218629 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLPWK . ' � �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO ��� � - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM rRESerire�er COMMISSIONE OA� — RESOLVED, That the proper City offiaers are hereby authorized and d3.rected to execute �upplemental Agreement No. 10 to Contract No. 11�15 between the State of Minnesota, Department of Hi$hways, and tY�e City of Saint Paul, M3.nnesota, - pertaining to a relocation of the source of power for certain proposed Fixed Time Traffic Control Signals 3n eonnection w�.th Trunk H3ghway 35E, a copy of said Supplemental Agreement being marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference; and be it � ^ RESOLVED FUBTHER, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the State of Minnesota, _ Commissioner of Highways, �356.00 upon the execution of the aforesaid Agreemen� and receipt of the City of a request from the State of NLinnesota for such payment, the amount of �356.00 be3.ng payment in full for the inereased costs incurred by the State in constructing to the revised power sources. Council FYle No. 218829—By Mllton Rosen— � ' Resolved, That the proper City offl- cgrs are hereby authorized and direct- ed to execute Sfipplemental Agreement No. 30 to Contract No. 11415 between the State of Minnesota, Department o4 - Highways, and the City of Saint Paul,,, � _ _. __ Minnesota, pertaining to a relocatio� GT _- - - of the source of power for certain pro- n "'" � posed Flxed Tlme TrafRc Control Sig- e nals in connection with Trunk Iiigh- � way 35E, a copy of said Supplemental b Agreement being marked Exhibit "A", 0 V attached hereto and incorporated here- w CO in by reference; and�be it � Resolved Further, That the proper_ � City ofAcers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the State of Minne- � sota, Commissioner of Fiighways; � $356.00 upon the execution of the a4ore- p said Agrcement and receipt of the City (� of a request from the State of Minne- sota for such payment, the amount of � 5356.00 being payment in Yull for the v increased costs 'incurred by the State � in constructing to the revised power� O � sources. j lL Adopted by the Council June 10., 1964.] Approved Tune 10,1964. (June 13, 1964) j COUNCILI�N Adopted by the Coi���L�� �� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �U� 1 Q '�CJ� Holland / pprove� 19— Loss � Tn FAVOI' / s Meredith v Mayor ��� A gainst ` �esea— - .........�e���m�»»�nti���et�s� �� :11�::2P:ies3i8en3;9��`Y.3�}.?���:E:3 Mr. Vice President (Rosen) iont e-as OUrLICAT[TO rItINTtR . . /����� fM �� ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL F,O�UNCIL NO t ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ►lESENTED�Y COMMISSIONE� DA� RESOI,VED, That the proper City offi4ers are hereby au�horized and direQted to exeaute Supplemental Agreement No. 10 to Contraat No. �.1�15 between the 3tate of NLtnnesota, Department of Highways, and �he City oP Sa,�.nt Paul, Minnesota, pertaining to a r�eloQation of the sourae of power for aertain propos�d Fixed Time Traffic Control Signala in connevt�.on with Trunk Hi�kiway 35r, a Qo�y of said Supplemental Agreement being marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorpora�ed herein by r�feren�e; and be it RT3�LVED FURTI�R, That the proper eity officer� are hereby authorized and direated to pay �o the S�ate of Minnesota, Comanissioner of 8ighways, $356.00 upon the exeaution of th� aforesaid Agreement and reaelpt of the City of a req�.est from the State of Minnesota for suah payment, the amoun� of $356.04 being payment in full for the increaaed vost� ineurred by the 3tate in aonstruating to the revised power sources. ��iN 10 1964 COUNCILA�N Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish s�V�11 �, �i ���j�, Holland Appro�� 19_ Loss � Favor Meredith � Mayor _ PerPrcrn A $pc�n _ $�81�$t �•Mr:�Rresident,Vavoulis_:� 103[ s-0l�;:f�'�sident^(;��sen;s , J - ' • 2 [1 Aa �', ` r ��V V� {Ik'� f;, f0'��...d/ - . _'.'.,ri '- .w+v+�-.�-.-......�AdOJ C....�i� �..........,...v.y�.n,.u...r-,......�...��..�� , AdOJ� ° +n .. � ., � ..o� ... """AdO;J,�+i i�fJ/ • r �02f7%k • -�Oil3X IO`J:Ja „c�K � � -.. �n—r . F� po� z�3w �, z,s3 � ' ` Cooperative Agreement No. � STATE C�F MINNESOTA—DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS , Supp. to Contract No. 5____ , � No. 10 _ , ������������ ���������� ' . ' � Contractor Fed. Project State Project No. Foley Brothers, Inc, I 35�t�(4g)114 I 6280-85, etc. : ' Addresa Locanon Fronta e Road from 14� Street to C u a Sto 900 New York Building g �' g + P ul P�finnesota ToHo E from Arch Sto to Ca uma St., T.Ho 35�% rrom , NIt. Airy Sto to Cedar Sto and Conr.ection to 9'��' SLo, This contract ie amended as follows: all in St, Paul ' da t�lI:EREAS: Contract No, 11415 provides, among a�her things, for the construction of Fixed , o�Q Time Traffic Control Si�nals under S.P. 6280-95, and � �� 'vt � � : The plans further provide that electric po�•rer shall, in part, be fed to the ga proposed installation from existing poEaer poles located in the sidewalks at the � � a inter�ections of llih and Minnesota Streets, 11� and Jackson and 12� and Jackson � o a � � Streets, and ', w� o � giJiir,REAS: The city of Sta Paul is pl�nning sidevralk re-construction in the area of the i �,�, poo�er goles designatod as sources of power and is concerned with elin�inating , �W� the clutter at intersections created by overhead electrical lines wherever � .��� possible, and t- . �Q� :. ao_;JI�REAS: Said po��er poles will serve only the signal system after the street lighting , , osG provided in this contract is complete, and � . a �oL�1H�EAS: Said power poles ma.y be removed upon completion of the street lighting system . riso if the sources of pov�er are relocated to existing power poles on 11� and 12� g 9 o Streets b�t�reen Jackson and Robert Streets and to an ea�.sting Northern States . a �a Power Vault on 11� Street between Cedar and Minnesota Streets, and o._ � . � `8 ��oWI�FEAS: To conform with the cleanup policy adopted by the City of �to Paul, it is • � s� necessary that the belor� described power source changes be incorporated into ��� this contracto � � �� , _._ � NOt�1, TF�REFORE, IT IS HERr,BY t•4IITUALLY UNDERST�OD AND AGR�D B�,'TW�N THE CON� °° '- TRACTOR AT1D TH� STATE TIiAT: � o $` � �� . ; p lo In lieu of constructing to the planned power sources at 11� and I�iinnesota Street, e�� 11� and Jackson. Street and 12� and Jackson Street for the traffic control system, a�z the contractor shall secure power froar the sources hereinafter described: ' . Index I Item I Clsas I Qunrter I Fund I County i , � 1 � ; Amount Requeated a � Dated 19— i Approved by Project Engineer or Architcet � � Originat Contract Y Prev. Additiona Dated 19— ! • Aocepted by Coatrector Tota! to Dute S ! BY � _ Percentag�increaa�decrease %a � Approved as to form and eSecutioa APPROVED: Datp� 19— ' � Districi En�nacr Co�miseioaec of Adminietrution . �y Date� 19— Aeaietant Attornay C3enoral Ayproved by Agoncy IIiwd �,,� � Dated � . .�-�,fv� �• t--r?'47E AL'OITQR 2--C�NTRAGTOR 3—AGENCY 4—PROIECT ENGINEER 5—D1S7RICT EHGiNfER 6, 7, R,4-.9URE�!� C� .°!��►.tt', 61+� .r'.... ,_„ ....1' , ,.t° �."..'f.ra.�:.d) (7�rrt..w� ((:r�sny , �i_�.,.. _ . _ . ... . • - " � ,, l3� �,i: 1:;,,f ` ,r y_._�ado��� _-,y..._......._..�..,.._.. L , , _. ..._._.� ._._.�.., . _ _,. . <�H.7} . _u_...,.. —�•--• •�•••. Otl3% �••�AdOJ� A�JO.�dY _ �� �O,�a3X �Oti3% P°� "3`'"3" z-�3 � Cooperative Agreement Noo STATE QF MINNESOTA—DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS , , Supp. to Contract No. 11415 _ . � ^ No. l� _ . ������������ L���������' Sheet 2 � . ; Contractor Fed. Project State ProjecC No. � Foley Brothers, Inc. z 35E-4(49)114 I6280-85, etc, Address 900 PJew York Building I'°`�non Frontage Road from 14� Street to Cayuga St., St Paul I4inne�ota T,H. E from Arch St. to Ca a St. T.H. � E from , Mt, Airy Sto to Cedar Sto and Connection to 9� Ste, This contract is amended as follows: all in St. Paul �a a. Poa�er pole approxi�.nately 24° Rt. N.E.�2. Station �g+b3. ° � b. Potaer pole approximately 22° Rte S.FoR. Station 17+440 � �' � � am co Northern States Power Vault 20' Rt. SoF.R. Station 9+70a ° ° 2, The contractor sha11 provide all labor and materials necessary to complete the �' ' cha.n�es covered by tnis Agreement and alI �,rork shall be performed in accordar_ce w`� . � � d with Specification 2566 and all applicable modifications as set forth in the a•�� Special Provisions for Contract No, 11415. ��5 T ,� 3, Paymen� erill be made on a lump sum basis �,rhich shall be full and final com- ' �., pensation for the inereased costs incurred by the contractor because of the QQ� afores�a.d alterations. Said payment to the contractor shall be guaranteed by a � �the State. . � a s n o� 0 4e The contractor shall not make claim of any kind or character ��rhatsoever for any ' a� o other costs or expenses which he may have incurred or which he may hereafter incur '��o as a result of the chan�e in plans covered by this agreement. �a� PURSUANT TO SECTIOII 161038 OF MII�IIZESOTA STA'I`iTT�S AI�NOTATLD IT IS HERI�BY PfUTUtILLY ' �c�i ' AGREED Br,2'Fl�EN THE STATE OF MINNFySOTA, DEPART�•fENT OF HIGH?�7AY8 AP1D THE CITY OF � &s� ST.PAUL THAT: , ��� :� a� l. The City of St. Paul shall pay to the State the sum of #�356000 as p�yment in full ;.�E for the increased costs incurred by the State in constructing to the revised °° o po4rer sources as heretofore described under Supplemental Agreement Noo 10 to . . m ;.. sa� Minnesota Department of High��ays Contract No. 114150 , � b � �y o � '{'g� � . ' Indez I item Clau I Quartec I Fuad I Coun�y , i Amouat Requeated s Dated 19— � Appzoved by ProjocE Engincer or Architect Original Contract ; Dated 19— Prev. Additione Accepted by Caatraator Totat to Date $ � . By Percentage—increaae—decresise % , , i Dated 19_ � Approved as to form and esecution APPROVED: Diatrict En�nonr . Commisaionec of Administradon � f Dated 19— ' ' By Approved by Agency Head � � desintnnc AtWrnoy(�ennral � I Date� ' �-�° •� . 1—S'fkf� pUOtiffR T 2—CON7RdC70H 3—A6ENCY �PROJECT EHGINEER 5—DISTRI�T�E�FlGiNEER 6, 7, A, 9—BUREAU OF�PUBLIC AOADS r��:r �+i.��„Jj (Q;nf) (Golder.rnd) (3'ellom) � ) , i �{ S F� ) 1[ ` �, � 1a -- __ —" _ _ _' _..._�r`.�..�..�..�..��.���w. � ..�..�.�� J.. � !�' �1[:J> �' ' V w aa.�.i,ti'+�••w.n���� y , ��JR.�.T� _ �OwOY� Ac11V1tJ norm z1J�+e7M'z=o3 , • Cooperative Agreement No. 11415 . STATE C�F MINNESOTA—DEPARTME111T OF �IGHWAYS � Supp. to Contract No. � No. 10 . ������������� ���������� .Sheet 3 ', Contructor . Fed. Project State Pro)ect No. Foley Brothers, Inco 1 35�-4t4g)114 � 6280-85, etca � � A�drese , 900 New York Buildi.ng ��tion �rontage Road from 14� Street to Cayu�a St, � � T,Ho from Arch St. to Ca u a St. T H E r m , I�It. Airy Sto to Cedar St. and� Connection to 9tn St., This contract is amended as folloavs: all in St. Paul � � , � 2. The City of St, Paul shall pay said sum of �356000 to the Commissioner of �'� Hi$ho:ays forth��rith upon execution of this Agreement and receipt by the City of � � a request from the State for such paymento ' . �� , � a� ESTIMA'I'E OF COST ; , o � � Item Cost ' • � , u'a . Lump Sum Corapensation for additional labor � Y� and materiaYs required to re-locate por�er sources 95356.00 . 0 m $ ' ��5 z 35�-4(4g)114 , ToTAL INC�1SE _ �356.00 .���� � . � �A� ; ��� Accepted on behalf of Accepted on behalf of the �sa the City of Sto Paul State of Minnesota . � „ , By: By: `�` Street & Highway Engineering Assistant Commissioner of 33ighways . i � s '`' Coordinator � p�a y •�^� C 0. C , �a c� CITY OF ,SAINT PAUL , �s� �: �s BY �d� . Mayor � � - a o p .. - - ' o, �� Countersigned: � m�A mmiss oz orks i U Q , 6°3 , E , • .¢�-� City omp ro er , � y er ! indez I Item I Claaa I Quarter I Fund I Coua�y , ' r • -� � Amannt Requeated S �ted JLlYa4` 1 19��+ ,'� _ � .,c�� z�-!l , , Approvod b , rojeet Engi ear or ArcliitecS � �r�glna( Contract Pr�v.AdBitions Duted 19 Folev Broso, Ince Accopted bq Contmctor . i � �Qffi� .�O I�3t0 s � By P�r�tag��reuae-dm�esae % . Dated 19_ I�pproved as to form and esecution �PPR6VED: DLstrlcE Enpnooe �Gbm�,'issioner of Adminiseration $y Date� 19— ' A�eletan!AtWrnoY Qanenl APD+'o9cd by Aecac3'Hmd ' �tLEd �f:.��..:7';.. ^`-STP.'"E I;UDI30R 2-CONTRACTOR 3-AGENCY 4-PROlECT ENGINEER 5-D;STRf6T �NGlNEE�i B,7, 8,;-BUREAU Of PaSLlE �OA�9S ��•t.. ..a'i."1j i�Pi•�bl �C..'�....v:,) {P.Il..rl �G'r.r.e; i��.t'n.v�r i