06-568COUNCILFILE�: (�� GREEN SHEET k: 3030958 Resolution 4 WHEREAS, the estimated wst of this proposed project is $2,OOQ000; and 5 6 WHEREAS, the Ciry Council, by its resolurion CF-06-194 authorized the proper city officials to submit a grant application 7 to the Raznsey County Soccer ParMers program for said McMurray Soccer Field project; and 8 9 WHEREAS, said grant applicazion has been approved, and funding in the amount $80Q000 has been appropriated; and 10 11 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation is continuing to pursue and additional $20Q000 from Raznsey County; and 12 13 WHEREAS, Ramsey County Soccer Prograzn grant funds require a one to one match; and 14 15 WHEREAS, the 2004 capital improvement budget included CIB funding to match a Raznsey County Soccer Partners grant for 16 the construction of a soccer complex at Sandy Lake in Maplewood, MN; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Sandy Lake project proved to be cost prohibitive; and 19 20 WFiEREAS, Pazks and Recreation requests that the remaining CIB funds available in the Sandy Lake project, $306,141.89, 21 be re-appropriated to ma[ch the McMurray Fields Soccer grant; and 22 23 WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation managed the 1999 Trout Brook acquisition project, from which a$7,651.53 funding balance 24 remains aRer pro}ect completion; and 25 26 WHEREAS, the remaining balance in the Trout Brook acquisition project is the result of rental revenues received from the 27 temporary private use of land after we had acquired it; and 28 29 WHEREA5, Pazks and Recreation requests that the remaining funds available in the Trout Brook Acquisition project 30 be re-appropriated to the McMurray Fields project; and 31 32 WHEREAS, the 2004 amended capital improvement budget includes a project to construct an Emergency Communicafion 33 Center to enhance public safery; and 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 4U 47 48 49 WHEREAS, the decision was made for the City of Saim Paul to jointly use the CounTy's Emergency Communications system; making the construcrion of a City Emergency Comm�ications Center un-necessary; and WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation, in collaboration with the Office of Financial Services, requests that $439,14125 of Capital Improvement Bond funding be re-allocated from the Emergency Commmications Center consn project to the McMurray Pields project; and WHEREAS, in order to meet not only the match requirement, but to possib(y ]everage the aforemenvoned additional $20QOOC from Ramsey Counry, an additional $247,065.33 ia local funds is needed, bringiag the local commitment to $I.0 million; and WHEREAS, Pazks and Recreation requests that $214,621.04 of 2003 and 2005 Capital Improvement Bond Contingency and $32,44429 of 2005 Capiial Maintenance Contingency funding be reallocated to the McMunay Soccer Fields Project; and WHEREAS; the Office of Financial Services has verified ffiat said conlingency funds aze available; and / �' G:IFMIQTWrkalResolu6on5, AOS, Green SheetslReSOluLonsNACMurrdy8utlgetEstablish Resolution.xl5 Page. � of3 1 WHEREAS, the McMurray Soccer Fields project is a proposal to construct tivee (3) new permanent amficial rurf soccer 2 field in place of natural turf fields at Como Park's McMurray Fields; and 3 COUNCII,FR.E#: O� ��J � GREEN SFIEETlE: 3030958 Resolufion City of Saint Paul, Minnesot 50 NOW Tf�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the i 1 Mayor, and the advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, thaz 5^ 1,800,000 is available for 52 appropriarion in the Capital Improvement Budget, and that the 1997, 1999, 2002, 2004, 2005, and 2006 budget, as heretofore �3 adopted and aznended by Council, is hereby further amended as follows: �4 55 FINANCING PLAN: 56 C06 - Pazks Capital Projects 57 3S 160 - McMurray Artificial Turf Fields 58 3507 - Ramsey County Soccer Partners 59 7317 - Transfer from 1997 CIB 60 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 61 7322 - Transfer from 2002 CIB 62 7324 - Transfer from 2004 CIB 63 7325 - Transfer from 2005 CIB 64 7999 - Intrafund Transfer 65 6b SPENDINGPLAN: 67 C06 - Parks Capital Prqeas 68 35160 - McMurray Artificial Turf Fields 69 0882 - Land Improvements 70 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 71 72 SPENDING PLAN: 73 C99 - Pazks Capital Projects 74 3E015 - Trout Brook Acquisition 75 0799 - Inhafund Tra�vsfer 76 0881 - Land Acquisition 77 78 FINANCING PLAN: 79 C04 - Parks Capital Projects 80 3T107 - Sandy Lake Soccer Fields 81 7324 - Transfer from 2004 CIB 82 83 SPENDING PLAN: 84 C04 - Pazks Capital Projects 85 3TI07 - Sandy Lake Soccer Fields 86 0882 - Land Improvements 87 0883 - Architect Fees - Land 88 89 FINANCING PLAN: 90 COS - OFS Capital Projects 91 OT110 - 2005 CIB Contingency 92 7319 - Transfer from 1999 CIB 93 7325 - Transfer from 2005 CIB 94 95 SPENDING PLAN: 96 COS - OFS Capitat Projects 97 OTI10 - 2005 CIB Contingency 98 0548 - Council Contingency 99 CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CAANGES BUDGET o.00 soo,000.00 soo,000.00 0.00 678.12 678.12 0.00 19,208.34 I 9,20834 0.00 48.06 48.06 0.00 745,283.14 745,283.14 0.00 227,130.81 227,130.81 0.00 7,651.53 7,651.53 0.00 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 0.00 1,600,000.00 1,600,000.00 0.00 200,000.00 200,000.00 0.00 1,800,000.00 1,800,000.00 139,993.00 7,651.53 147,644.53 3,473,650.00 (7,651.53) 3,465,998.47 3,613,643.00 0.00 3,613,643.00 500,000.00 (306,141.89) 193,55811 SOO,OOO.W (306,141.89) 193,558.11 300,000.00 (300,000.00) 0.00 200,000.00 (6,141.89) 193,858.11 500,000.00 (306,141.8� 193,558.11 19,208.34 (19,208.34) 0.00 194,686.52 (194,686.52) 0.00 213,894.56 (213,894.86) 0.00 213,894.86 (213,894.86) 0.00 213,894.86 (213,894.8� 0.00 G.�FMIQi7wrkalResolutions, AOS, G2en SheelSWesoluGOn5wlcMurrdy8utlge[Esfa6GSh Resol�bon.zk Page: 2 073 COUNCIL FILE #: ��h� GREEN SHEET�': 3030958 Resolurion CiTy of Saint Paul, Minnesota 100 FINANCING PLAN: 101 CO3 - OFS Capital Projec[s 102 OT108 - 2003 CIB Contingency 103 7317 - Transfer from 1997 CIB 678.12 (67812) 0.00 104 7322 - Transfer from 2002 CIB 48.06 (48.06) 0.00 105 106 SPENDING PLAN: 107 CO3 - OFS Capital Projects 108 OTI08 - 2003 CIB Contingency 109 0545 - Council Contingency 110 111 FINANCING PLAN: 112 COS - OFS Capital Projects ll 3 9T035 - 2005 Capital Maintenance I 14 7325 - Transfer from 2005 CIB IIS 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 Adopted by Council: SPENllING PLAN: COS - OFS Capital Projects 9T035 - 2005 Capital Maintenance 0518 - Mayor's Contingency 726.18 (726.18) 0.00 726.18 (726.18) 0.00 726.18 (726.15) 0.00 32,444.29 (32,44429) 0.00 32,444.29 (32,444.29) 0.00 32,444.29 (32,44429) 0.00 32,444.29 (32,444.29) 0.00 FINANCING PLAN: C04 - Police Capital Projects 4T050 - Emergency Communications Center 7324 - Transfer from 2004 CIB SPENDING PLAN: C04 - Police Capital Projects 4T050 - Emegency Communicarions Center 0858 - Communications Equipment 0894 - Construction - General 1,345,000.00 (439,141.25) 905,858J5 1,345,000.00 (439,141.25) 905,858.75 995,000.00 (89,14125) 905,858.75 350,000.00 (350,000.00) 0.00 1,345,000.00 (439,141.25) 905,558.75 Wazd Yeas Nays Absentl 1 �! Requested by: 3 I.i I I II Division of Pazks and Recreation 4 ✓ G�?��'���"r-G'—�---�� 5 By: c � 7 � . � � �/ �� Approval Re mended by Financ' Services Dvector: Date: _J�j�� BY� �� Adoption Certified by Council Secretary BY� / / //�//L/_ / �J,- `.C%S�i? � Apprwed by M Date: 7 r '� By: � Budget Commiktee z tHis *eqnest aa GIFMIQTWrkaV2esoWGOnS, AOs, Green SheetSUieso/ubonsVv/cMUmdj`� �_ ye. s�sa. end recommenC< wa�—� ���1�� _ .�QStBt3. ....__��ae� � Form Approved by City Attomey � /-�-��'�- , � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet PR – P�saudRecreation Conqct Person & Phone: Jason Wirka 266-G4'17 Must Be on CouncilAgen� ContractType: AR-RESOLUTION W/$ 7RANSACiION �. �. - , 0.ssign Number For Routing Order O� -�� S� Green Sheet NO: 3030958 DEp2f41fEnY SentToPerson ITi�i31N�S2 0 arks and R reation � I arks and R reation De artment " ec r � 2 inan ' ervi es ffi 'nanci 3 ' AUUCne 4 a or's f5c Ma r/Ass" tant 5 ouncil Cou cil 6 1 rk Cti 1 rk Total # of Signature Pag _( Clip All L ocations for Signature) Action Requested: Approval of attached resolution authorizing a spending and fmancing plan for a Ramsey County soccer pariners grant for McMurray Fieids, and authorizing the re-allocation of CIB funds to provide the City's share of costs. itlatwns: Appm�.e (A) or Kejecl (R): Personal Service Contracts MuStMswer Ne Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this personifirm e�erworked under a contract forthis departmerA? CIB Commitlee Yes No Citil Service Commission 2. Has this persorJSrm e�er been a cdy employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/Rrm possess a skill not normally possessed by any cutrent city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): � ,; .i3�e� fj C3 Z�uU AdvantaAeslfApproved: �'�� /\�°�j'���g���,¢ Artificial turf fields will be constructed at Como Pazk's McMurray Fields. d'i 9 d.J 1�J e DisadvanWAes If Approved: None. DisadvanW ges H Not Approved: Pro�ect will not proceed, grant will be lost Ju�v � 4 zoos , i. �. � 7ota�amountot $1,800,000 Transaction: Fundiny souree: CIB/Ramsey County Financial Information: (ExpWin) CosHRevenue Budgeted: N Activity Number. V8110US Council Research �JUN 16 2006 June 6, 2006 4:02 AM Page 1