218624 J 4 , 1,� �� N � " " �"`r C4UNGQIL FILE N0. ����^� a � �� FI NAL "ORDER - rvBLrsx�n � -r 3- � �. � ,► - $Y � File No. S 7311 � _ � In the Matter of r�conatructing the side�lk on both �ides af Ga�risz �treet from - ���aoa Avenua Co �ook Avenua a�ud bjr duing �12 other sor1� t�hich �ia a�c��rearq and lucidaAtgl to compl�ta er�id �mproveiaBnC � under Preliminary Order ?1G69Q approve� Fehr�tarv 19, 1964 Intermediary Order approved A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the Cfty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- proveinent ta be made by the said �ity is � - . to raconatruct th� .eid�walk on both �i.dea of C,�lkier StreeC �ra� Lsweon Av�nu� to • Cook �venue and by doing a11 other work �ich is nece#��asy a�nd fncidentsl. ta eqmple�e. ,� said iffiprovement �xcegt where gaod. and euffiaient s�.desaa�ks nqw eai$t _ r �_'. ?1 Flle No. 218624— � - . 1 �� � � e � whe matter of reconstructing the llc on both sides of Galtier Street � �awson Avenue to Cook Avenue 7 �oing all other work which is ary and incidental to complete ' ` � norovement, und�x Pr�liminary � .. • .. . , g?6690. approvecl,r r 5rnary 1? t•• •:t[t�lti3�Z+;---r.1 ''c';;J)'i•"'�. ..A.`u(' rT t . r ,�•. bn6 i .i�Jlf;�.4 S . � � 3:dJ' +r,. and the C.ouncil hereby orders said improvement to be made. � RESOLVED FURTH�R, 1`hat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upo� said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the malflng of said improvement in accordance therewith. O,19� �U� � - COUNCII,MEN Adopted by the Counci] Yeas Dalg(isF1 Na�s �,��y 1� 1� Holland Approve � Loss � � �� �Favor J �� �•�:.�.::-...:�� ayor oilvi{d�FL6ih�� •a.' '-^...� •;�a r.,s�tc�`��aulls�i,•('r'��,'��� . —�gainst � :�y-j $t'7] s-ss 2at s�•,,.��;i;,,�yn) . :`--� � �� = � Dist. No. 1 "' ' ` - � •�� " B.S: ��Galtier St. - Lawson Ave. to Cook Ave. , �3�� .. �` G/j� � ,���Q - ��'.�`���4 . �9 � OFF7CE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS , 56,�5 21��24 3 � , ,,�d � �� � REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � � �" � �� � �� � Feb. 21st. iq 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: � The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the pre— li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216690 approved_ Feb. 19th. 19 64 relative to reconstructint� the sidewalk on both s{deR of Galtier S�t fro m Lawsan Ave to Cook Ave and by doin�all other mork mhirh ia n cPrsaAr��nd ine+iAc+ntal to Om,Dr,l,atp RA�� imyrQt�omant and having investigated the matters and things re�ferred to therein� hereby reports: 1, The estimated COSL thereof 1S �' 3_95 ner lin_ ft_ fnr �ttanrlarri aiAP +�lI� 5 ft. wide and $3.80 per lin. ft. for staadard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2 • �� 2. A plan, profile ��etch .� aid improvement is hereto attached °�" � � � and made a par� �e����j��� �� �4�9 3, Initiated by t � �m��,ssi�er �,vf Public Works R x� C� 4, Improvement i s �ced�'�� up peti ti on ,� � �`�' 9 5 . � Commissioner of Public Wo s