218619 . i._ ��''Z�.,,t ��V�.R..� r, _�1, , _ 4FINAL ORD�R � . c°��LI�DN�-� �_ �� .� ' BY _ ,� ` ' , File No. � 7298 1 • . . In the Matter of reconst�cting the 8ide�ratlk on ttie �outh side o€ Sie�s Avenue f�am Greenbrier Stre�t to N�ide Streat and by daing all othar .wozk vhi�h ia necas�a=y � At�d. iacidentax to co�plete �aid improve�ant under Prelimina,ry Order 216639 approved Febru�rsr 18. 1964 Intermediary Order approveci • A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent a,nd kind of im- . � provement ta be made by the sa.id Gity is � � to rtconstruc� the �idesralk on the �onth �ide o£ fiima Av�nc�� #roQ areenbrier 8tr��t to Weide Street and by do�ug a11 othar work which� is a�c�aasry aad incideatal. to r. ,. _ � coarplete esid iiaproves�ent' eacept wher� gc►od �nd au�ficient eict�raalka now exist � - �; �t-�j�u File No.218619=. -- � �,;,lie, matter of reconstructing the , ,.+Ik.on the south side of Sims, ' ' jr�,:N from Greenbrier Street to � �,_, Street and by doing all other� c�.,��iich,is necessary and incidental` - � � � .;c �aid improvement under , ' t I 96'�l�'�"::�r��}rr_ 216639, approved . � i ' ° .su: .,...} . - {��t' `91frt `_^tit '!�,iE�:tB,'Ri q� hHd - . - _ 3� . '`-`ls�,: r jJ tn y- �ls• fi°n � _ - t�t�,•�, - - illJ . , , ''�4' � . and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. . RE,SOLVED FURTH�R, T'hat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby iristructed and directed to prepare plans and. specifica,tions for said improvement, and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro�per city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. coUrrc�MErr . ' JUN 10 �96� � _ Adopted by the Counc�l Yeas Dalglish Nays ' _ ��� � Q � . Holland - Approve < ' LOS�+�sBf� �,`ldi�/W\ '^1 ` . p�p � �' Tn Favor F ....... E�Ser�_,..........,..,,,e,�,-. J Maqor _ .:.�:.�fauoultl�� • • .,. .::;:;;� , � . Mr, Yicc Yicsic�ent�(Rosen) Aga�gt � 6-63 2M 8a� H-1 � .,� ya,f � 1 q :.��• �./ =--' � Dist. No. 3 7��d •� , � .. A � " - ''" S.S. Sims Ave. - Greenbrier St. to Weide St. ` �����7 �.I� � ��� 1y OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC W ORKS REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Feb. 21st. 19 64 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre- li mi nary order of the Counci 1 known as Counci 1 Fi le No. 216639 approeed_ Feb. 18th. lq 64 relative to reconstructing the sidewalk _on the south side of Sims Ave. from Greenbrier St. to Weide St. and by doing all other - ��k which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof is $•3.25 ver lin. ft. for standard sidewalk 5 ft. �id and S3 80 Qer lin ft for standard sidewalk 6 ft. wide. 2. A plan, profile or sketch of said ��{�r-'�ro !� is hereto attached �ti and made a part hereof, '�C,,.� �� ti��e` � � 3. Initiated by the Commissioner � �i��'Wor,�k'�s �X �� � 4, Improvement i s asked for upon p � ti�o �'��� � � �� ��' , L g � ^ �. , ��f��� Commissioner of Public Work''�