanYaqes N Not Approved:
The City will have additional pazk land that will be available for fumre development.
TaWI Amouut of
Fund��y source: parkland Replacement
Financial Infortnation: FUnd (#720)
CosNRevenue Budgeted: �'
Activity Number: 72p-50087
June ?6, 2006 5:08 PM Page 1
ne/21/1d26 1s:25
V `� i7 � �
Locaifon of the Reai Estste: East of 741 Ba�rd Avenu�
Salnt Paul. Minnesot� 55102
Legal Description of the sale property:
Asyium Addition No. 1 to the City of St. Paul; Minn. That part rying Northwesterly of the
raiMray right-of-way of Lots 7 thru Lot 12. Blodc 1
4. a) Name and address of Buyer: Ciri of Saipt Paul -- Publlc Works/Real Estate
1000 CRv Hail Annex - 25 Wlest Fourth Stteet
Sail� Paul. Minnesota SS102
b) Name and address of Seller. David A. Iselewa
8414 Savanna Q�ks Lane
Woodburv Minnes 55125-9460
s. A�sed Purchase Prics: � SSLS23.00
6. Real Estate Taxea and Assessments: SeNer has paid fir,�t-half property taxes psyable by
May 1 S, 2006. Buyer sF�all pay second-haff property taxes payebie by October 15, 20�
and all future property taxes and assessments.
7. Conveyance: Seller shall convev fee tftle to the Buver t�y (�uit Claim Deed
8. Ctosing b�tween Buyer and SAller shall occur on June 29. 2006, at whicn time Seller shgll
convey to Buyer the title to the premises. In exchange, Buyer shatl provlde SeE�er proof
that Buyer has paid all outstanding princlpal, interest and fees associated with Seller's
Conbact for Purchase of Tax Forfeited Lands (CAS-24151) fOr 8eid premises, C0lcutated to
be $20,332_32. Buyer shall pay to Seller the remait�der of the purchase price, calculated to
be $'11,190.68, upon raceipt by Ramsey Cbuny of a State Deed to Seller for saiii
premises. The cVosing date may be postponed and rescheduled by mutuel agraement of
tMe parties hereto.
9. Seller shall p�ovide an affidavit on the date of dosing, Indicating that the Seller has not
used or permltted the use of the subject property as a hazardous waste disposal facility as
defined In seCtion 115A.03 Subd.10 of Chapter 121 of the Laws ot Minnesota of t 983, and
that there is no basis to con�lude that tftis property has been subjeCt to or contaminated by
the release of any hezardous substance. hazardous waste, poliutants of oontaminants as
detined in Sectbn 115B.o2 of the Minnesota Statutes.
06/21/2026 18:25 351-501-8638 EXPRESS PLUS INC PAGE BZ
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10. Atl warranties and representations made in this Purchese Agreement shall survive the
closing and the conveyance of title to the property. This Purchase Agreement and a{I
obligations proaiided shatl, to the extent not fuly satisHed and performed by or through the
Closing, survive the ciosing and the conveyance of titfe to the property.
1 i. This Agreement is subject to appraval by the Saint Paul City Council.
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Qate: o V
By: Dete:
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S pau� Parks ana Recreation Commission
300 City Hall Anncac, 25 W. 4th Sueet, Saint Paul, MN 55102 -(651)266-6400
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pazks and Recrearion Commission is an appointed body
established to advise the Mayor and City Council on long-range and city-wide matters related to
Parks and Recreation; and
WHEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recrearion ("Division") has received a request
from the owner of a vacant, undeveloped parcel of land east of 741 Bay Street in Saint Paul to
purchase his properiy ("the Propert�'); and
WF3EREAS, the City of Saint Paul ("Cit}�'), currently owns park land at the southeast
corner of Bay Street and Tuscarora Avenue, lying adjacent to and immediately north of the
Properiy, and which if combined with the Properry would create a one-half-acre parcel of park
land in a dense residential neighborhood; and
WHEREAS, the owner of the Properiy has offered to sell it to the City for his cost to
acquire and maintain it (approximately $31,500); and
WI3EREAS, the Public WorkslTechnical Services Division, Real Estate section has
determined that the owner's asking price is consistent with the value of similar properties in
Saint Paul; and
WHEREAS, the Division recommends that the Property be acquired by the City far park
purposes, with funding to come from the Parkland Replacement Fund; now, therefore
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission concurs with
the Division's request to acquire the Property for park purposes, with funding through the
Parkland Replacement Fund, and recommends approval by the Saint Paul City Council.
Adopted by the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission on June 14, 2006:
Approved: Yeas �°
Nays O
Absent: �
Resolution 06-� 1 y Attested to by:
Staff to the P d Recreation Commission