218634 ,�� , _ Y � • `� 1 � . - ' a•icil File No. 218634—By George J. ORIGINAL TO LITY CLERK Ii'��11IL5, MHyOT- ^�_^�� I �+ r eas, Chapter 581, Session Laws w'O ` 1 b� �4 " 1' I t+�� QF J ;rsota for 1963, according to its COUNCIL � �T �9 �� ,r� provisions, terms and condi- FILE � � OFFICE OF TH� 4'�me operative, upon its ap- rJ� inaior�ty vote of the City COUNCIL RESOLUTIO�V�� 1',e ���:� =,� sein� paw, evi- PiJ$LISI�ED �—� � — �`��� . i � _ , ti:,i a�:ie'•, A.esolution ►RESENTED RY � ` ,.iL ,n3�i`:I7�„ir'"•�tecl'and �: ,.h�..-� •>�+,, u•�•.�,9f.d, COMMISSIONE '� -ATE= : r•�k ,.7'�' i :=,- � ' WHEREAS, Chapter 881, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1963, according to its pertinent provisions, terms and conditions� became operative, upon its approval by majority vote of the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, evidenced by sa�d Council' s Resolution, Council File No. 213377, adopted and approved the 18th day of June� 1963, and the Certifica�e of the City Clerk of said City incorporating a certified copy of said' Resolution� the Printer ' s Aff,id,avit of the Official Publication of the same and all other requisite data� filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota� on the lst day of July, 1g63, in accordance with the Statutes of the State of Minnesota 3n _ -.,� such cases� ,made and provided; and WH�REAS, Said Chapter 881, Session Laws of Minnesota _ for 1g63, among other things, for the purpose of said City' s paym.ent of not to exceed one-third of the Net Project Cost of each of the several Urban Renewal Development ProjectSwithin said City of Saint Paul theretofore designated, by Housing and Redeve lop- -� ment Authority of the City of Saint Pau�., Minnesota, as tYe Down:-, : _ town, Cathedral, Riverview, Hollow� Hollow Expansion, and Selby � Dale Pro�ects and for said City' s payment of any remaining costs of Municipal Buildings and Improvements to be constructed � within or ad acent to the � project areas or any of the same in ° �'� Q accordance with said City' s obligations for such payments as the ,��� � s�ne shall be defined under and by the pertinent Cooperation p Agreement, in respect to each such Pro�ect� by and between said � City and said Housing and Redevelopment Authority� and for the � purpose of said City' s pro�urement of the requisite funds for said � paymertts� authorizes said City to issue and sell its general � obligation bonds� in the aggregate par value amount thereby limited to �i3,75ora�o; and the said i�et Pro�ect Cost being thereby" , � defined a� the public development o�s�ts�f'� sub�ect Pro�ect less its capital proceeds as those terms are defined by Minnesota Sta�.��tes� Section 46� .545� and as the a.mounts thereof shall be estimated by said City Co�u�.cil prior to the delivery of each series of such bonds; and , . COLTNCILI�N Adopted by the Couneil ` 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish , , Holland Approve� 19— � Loss Tn Favor Meredith � Peterson MAyoT A g81II3t Rosen , Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e�s ;. ! ' ������ _ <. Page 2 . ' WH�R�AS.� The Cooperation Agreement applicable to said Downtown Urban Renewal Project entitled� "Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project� Minn. R-20" , has been made and executed by and between s�iid Housing and' Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota and said City of Saint Paul, pursuant to said Authority' s pertiner�t Resolution Noi_..,64-5./27_-3.. and said City Council' s Resolution, Council File No. 218609� a counterpar t of said Cooperation Agreement being filed herewith and by reference being incorporated herein a�.d made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, purpose and 'effect as if said Cooperation Agree- ment were set forth herein verbatim; and WH�RE�S, said City Council� upon due investigation� in the premises� and upon adequate, relevant and reliable factual � bases has estimated and hereby estimates the Public Redevelopment Cost of said Downtown Urban Renewal Area Project� Minn. R-20� in the amount of �26 026,091.00, the Capital Proceeds of said Project� in the amount of �5,717 884.00, and the net cost of said Project� in the alnount of $20,30�,247.00; and WHER�.AS upon the bases of reasonable cost estimates _prepared by said �iuthority and made by said City Council, hereunder, ` �� it a ppears that the net Project Cost of said Downtown Urban R Renewal .Area Project, Minn. R-20 to be incurred by said ' � Authority constituting the difference between the gross cost of said Pro�ect and the proceeds derived from the disposi ti on of the land and other property sold by the authority, amounts to �20,308,247.00 of which amount �5,077�062 .00 shall be .provided� to said Authority� by said City of S aint Paul, in the form of local grants-in-aid under said Cooperation Agreement; the said amount being representative of substantially one-fourth of the , aforesaid Net Project Cost; and WHERE,AS� under and by the provisions� terms and condi- tions of said Cooperation Agreement said City has become and is `�- , obligated, on account of said local grants:�in-aid to make expendi- - � tures and payments as and for non-cash grante-in-aid and cash grants-in-aid to said Project, all as more particularly, appears therefrom, on account of said Net Project Cost� aggregating substantially one-fourth of the same or the amount of �5,077,OC�2 .00 and to make further expenditures and payments on accoun� of _. �`" � .�__._._ _ _ _ �.; ' ^�., >,- �-�,r�.,�.�.,-. , ;,� --� - __...� _ � I i�100 y cLAd00�, 1 AdOD' Ad09 � , ���l�x� . • .O� Lf3X O�2i3X� �OfJ7X �`�"�' 'w<CS+� F � __. ... ��! .�=�=_`:�,�._. _��__--_� � \.,.; r"+ : +� AdOJ �Rw. , � ,o�3x f . �do�; �,,,�,.,', , �M � i, � oa�x S� or��x � � ' , , � ' �i ' , ����2,,.�� � . 1 ' ' � ! i . + l � - � � . • Page 3. ` . � , f Remaining costs of Mu�icipal Buildings and Imnrovements to be , � constructed t,:ithin or adjacent to said Project, in �he amount - . - of �48,4�9.00 ; and ' ' " . , �rTh�R�AS� The aforesaid expenditures ar_d payments, ; � ' to be made by said City as and ior non-c�sh and cash grants-in- � aid to said Project, in respect of the afbresaia estima�ed I�Tet � . Project Cos,t and on account oi said Re.��ainin� Costs of A4unicipal � ' Buildings an� Improvements toithir_ or adjacent to said Project � ; • aggregate in tne amour_t of ��,125,521.00 and i� has become. � necessary, to provide for the sale and issuance� by said City, of � , its general obligation bonds in the par value a�ount of �5,125,521.0�"' " for its procurement of funds in saic� amount, as t'_�e �roceeds � - of the issuance and sale of such }�oxlds for the meeting oi said • City' s aforesaid obligations, for said expendiLUres and paymenLS • '� � { . ,under said Cooperation pgreement; now, therefore, be it ..� - � � R�SOLVs��� By the Gour_cil of the Cit� of Sain� Paul, that autnority hereby is granted thzrefor and said Cit,y of Saint , . Paul �hall, •.from tirae to time hereafter, issue and se11 the ' � general obligation bonds of said City in tne aogregate amount " ° • . . - of ?�5,125,�21.00, authorized by said Chapter 8$1, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1963, necessary for said City' s procurement � of funds in said amount of �5,125,521.00 for said City's payments � on account of the net cost of said Do�mtown IIrban Renewal Area ` Pro ject, i�:inn. R-20, as estimated by th.is Council hereinabove� .�- and for said City's eypenditures on account of any Remaining . ' :Cos�s of h�unicipal•Buildings and Improvements to be constructed ' � within or �djacent to the area of said Project, as provided by � - • said Cooperation Agreement therefox�, and in periormance of said i City's obligations thereunder, for �the paymer_t of an amount of i �5�077�062.00, representative of substantially on�-fourth of the � net cost of said Project as so estimated and for the �urther pay- ' � ' . ment of the amounz of �48,459.00 for sai d City's exnennituxes � - ' on account of any Remaining costs of Municipal Buildings and � � Improvements to be constructed within or adjacent tb the area ' of said Project; all such to be done under and in accordance � ' with the provisions, terms and conditions of said Cooperation � ' Agreement dated the 9th day of .�une� 1964, by and between said • City and said Aza.thority a_nd under and in accordance ��rith the ;. provisions, terms. and conditions of said Chapter 881, Session - Law f Minnesota fdr 1963, and by virtue of tne authority of • � �.r�e �c$� . ; .. - . . : - -- . - . - . � . � �- ' ; �� � - �.. , ,�. . : ' . ., . � .. �•-�r,.e.ti... ..-...n r.•-,..«w........�-nn�.+�e.v-..�.wrvy�aw-.�8.75'�+nsrM•«..�........r.�e+.N-.�r.p+�m�v..».�r.,. ..�....-....�..._ �.-. -,_ :, ,. , _ . � . . � . " � ' y �� �'?�'.'�; Page 4. � R�SOLVED FURTI�;R� that each issue of said bonds shall be authorized by resolution of the Council a.nd shall be in the form of serial bonds and the same shall bear such date and mature at such times as such resolution shall prescribe��.; provided that the first installment of each issue of said bonds shall matuz�e not later than three (3) years from and after the date of the same and the last installment of each is�sue of said bonds shall mature not later than thirty (30) years from and af ter the date of the same; that no amount of principal of each issue of said bonds payable in any calendar year shall exceed five (5) times the amount of the smallest amount of principal maturing in any calendar�,year ending three (3) years or more af ter the date of issue of the same; and that said bonds shall be issued and sold by said City, in the �anner provided by law; that said bonds shall be in the demomination of $1,000.00 or in such multiples of �1�000.00 as the pertinent Resolution of the Council shall providey, and shall bear interest not in excess of six per cent (6%) per annum payhble semiannually according to interest coupons to be attached to the same; that said bonds shall be in , the form prescribed by the Couneil of said City and approved A . by its Corporation- Counsel; - and that said bonds-shall bear such interest as said City Coun.cil shall prescribe��,, and shall be sold by said City Council for not less tha�,.� par value plus accrued � interest, to the highest b3dder therefor, after two weeks ' pub- _ ----. lished notice-of the time and place for receiving bids thereon. That the proceeds from the issuance and sale of said bonds� as received by said City� shall be deposited in a spe�ial fund of said City designated as"Urban Renewal and Development Fund," and therein allocated thereto and subject to disbursement fox� aforesaid obligations under said Cooperation Agreement,pertinent to said Downtown Urban Renewal Area_Project, Minn. R-20� for -�he payment of substantially one-fourth of the net cost of said Pro- ject as estimated� as aforesaid, and for the further payment of any Remaining cost of Municipal Buildings and Improvements to be constructed within or adjacent to •the area of said Pro�ect. That despite such allocation and restrictions upon disbursements of the proceeds of the issuance and sale of said Bonds� hereunder� the sa.me, nevertheless, shall be subject to adjustment in amount and reallocation in purpose consistent with said Cooperation Agreement as the samE;;may be amended� under and by auth�rity of ,,,� said �hapter 881, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1963; provided that no part of the proceeds of the issuan.ce and sale of any of said bonds shall be made the su�iject of any reallocation or disbursement except for the purpose of the payment or defrayment of said City' s obligations assumed, o� which shall be assumed� under and by authority of said Act in respect of one or more of the several Urban Renewal Development Pro�ects specified therein . � ` .� ' ' � .. � ��l'1��� Page 5. That said bonds shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of Amer3.ca, at the Office of said City' s Commissioner c�' Finance, in said City of Saint Paul� or at the office of the Fiscal �lgent of said City in� either Saint Paul, Minnesota� or New York, AIew York� at the option of the holder� and the full faith and credit of said City hereby are irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. � R�SOL�D;FURTHER� that each of said bonds shall be sealed by the facsimile of the� Offieial Seal of said City lithographed thereon and signed by the lithographed facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the lithographed facsimile signature of its City Glerk, and countersigned manually by the City Comp- troller, and each interest coupon thereto attached shall be signed by the lithographed facsimile signatures of its said Officers. - R.�SO-LV�D FURTHER� tha�G said City' s proper officers hereby are authorized, directed and required to set asidev annually� . from the revenues of said City an amoun.t sufficient for the pay- ment of the interest on said hereby authorized bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year and hereby are authorized, : directed and required to make a sia.fficient tax levy for the payment of the same under and pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes i961 � as amended. That such � tax levies for all years shall be specified and shall be such that' if collected in full they� together with estimated collec- tions of other revenues pledged for the payment of said obligations, will produce at least five per cer�t (5�) in excess of �he amount needed to meet� when due, the principal and interest payments ' on said bonds•. That each such tax levy shall be by resolution of the Council of said City� which shall, among other things, irrevocably appropriate the taxes thereby levied together with estimated collections of other revenues pledged for the payment of said City' s obligations� to the said City' s Sinking Fund or said special Fund designated as aforesaid� "Urban Renewal and Development Projects" � for the payment, when due, of the principal and interest of said bonds. . That such provisions of this Resolution , �,, , . � � ' . • . _ ^ ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK �j����� ' � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL F�ENC�� NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM ��ESENTED EY COMMISSIONEQ DA� Page 6. are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and credit of said City for the paymeMt of said bonds and are not in lieu ' ' of such pledge. That a fully executed counterpart of said Coopera- tion Agreement is filed here�tith� in the office of the City Clerk of said City, and incorporated herein by reference with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if said Cooperation Agreement was set forth herein verbatim. , _ , � , . �UN 11 � COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �611� 11 ��� Dalglish Holland prove, 19— - •Loss Tn FSVOT y Meredith � . % " Pete rs on MByOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis , lont e�s _,,., ,.` OUrLIGT[TO MtINTiR � . ' ' - � CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCU �� ��`�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F"` � COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM ►��r,r�o rr COMMISSIONE� nAtF WFiEREAS� Chapter 881� Session Laws of Minnesota for �g63, according to its pertine�t provisions� terms and conditions� beca.me operative upon its approval by ma�ority vote of the City Council of the C�ty of Saint Paul, evidenced by sa3d Council' s Resolution� Council Fi1e No. 213377, adopted and approved the 18th day of June� 1963, and the Certificate of the City Clerk of said City incorporating a certified copy of said' Resolution� the Printer' s Affidavit of the Official Publication of the sa.me and all other requisite data� filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Minnesota� on the lst day of July 1963, in accordance wi th the Statutes of the State of Minnesota �n such cases �made and provided; and WHEREAS� Said Chapter 881� Session Laws of Minnesota for 1963, among other things, for the purpose of sa,id City' s payment of not to exceed one-third of the Net Pro�ect Cost of each of the several Urban Remewal Development Pro�ect within said City of Saint Faul theretofore designated� by Housing and Redeve lop- ment Authority of the City of Saint Pau�., Minnesotay as tY� Down- town� Cathedral, Riverview� Hollow� Hollow Expansion� and Selby Dale Pro�ects and for said City' s payment of any remaining costs of Municipal Buildings and Improvements to be constructed within or ad�acent to the pro�ect areas or any of the sa.me in accordance with said City' s obligations for such payments as the �-ame shall be defined under and by the pertinent Cooperation Agreement� 3.n respect to each such Pro�ect� by and between said City and said Housing and Rede�relopment Authority� and for the purpose of said City' s pro�urement of the requisite funds for said payments� authorizes said City to issue and se11 its generaZ obl�gation bonds� in the aggregate par value amount thereby limited to �13�750pQQ.0; and the said �et Pro�ect Cost bein.g thereby defined as the publlc development aost��f'�ch sub�ect Pro�ect less its capital proceeds as those terms are defined by Minnesota Sta�u.�es, aection 46� .545� and as the amounts thereof shall be estimated by said City Covncil prior to the delivery of each series of such bonds; and COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approv� 19— Loss in Favor Meredith Petersoa MayOt Rosen A S�St Mr. President, Vavoulis ioa[ s�s , r .. . .. � y��`.-7��.1�� Page 2. WHEREAS� The Cooperation Agreement appl�.egble to said Downtown Urban Renewsl Pro�ect entitled� "Uowr�to�rn Urban �enewal ,Area Pro�ec�� M�nn. R-20", has been made and �xecu�ed by arid bet�reen s�id Hous3ng and Redevelopmen� Authority of the, Ci�y of Sain� Paul� M3.nneso�a and said City of Sa.int Pau1� pursuant to said Authority' s pertinent Resol.ution No. 6�+-5/27-3 and said City Cot�ncil's Resolution� Counail File No. 218609� a counterpart of said Cooperation Agreement be�.ng filed herewith and by reference being incorporated herein and made part a.nd pareei hereof with the sa.me intent� purpose and effect as if sa�.d Cooperation Agree- ment we�e sst forth herein verbatim; a.r�d WHER.�1�S� said City Council� upon due investigation� 3.n the premises� and upon adequate relevant and re].ia.ble factual , --�� bass,� fhas� es�i.mated and hereby est�ma�es the Public Redevelopment Cost of said Uowntowri Urba.� �en.ewal Area Pro�ect� Minn. R-20s in -�he amoun�t df �26 026,091.00� the Capitai Proceeds of sai.d Pro�ect� in �he amount of �5 717 884.00� and �he net eost of said Pro�eet� in �he �mount of �2��30��247.00; �and . 1�fHEREAS upon the bases of reasonable cost �stimates prepared by said �uthor�ty and made by sa�.d City Council� hereunder� i� a ppears that the net Pro�ect Cost of saLd Downtown IIrban -Renewal Area �'ro�ec�, T�Iinn. R-20 to be incurr�d. by said Aut�ority constituting the difference bet�reen the gross cost of s�aid Pro�ect and the proceeds derived from the dispos�tl.on of the land and other property sold by the authority9 amounts to �20,308,247.00 of which amount �5�07']�062 .00 shall be provided� to said Authority� by sa3d City of S ai.nt Pau19 in. the form of local grants-in-�.d un.cler sa�.d Cooperation Agreement; the said amount being representat3ve of substantially one-fourth of the aforesaid Net Pro�ect Cost; and WHEREAS� under and by the provisions� terms and condi- tions of said Coapera�ion Agreoment saic� City ha.s become and is obligated� on account of said local �ran.t�a-in-sid to make expend�.- �ures and payments as and for non-cash grant�-in-sid and cash grants-in-aid to said Pro�ect� all as more particularly� appears thereirom� on account of sa�.d Net Pro�eet Cost� aggregating substantially one-fourth of the same or the a.mount of �5�077�Of� ,00 and to make further expenditures and payments on accoun� of ' + �� . _ � "] yi., fi n.,.� �a.:� ..��...r... �1��iOJ� 1". Jn;l i " �..�.._ _ AdOJ� �AdO� j'� ('� (� , ��11JY ' 'Olf3X OLI`3X� �����A �OwJ7C ^�" ,-a:-M r -- i..a ., a � - � a. i _ .__ ._ -- --��.i - .i'`�_I�_�...�—_—�=_-zrr_:�'" `' 7�` �..,L .�L`.:. . � '' AdOJ . � �I A et00 J��.il�J L �-1i :��i�� � I O��Xi 1n111)C . i � ` . , - � . 9 t ' r ' 1 . , , � . , ± . . � { , Page 3. " : Remaining costs of Municipal Buildings and Imnrovements to be ' . : ' constructed Urithin or adjacent to said Project, in the amount + of ��+8,4�9.00 ; and ' • ' �t1k�R��S� The aforesaid e�penditures ar_ct pay�ients� i to be made ny said City �s and for r_on-cash and cash grants-in- '- ' . aid to said Project, in respect of the aforesaid estir.:a�ed Net � , Project Cos,t and on account oi said Remainino Costs of h�unicip�l � ' Buildings ar_d Improvements tioithin or adjac�nt to said Project aggregate in t'r.e �.mour_t of �5,125,521.00 and i� has bzco?ne ' necessary to provide for the sale and issuance, by said City, of •. � its general obl�gation bonds in the par value amount or �5,125��21•Od; for its •procure�nent of funds in said a.,,�ota.nt, as t'ne proceeds �• of the issu�.nce and sale of such bonds for the r�eetino of said City' s aforesaid obligations� for said expenditures and payments ' under said Cooperation Agreement; now� therefore, be it R�SOLV��, By the Council of the Cit� of Saint Paul, that authority h�reby is granted therefor and said Cit,y of Saint , Paul �ha11,:.from �ime to time her,eaf ter, issue and sell the � general obligation Qor_ds of said Ci�ty in the aggregate amount " � of �5,125,j21.00, authoriz�d by said Chapter 8$l� Session Lazas ' , • of Minnesota for 1963, necessary for said City' s procurement � of funds in said amount of �5,�25,521.00 for said City's payments � on account oi the net cost of said DoUmto�Jn Urban Renet��al Area '� ' Project, t•�inn. R-20, as estimated by this Council hereinabove, _ � and for said City's er.penditures on accovnt of any Remaining _ �� ' � Costs of I�iunicipal•Buildings and Improvements to be cor_structed , ; within or adjacent to the area of said Projecty as provided by � . : said Cooperation �greement therefox�, and in periormance of said � City' s obligations thereunder� for the payment of an ariount of _; � �5,077,062.00, representative of substantially one-fourth of the � � net cost of said Project as so estimated and for �he further t�- • ' _ ment of the amount of �4-8,459.00 for said City' s e�penditures � . - ' , on accou.nt of any Re�naining costs of Municipal Builaings and ' • w ' Improvements to be constructed ��rithin or adjacent to the area . , ; of said �rojeci;; all such to be done under and in accordance � � . � with the provisions, terns and conditions of said Cooperation � � Agreement dated the 9th day of June, 1g64, by ar_d bett,reen =said � _ • , City and saia P_uthority and under and in acco�dance ��rith the " ' � provisions, terms and conditions of said Chapter 881, Session � �- Law f Minr.esoLS for 1963, and by virtue of tne authority of • � . • �h� �c�; - • , , , : - �- - � . f . . • ` • . y ' � � ' ' r •. -r. , .Y.4h, , "'_•. .. '- . �-.-...,....�.. .... ....,,r„a.�,.���I.:,..r..+3�.-M-Y.r--•��....'y,..t .-.r �. -� .. , ..-. ti�..,�. . .. - Y � ;, � . . • , •, _ � ' � �age �+ �� ���� e r �n irr �y� RESOLV�D FURTHER� that eaeh issue of' sa3d bonds sha11 be' au�horized by resolution of tbe Council a�d shall be 3n the form �of serial bondg and �he sa.me �hall bear suah date �d mature a� sueh tim�s as suQh resqlut3on shgll presc�ibe�� pravided that the first inatQll.ment of eaQh issue of sa�.d bvnds sha11 mature not la�er �Gh�n three (3) years frbm ar�►d after the date of the same and th.e �.ast ins�allment of ea�� issu� of said bonds sha.11 mature no� later thar� �hirty (3b) .years f�om and after t,he da�e v�' the same that no amoun� of princ�pal df eaah i�sus o� said bonds payab�e in any calendar ysar sY�a11 exceed �2ve (5� times �he amount of �he small�st amount vY principal m$tur3.ng in any calendar��year ending thr�e f3} ye�.�s or more a�ter �he date qf issue of the same; and that � said bonds shs�.l. be issued a.nd - sold by said Citgs in the ffianner provided by �aw� that sa�d � bonds shall be in the de�ominat�.on of $1,OOO.OE3 or in such ' mt�ltiples oF �1�000.00 as -�he pertinent Resolu�ion af the Council shall provideyt and shall bear interest not �n excess of si� per cent (6�) per annum pay�ble semiannually aeaording to �.nt�rest coupons to be a�taehed to the same; th�t sa�d bonds shall be in the form prescribed by the CounQi.]. of said Ci�y ar�d approved by 3.ts Corpora�9:on Coun�el; and that sa�.d �onds shall be�r such . , interest as �aid City Council shall p�eseribe�,i, and skall be sold by said City Council for not l�ss th ax�� par value plu� aGCrued interes�� to the highest bidder theTefor� af�er two weeks ' pub- lished no�ice of �he time and place for �eQeitr3ng bi.ds thereon. ' That the proaeeds �z�om the issuanc� aA.d sala o£ said bonds� as � rece3ved by, said Ci��r� shall be depo�i�ed in a s�ecial �und of said City designa�ed as"Urban Renewal e.nd Developmemt Fund� t' �nd therein allpaated �Che�eto and sub3ec� to disbu,rsement fe'r 8foresaid obligations under sa�d Cbvpera.�fon Agreement�pertinent to said 1�owntown Urban �enewaY Area Pro�ee��. Min�. R 20� �or �he payment of substant�ally one-fourth of the ne� cost of said Pro- ��et as estimatedf as aForesaidy and for �he fur��er payment of any l�emain3.ng cost of� Munia3pal Buildings and Tmprovements to be constr�cted witYa.in or ad�acen� to the area. of sa�.d Pro�ect. fik�a� despite sueh a].location �n,d restrict3ons upan disbursemen�s of the praeeads of �he igsizar�ce and sale of seid Bonds� hereunder� the same� nevertk�e�.ess� sha11 �e sub�ect to ad3ustment in amount and xealloea�ion in purpose co�$isten� with .said Cooperatian Agreement as �he game may be amended� ander and by suth�rsity o� � , said Chap�er 881 Session Laws of M3.nnesota For 1963; .provided � that no part of �he proceeds of �the issuance and sale of �ny of said bonds shall be made the sn'��eet of any reallocation or d3.sbursemen� except for the purpos� af �he payment or d�fraymant �" of said City' s obligations assumed� of� which shall be essumed� " under and by authori�y of s��.d A�t ir� respect of on.e or more of the several Urban Renewal Developmen� Pro�eats gpeeified �h�rsin. � ... r 1 � • ��`:��..1'� Page 5. Tk�at said bonds shall b� payable 3n lawful money a� t�ie IIni�ed Sta�es of Amer�.ca� at �he Office of said City' s �ommissioner ae k'inance luu said City of Saint Pa�Zy or at the of�'ice of the Fis�al �gemt of sa�.d City 3:x�. either ua�.nt Paul� Minnesota� or New York, �ew Yorki at �he option of the holder� and the �'ull fait�. and credit of sai.d City hereby are ��rev0eably pledged foar the promp� and ,�aithful payment of bo�h principal and interest of �aid bonds. RESOLVEn�FtTRTHE�, that eaeh of said laonds shall be sealec� by the �aesimile of the pfficial Seal o�£ said Gity 1,i.�hograph�d thereon arid �igned by the li�hographed ,faa�imile �3.gnature of ita Mayor� at�es�ed by the ltthog�aphed facsimil� signature oF its Ci�y Clerk� and Countersi�ned manually by �Y�e C��y Comp- �roller� and each interes� coupog tY�ere�Co att�c�ied shall be signed by the lithograp�ed facs�mi.le sigmatures of its sa�.c� O�Picers. RESOLVED -F'i7RTHER� that said C�ty' s proper off�.cers hereby are authorized� direete� and required �v set aside, an,nually, from the revenues of said C�.ty e.n amount svffic�.ent for �he p�.�r� men� of the in�erest on said hereby authorized bor�ds and the pr3.ncipal of any sueh bonds matur3ng in auah year and hereby �re - authorized��dfirected and r�quired to make a su�fic�.ent te� levy for �h� payment of the same under and pursu�nt to th+a provisions of Chapter 475� Minriesota Sta�utes �.�61 � as amended. That such tax levies for a�l years shall be specif'�.ed and shall be suoh that if collec�ed in full they� �ogether wi.th est�.mated �ollec- �ions of other revenues pladged fos the pa�rment o� said obligations� will produce at leaat f�.ve per aent (5�) in exaess o.f� �he emoun� -�, needed to meet� when due, the principal and interest payments - on said bonds. Th�t eaeh sueh ta.� lev� �hall b� by resolution of the CouaG�,l of said City! whieh shalls amang other things, irrevoQably approp�ciate the �axe� thereby l.evied toge�her with estima�ed eolleetions o� ot�er revenuss pledged for �he payment of said Ci�y' & obliga�ionst �o the said City s �ink�.ng Fund or said special F�nd desi�n�ted �s aforesa�.d� "�rban Ren�waL and Development Pro�eets"� far t�e paymer�t� wher�. due� of the prinaipal arYd in�erest of said bonc�s. Tha� sueh proyisians of this gesolution DUPLICAT!TO rRIN7lR ' ��_�Pr'1�� ' ' " - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCa � __� F OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IRESENTED{Y COMMISSIONE■ DA� - Page 6. are in addition to the pledge of the full faith and eredit of said City for the payment of said bonds and are not in lieu c�f such pledge. Th.at a fu11y executed counterpart of said Coopera- tion Agreement is filed here�tith9 in the office of the City Clerk of said City� and incorporated herein by reference with the same intent, purpose, and effect as if said Cooperation Agreement was set forth herein verbatim. JUN 11 '�9� COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas rrays � JUN 11196� Dalglish � Holland Approl►ed 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson MByOr �8'aiIISt Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ions e-� � ', : �,;.., . - � - ' � l �' � 3 . , . -s o �^ "' � � , � �OUSI�:G AN�D �ED����O��}���T ����O�I�TY � , ��«o� ,� �',����oR y�q Of THE CITY Of SAIIdT PQUL h , _ H . � � o � h � ;� ; June 9, 1964 55 EAST FIFTH STREET � /. SAINT PAUL 1, MINN. � �'�r� `� � � RECEIVED � 'O '-'r��ut.0 p4�� CApital 7-7523 R � V E � SAINT PAUL, Iv11NN. In MAYOR'S OFFICE HAROLD J. MORIARTY Chairman B. WARNER SHIPPEE J U N 1 O �9"4 CARL CUMMINS, JR. Ezecutive Direttor , A� P M g' g PATRICK J. TOWLE 1I7'1i1�IllI�I ll�il�I4��IY JOHN W. GREENMAN Honorable Mayor and City Council EUGENE R. LAMBERT c/o City Clerk � . City Hall and Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: As indicated in the Statement of Method of Financing the Downtown Urban Renewal Area Minn. R-20 and the Riverview Industrial Project Minn. R-26, the local share o� net project cost will be provided primaxily through bonds issued by the City;,of'�Saint Paul pursuant to Chapter 881 as enacted by the 1963 Minnesota State ' Legislature. An appropriate resolution authorizing issuance of bouds for theae projects is now before your Honorable Body together with resolutions covering Cooperation Agreements between the City and the Authority concerning each project. This letter explains the figures contained in the bond resolution and the Agreements. Chapter 881 provides that the City may issue general obligation bonds in aid of urban renewal in amounts "not to exceed one-third of the net project cost of each of the urban renewal projects" designated by the Chapter "and for paying any remaining costs of municipal buildings or improvements to be constructed within or adjacent .to the project area". Based on estimates prepared by the Authority (as contained in the Fihal Project Report, Section R-226, Fo�m H-6200 now on file with the City Clerk) the maximum amount of bonds which �ould be authorized for the Downtown Project computing $6,769,416 as one third of the net project cost of the project and $48,459 in remaining costs of improvements in the total amount of $6,817,875. For Riverview the maximum amount of bonds which could be authorized computing one third of net project cost at $1,744,408 with the remaining costs of improvements at $619,394 is $2,363,802. , With concurrence of your Honorable Body, the Authority has elected to finance the Downtown Project on a one fourth local and three fourths Federal formula rather than the one third local - two thirds Federal formula. The one fourth - three fourths formula results in a local share for powntown of $5,125,521 rather than $6,769,416 under the one third - two thirds formula. The Riverview Project, which is to be financed under the one third - two thirds formula will require $2,363,802 as recited above. The bond resolution therefore, authorized issue of $5,125,521 for powntown and $2,363,802 for Riverview. In the event both projects are Federally approved a surplus currently esti.mated at $954,735 in non-cash grants- ��� 11��n��'U ' �'�' r >e;, ?'1� : ��� 1�� ��;�'t �'" l �S-_.,.. ' ��,� ,� �ll ��i'�, �� ��^�i ����,�� �j�\.'.`ti \ .�.;d.1 i 1�.�i ,. �� �� 7° ��i ��,ll�'1� ��',�i �i,�i� �v' 4'�4: - '� v,'r :'Il 7 11�"I.l� 11.1 1�•�� Yr . 1 �} `l •��. l'I ( 1l1 ��'��'I lY 1�'��i �111��1 l' ...r... � �. , �� 1 S� , , �n ` c ,.. .. �,,. � �Z _n� ,l't �, ��l ����1 lT ��'�1 ����;ii a/ . - - , .-� ��z�-- —.._.--_'_ -'- .: I ��.�l l < l 1 l 1 1 11l ll� 11 1l 1 l l l:ll � J', - •- � ^ B n � •t�� `' l_ �.+u =�'�„��., v+� ff��-��-�� �- � 1 l .. 1 1� 1 1 l l l ,�,� �l�1 l l 1 l l��� j� ' M�yq , 9..,9 n, a '- i' i;� � ; � �'� ���__�J: �•.��,,, ��� l� li �. ` +1.-��' _ �"= , �� .�� .�. ' . . ' . • _ • � f�l `b r :}� . Page ��2 - June 9, 1964 . ' Honorable Mayor and City Council , in-aid from the Riverview project which, it appears, will be available as creditable � against the local share of the Downtown Project. The Cooperation Agreemeats provide that in the event of Federal approvals of both projects this surplus credit will be applied to reduce the actual amount of bonds to be issued for the Downtown Project. The bond resolution provides that authorization for specific bond iasues will be by later resolution or resolutions by your Honorable Body as and when needed. ' Current estimates as reflected in the Cooperation Agreements (prepared with the able assistance of the affected City Departments) and reflecting the surplus credit above , referred to indicate the following schedule for actual issue of bonds: i 1964-65 \�, 1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 � Downtown $700,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 $470,786 i Riverview 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 363,802 0 � Cumulative • Tofal $700�000 $2�700�000 $4�700�000 $6,063,802 $6,534,588 With the three year delay in amortization of the bonds from date of issuance permitted . under statute, •the issuance of the bonds in the year needed, and funds from the currently levied redevelopment tax fund, the anticipated tax increment from reconstruct- ion should be sufficient to handle or off-set debt service on these bonds without an anticipated increase in the millage raCe of the Citq. . The Authority reque'sts your favorable consideration of the bond and Cooperation Agreement resolut�:ons. � , Respectfully submitted, R B. Warner Shippee CC: �Honorable George J, Vavoulis Executive Director �� Mayor � � Honorable James J. Dalglish � Commissioner of Finance Honorable Frank L. Loss Cammissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Honorable Dean Meredith . Commissioner of Public Safetq Honorable Robert F. Peterson _ Commissioner of Libraries, Auditorium and Museums Honorable Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Works � Honorable Bernard T. Holland - : � Cammissioner of Public Utilities Honorable Joseph J. Mitchell Comptroller G-7 10/20/60 CERTIFICATE OF SECRETARY Tha underaigned hereby certifiea, as follows: (1) That he ie the duZy qualified aud acting Secretary of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minneaota, here3n called the "Local Pub13.c Agency" and the keeper of the records of ehe Local Public Agency; (2) Th$t the attached Resolution No. 63-5/1-1 is a Crue aad correct copy of the Resolution Initiating certain urban renewal redevelopment projects, etc. as execuCad on the lst day of Mav , 19 63 ; (3) The aeal affixed below consCitutes the offic,ial seal of the _ Local Public Agency and Chia Certificate is hereby executed unde� such official seal; (4) That the undersigned 3.s duly auChorized to execute this Certificate. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the uaders3gaed has hereunto set his hand this 8th day of June � 19 64 . � - v Secretary ( S E A L ) :`����' R E S 0 L U T I 0 N N 0. 63-5�1-1 RESOLUTION INITIATING CERTAIN URBAN ' REPIEWAL REDEVELOPIu�M' PRO,J�CTS AND DIRECTING OONTINUATION OF PLANNING OF CERTAIN URBAN RENEWAL REDEVELOP Iu�NT PROJECTS HERETOFORE INITIATED WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota� has initiated as urban renewal redevelopment pro3ects the Downtown Area� the Cathedral and the Riverview Pro,jects, (alternately desig- nated as the Downtown Urban Renewal Area� the Cathedral General Neighborhood Renewal Plan Area, and the Riverview General Neighborhood Renewal Plan Area), pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act of the State of Minnesota; and . WHEREAS, it is necessary and desirable in accomplishing community rede- velopment ob3ectivest to initiate and carry �out further redevelopment pro3ects � in the Hollow Area, Hollow Expansion Area and Selby-Dale Area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul� Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the Hollow Pro�ect, Hollow Expansion Pro3ect and Selby-Dale Project, all as hereinafter described, be and the same are desig- nated and initiated as redevelopment projects under and pursuant to the provisions of the Municipal Housing and Redevelopment Act of the State of Minnesota, and the executive director is hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the preparation of all surveys, studies� and analyses of redevelopment and technical and financial plans and arrangements necessary for the formula- tion of a redevelopment plan, or general neighborhood renewal plan, for each such project and to continue all surveys, studies and analyses now in process necessary for the formulation of a , ' . . J • � _/]_ L redevelopment plan or general neighborhood renewal plan for the Downtown� the Cathedral and Riverview Pro,jects to be submitted to the Planning Board and Council� of the City of Saint Paul, Minne- sota� for consideration and approval in the manner provided by law. 2* The designation and approximate boundary of each z�edevelopment pro�ect referred to in this resolution are as followss a) Downtown Pro.iect: Beginning at the point of intersection of the center line of East Seventh Street with the center line of Jackson Street, then Southeasterly along said center line of Jackson Street to the point of intersection with the center line of East Fourth Street, then Northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the Southwesterly right-of-way line of Sibley Street, then Southeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the Northwesterly right-of-way line of East Kellogg Boulevard, then Southwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Minnesota Street, then Northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of East Fifth Street, then Southwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Wabasha Street� then Northwesterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of East Sixth Street, then Northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Cedar Street, then Northv�esterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of East Seventh Street, then Northeasterly along said line to the point of intersection with the center line of Jackson Street� which is the point of beginning. � . �. � , b) Cathedral Pro.iects Beginning at the point of intersection of the Northern right- of-way line of Marshall Avenue with the Eastern right-of-way line of North St. Albans Street, then Northerly along said line of North St. Albans Street to the point of intersection • with the Southern right-of-way line of Rondo Avenue, then Easterly along said line of Rondo Avenue to the point of intersection with a lot line which is 277 feet East of the Eastern right-of-way line of Mackubin Street, then Southerly along said lot line to the point of intersection with a lot line which is 142.75 feet North of the Northern right-of-way line of Carroll Avenue, then Easterly along said line to the i , . ° ' -3- � . ' point of intersection with the Eastern right-of-way line of Arundel Street, then Northerly alang said line to Arundel Street to the point of intersection with the Southern right- of-way line of the alley between Rondo Avenue and Carroll Avenue� then Easterly along said alley iine to the point of intersection with a lot line 197.3�8 feet East of the Eastern right-of-way line of Arundel Street� then Southerly along said lot line to the point of intersection with the Southern right-of-way line of Carroll Aven�e� then Easterly along said line of Carroll Avenue to the point of intersec- tion with the Western right-of-way line of Cathedral Place, then Southerly along said line of Cathedral Place to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Dayton Avenue, then Westerly along said line of Dayton Avenue to the point of intersection with the Western right- of-way line (extended) of the alley between Summit Avenue and Farrington Street� then Southerly along said alley line to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Selby Avenue, then Easterly along said line of Selby Avenue to the point of intersection with the Western right- of-way line of Maiden Lane� then Southwesterly along said line of Maiden Lane to the point of intersection with the Eastern right-of-way line of North Western Avenue� �hen Nor- therly along said line of North Western Avenue to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Holly Avenue extended, then Westerly along said line of Holly Avenue to the point of intersection with the Eastern right-of-way line of Arundel Street� then Northerly along said line of Arundel Street to the point of intersection with the Northern right-of-way line of Marshall Avenue� then Westerly along said line of Marshall Avenue to the point of intersection with the Eastern right-of-way line of North St. Albans Street which is the point of beginning. c) Riverview Proiect: Beginning at the intersection of a point 800 feet Southwest of the Western right-of-way line of Belle Street with the property line of the Corps of Engineer's Flood Wall� then Northeasterly along the line of the Flood Wall to Starkey Street� then South to Fillmore Avenue� then East to South Robert Street, then South to Wood Street, then Southeasterly along the Southern line of the Chicago, Great Western Rail- road tracks to Kansas Avenue� then South to Prescott Atreet� then Northwest to Bancroft Avenue, then Northeast to the alley between Concord Street and Prescott Street, then West - to State Street, then Northeast to East George Street� then � West to South Robert Street, then North to Winifred Street, then West to Livingston Avenue� then North to East Congress � Street� then West to the alley between Wabasha and Hall Avenues, then North to Wabasha Street� then North�Nest to Prospect Boulevard, then West to Ethel Street� then Northwest to Ohio Street! then Southw�st to the Northern boundary of Cherokee Heights Park� then Southwest 750 feet, then South 150 feet, then Southwest 225 feet, then North 400 feet to the property line of the Corps of Engineer's Flood Wall. v � � .. " .. 1 , - " -4- � � d) Hollo�v Proiect: Beginning at the intersection of North Grotto Street and University Avenue, then East along iJniversity to North Western Avenue� then South to St. Anthony Avenue� then West to North Grotto Street� then North to University Avenue. e) Hollow Expansion Proiect: Beginning at the intersection of Lexington Parkway and University Avenue, then East along University Avenue to North Grotto Street� then South to Rondo Avenue, then East to North St. Albans Street� then South to Selby Avenue, then West to Lexington Parkway, then north to University Avenue. f) Selbv-Dale_Proiect: Beginning at the intersection of Lexington Parkway and Selby Avenue, then East along Selby Avenue to North St. Albans Street� then North to Marshall Avenue� then East to Arundel • Street, then South to Holly Avenue� then West to North Vic- toria Street, then South to Portland Avenue, then West to Lexington Parkway, then North to Selby Avenue. 3. The Authority reserves the power� upon consideration of the plan prepared for each project, to modify the character and extent there- of in such way as may then be found to serve best the redevelopment needs of the City of Saint Paul. However� the areas bounded as described in Paragraph 2 shall be used by the executive director as the basis for preliminary planning of each pro,ject.