Presented By
1 RESOLVED, upon request of the City Attorney pursuant to Charter § 5.02, there being special
2 circumstances requiring the services of outside counsel to provide bond opinion and related legal
3 services, that the law firm of Briggs and Morgan, P.A. is hereby appointed special counsel for
4 said purposes and for the compensation specified in the Master I,egal Services Agreement
5 between the City of Saint Paul and said firm effective April l, 2006, and as specified in the
6 Master Lega1 Services Agreement between the Housing and Redevelopment authority of the City
7 of Saint Paul and said fum efFective April 1, 2006; and
9 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the proper City officials aze hereby authorized to execute
10 said agreements.
Requested by Deparhnent oE
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Fonn ApQed�eU by Ciry
Adoption Certified by Council Secre
BY: —il�-�JOG �///GSd2
Approved byM�,y9r� �e 7 �� ��
x i
B c� ,
Council File # �
Green Sheet # �Z2 / ¢.'l�i�
for Submission to Council
� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
1�1�o Jr(��O
Depar6nenUofficelcouncii: Date Initiated:
�A -� ,��N� Green Sheet NO: 3031069
CoMad Person B Phone:
Geraid Hendrickson
Council Agenda 6y (Date)_
2 Attome artraen Dir or
2 A i t
3 ou 'I Co
4 i I
Total # o Sign aWre Pages _(Ci A Locations to Sig
Action Requested:
Appointment of Briggs and Morgan P.A. as bond counsel.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civii Service Commission
'I. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contract for this departmenY?
Yes No
2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a dty employee?
Yes No
3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normaily possessed by any
curtent ary employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on sepsrete sheet and attach ta green sheet
InitiaGng Problem, lssues, Opportunity (Wbo, What, When, Where, Why):
Do to unique circumstances, special counsel is needed to represent the City/HRA m bond transac6ons.
Advanqpes NApproved:
The City/I�tA will have qualified special counsel to provide bond opinions and related legaI services.
DisadvaMapes N Mproved:
Disadvantages If Not Approved:
The City/FIRA will not have qualifed special counsel to provide bond opinions and legal services.
Total Amouot of
FundiaA Source:
Financiai Informaiion:
Activitv Number.
Council Research
JUN 201Q06
CosURevenue Butlgeted:
1VIaster Legal Services Agreement
(Briggs and Morgan-200b and 200�
THIS MAST�R LEGAL SEIiVICES AGREEiVIE1VT (hereinafter zefened to as tl7e
"Agreement"}, is made and entered into effective the i day of April, 2006 by and between the
MIN1��ESOTA, a pubfic body under the Iaws of tlae State of iviinnesata, whose address is Suite
1300, ZS West 4�' Street, St. Paul, MN 55142 (hereinafter refened to as "Authority") anfl
BRIGGS ANA MORGAN, Professional Association, whose address is 2200 First National
Bank Bidg., 332 Minnesata Street, St. Paul ivL�T 55101, (hereinafter referred to as
WHEI2EAS, under Seetion 5.02 of the City of Saint Paul Charter the city attorney shall
represenf #he city in ail causes in which YIie city is interested and shall have fuIl and complete
charge of the legal business of dae city, and in any case of special or unusuat circumstancas ttie
council, upon the request of the city attomey, may by resolution appoint and fix special counsePs
compensation; and
WHEREAS, the Authority engages in economic development, redevelopment and
housing projects and the financing thereaf in fiutherance of the public purposes of the Authority
which is to enhanee the well-being af the City of Saa�t Paul, Minnesota and its residents; and
WF�REAS, federal and state law and regulations significantly unpact the projecis and
pragrams undertaken by the Autkority, and the obfigations issued by or on behalf of the
Authority to finance such projects and progra�ns, and lherefore there is a need for special legal
expertise to be avaiIable to the Authority on a continuuig basis as well as on a specific project
basis relating,to such £ederal and sfate laws and regulations for housing, redeveIapmenf and
eeonomic development projects; and
WHEI2EAS, the Consultant is experienced in legal matters relating to pubIic fmance,
economic development, radevelopment, housing and retated matters; and
R'HEI2EAS, the Consuitant is one of the law finns approved by the Authority's Board of
Commissioners to provide tegal services to the Authority iia public fmance matters as provided in
the Authority's Resoiution No. 06-_1 -_
NOW 'TFiEREFORE, the Authority and Consultant, in considerarian of the mutual
terms and condit�ons, promises, covenants, and payments hereinafter set farfh, agree as fotlows:
SECTION 1. Scope of Services.
A. Consultant agrees to provifle legal services to the Authority at the direction of the
Office of the City Attomey {hereinafter refarred to as the "CAO") with respect to aeneral
economic development, redevelopment and hausing projects and programs and finance
powers of the Authority ("General Legal Services").
B.Consultant futther agrees to provide legal services to the Authority at the direction of
Yhe CAO with respect to specific projects. A Scope of Work will be agreed upon by
AuthoriYy and Consultant for specific projects. Each Scope of Work will be in the fflmz
•. .-
of the attached Exhibit A, and include a iist of iadividuais who will perform the work,
and a Iist of key tasks. Each Scope of Work wi11 be verbally agreed to by Authority and
Consultant prior to the commencement of any work and signed as soon as practically
possible and shall be incorporated into this Agreement as an attachment. Aufhoriry and
Consultant agree that all of the terms and conditians af tl�is Master Agreement shall app2y
to each Scope of Work.
C. Coi�sultant shail perfortn aIl legal services under Section lA and Section iB above in
accordauce with the requirements set forth in E�ibit B attached to this Agteement.
Conduit bonds aze excluded from ihis Agreement.
SECTION 2. Time For Cumpletion.
A. Unless temrinated eazlier or extended as otherwise provided herein, the term of the
Agreement shalf commence upan fhe execution of the Agreement and shalI fernvnate on
Mazch 31, 2008.
B. The legal services xendered by Consultant in accordance wiYh Section 1 B herein skall
be commenced and completed in accordance with ffie schedule contained in each Scope
of Work.
C.Zn the event that there are delays caused by acrions of the Consultant or which may be
reasonably requested by tha Consultant which can change the completion date,
Consultant shail request an extension of time for complefion of the project. fihe CAO
cvill review the request and may granY W the Consultaztt such ea�tensions o£rime as may
be reasonahle.
D. 5ubject to mutual agreement on the hourty rates, the Authority resetves the right to
extend the term of this Agreement for a period of two yeazs. The Authority can exercise
this right by giving written notice thereof to Cotisultant no later than December 31, 2007.
SECT'ION 3. BiIlings and Paymenf.
That for ConsuttanYs faithfu3 perfoimance of ttus Agreement, the Aathority hereby
a�ees to compensate the Canstiltant as follows:
(a) The Consultant sha11 be compensated for services provided hezeunder at
the rate of $250.40 per hot�r for attorney time, and $125.00 per hour for paralegal time.
Frovided, liowever, in the event that the fees of the Consultant cviIl be paid by a private
developer, the hourlq rate fot aitoiney hme is the ConsultanY s normal recovery or billing
(b) Fn additinn to the fees far services set forth above, the Firm shalF be
entitled to rennbursement for 3ts reasonabte and necessary disbursements for dupiication
of docvments; messenger or special delivery services; kong distance telephone charges;
telecopy or fas chazges; and other reasonable and aecessary amounts paid to fihird parties
{including without lunitarion natianal YaY consultants) related to the services provided
purs�zaitt to tkis Agreement.
(cj The total fees, costs and expenses for Generai Legal Services under
Section lA ofthis Agreement on an annual basis shall not exceed 5i7,500.00, uniess thzs
•� ,.
Ageement is aznended in writing_
T'he Consultant shall bill the CAO no less freqaenfly than on a quarterly basis of each
yeaz for the services provided hereunder unless other terms are mntuaily ageed upon by the
C.40 and Consultant. In the event of termination of this Agreemen�, the Consuttant shall be paid
for its services rendered up to and including the day upon which termii�ation is effective. Each
invoice submitted by the Consultant shail sepazately itemize, and state the fees, names of the
lawy�rs, amount of time, natvre of work performed, and d'zsbursements attributabTe to, each
separa#e matter to which such bitt relates.
in f7ie evenf the Consultant fails to compiy with any terms ox conditions of the
Agreement or to provide in any manner the work or services as agreed fo herein, fhe CAO
reserves the unilaterai right Yo withhold any payment on invoices uatil the CAO is satisfied that
cortective action kaas been taken or completed. This right is in addition to and not in lieu of the
Authority's rights to termination and other remedies as provided in Sections I5 and I6 of this
SECTION 4. Responsibie Individuals.
A. The uiclividuals at the Consultant prunarily xesponsible for the perfonn.ance of the
legal services required of the Consultant under this Agreement shall be Mary Dyrseth and Tony
Stembez�er. The CAO, oz a person designated by the CAO shail be responsible for directing the
Consultazrt to perform Iegal seivices far the Authority. The responsible individuals sha11 perform
the legat services in accordance with the requirements set farth in Exhibit B. The responsible
individuals at fhe Consultant sha11 submii to the CAO the monthiy billing statements provided in
Sec#ion 3 of this Agreement.
SEG I'TON 5: Authority Responsibilities.
A. The Authority agrees to pzovide Consultant with access to any infotmarion from
Authority documents, staff, and ofher sources needed by Consultant to complete the worl�
described herein.
SECTION 6. Work Producfs, Records, Dissemination vf Information.
A. For purpases of this Agreement, the fallowing words and phrases shall have tiie
meatungs set forth in this section, except where the context cleazly indicates that a different
meaning is intended.
"WorkproducP' shall mean any report, recommen@ation, paper, presenfatiaa, drawircg,
demonstxation, or other materials, whethex in written, alectronic, or otker format that results from
ConsuitanYs serviaes under this Agreement.
"Supporizng documentation" shall mean any surveys, question�faires, notes, research,
papers, analyses, whether in written, etectronic, or in other format and other evidences used to
generate any and a11 work performed and work products generated under tlus Agreement.
"Business records" sha11 mean aziy books, documents, papers, accoun# records and other
evidences, whether written electronic, or in ottxer form, beIanging to Consu2tant and pertauaing
to woik perfoimed under this Agreement.
B. Copies of all defiverabte warlc products and supporting documentarion that result from
� :56�
the ConsultanY s services uttder this Agreement shall be deiivered to the Authority upon its
request and shail become the praperty of the Authority after final payment is made to Yhe
Consultant, with no right, titte, ar interest in said wark products or supporting documentation
vesting in Consuttant .
C. 1'I�e Consultant agrees not to release,lransmit, or vtherwise dissenunate informa#ion
associated with or generated as a resutt of the work performed under tkis Agreemerrt without
prior irnowledge and written consent af the A¢fhority.
D. In the event of termination, copies of a1i documents finished or unfinished, and
supporting documentation prepazed by the Consulfant vnder this Agreement, shalt t�e deiivered
to the Authority upan its request by Consultant by the termination dafe and there shatk be no
ftuthar obligation of the Authority to Consultant excegt for payment of amounts dne and owing
for work performed and expenses incurred to the date and time of terminadon.
E. The Consultant agrees to maintain all business records in such a manxier as wilt reaciily
conform to the terms of tius A�aement and to make such materials available at its office at ali
reasonable times during this Agteement period and for six (� years fram the dafe of the fmal
payment under the Agreement for audit ar znspection by flte Authority, the Auditor of the State
of Minnesota, oz other duly authorized representative.
F. This Agreement is intended to bene$t, ta the fulI extent law£ul, from the attomey client
privilege. Consultaut agrees to abide stric�ly by Chaptet 13 ,Minnesata ('sovemment Data
Practice Act , and 'm particular Minn. Stat.§§ 13.05, subd. 6 aud I1; ancl 13.3?, subd. 2(b) and
Minn. Stat §§ 138.17 and f S.I1. Atl of the data cxeated, collected, received, stored, used,
maintained, or disseminated by the Consultant in perfornvng functions under Y3us Agreement is
subject fo the requirements of ti�e Muulesota Governmenf Data Pracfices Act and Consultant
must comply with those requizements as if it were a govennnentai endty. The remedies in
Chapter 13 ap�ly to the Consultant. If any provision of this Agreement is in conflict with the
Minnesota Govemtnent Data Practices Act or other Minnesota state Iaws, state 3aw sha11 control.
SECTI�N 7. �qaal Opportunity Emplopment.
A. Consuttant wilI nof discriminate against any employee or applicant £or employment
for work under this Agreement because of race, creed, religion, color sex, sexuai or affectional
orientation, national origin, ancestry, facnilial status, age, disabslity, maritai status, or status with
regard to public assistance and wi11 take �rmative steps to ensure that appficants are employed
and employees are ireaYed during emplayment without regazd to the same. Consultant agrees to
be bound by and camply with the requirements of Section 183.04 of the Saiat Paul Legisiative
Code and fhe Rulas Gaverning Affirmative Reyuirements in Employment adopted by the Saint
Paul Human Rights Commission.
This provision shall include, hut no# be Iimited to the following: emgloyment, upgrading,
demotion, or tcansfer; recnzihnent advertising, layoff or terxuinafion; rates of pay or their forms
o€ compensation; anci selection far trainiag, including appren&ceship.
SECTIOh' 8. Compliance With Appticable Lativ.
A. Consultant agrees ta eompty wi#h alt €ederal, state, and locai laws or ordinances, and
a11 applicable rules, regulatians, and standards esfablished by any agency of sach governme�stal
units, whick are now or hereafter promutgated insofar as they relate to the Consultant's
* • n e
performance of Yhe provisions of this Agreement. It shall be tha obligation of the Consultant to.
appty for, pay for, and obtain ail permixs andfor licenses required.
SECTION 9. Cont3ict of Interesk
A. Cansuttant agrees that it wiII not contract for or accept empIoyment far the
performance of any work or servioes with any individual, business, corporation, or govemment
unit that would crea#e a conflict of intezest in the performance of its obligafions pucsuant to- tlus
Agreement with ttie Autkority unless agreed to in cvriting by the Autharity.
B. Consultant's acceptance of this Agreement in@icates compliance with Chapter 24.03
of the Saint Paul Administrative Code: "Except as permitted by Iaw, no City official or employee
shall be a party to or have a direct f na�ciai interest in any sale, lease, or contract with the City,"
C. Consultant agrees that, shouid any confliet ar potentizl canflict af interes# become
known, Consuttant shatt advise the CAO of fhe situation so thaY a determination can be made
about Consultant's abiIity to continue performing services under fhe Agree�nent.
5ECTIQN 10. Insurance.
A. Consultaut shall be required to carry insurance of the kind and 'zn ihe amounts shown
beIow for the life of the Agreement. Excfuding Professional Liability Insurance all insarance
certi$aates should state that the Authority and the Ciiy of Saint Paui, Minnesota, a municipal
corporafion (hereinafter referred to as the "City"}, their respective employees and officials are
Additioi�l Insureds. A cross suifs endorsement shali be pxovided to the benefit of the Authority.
1. Public Liabilitv Insurance
a) Bodily tnjury
b) Property Damage
each occurxence
each accident
c) Palicy must niclude an "ail services, products, or compleied transactions"
2. Automobile I�zsurance
a} Bodily Tnjury $ 750,000 per person
$1,000,00U peraccident
b) Property damage not less tkan $50,000 per accident
3. Worker's Comnensation and Bmployer's Liabilitv
a) 4Uorker's Comgensation per Iviinnesota Siatute
b) Employer's LiabiIity shail have minimum limits of $50�,000 per accident;
$500,000 per empIoyee; $500,000 per disease policy limit.
e} Coniractars with 10 or fewer employees who do not have W orker's
Compensation coverage are required to provide the Authority with a Ietter verifying
number of employees.
4. Professional Liabifiiv Insurance
0 6-5��
a) �2Q,000,000 per occurrence
b) $40,00O,OOd aggregate
5. General Insuzance Reauirements
a} Excluding Professional Liabifity Insurance, the palicy is to he written on
an occurrence basis or as acceptabie to the Anthority.
Certificate o£ insurance must indicate if the policy is issued on a claims-made or
occurrence basis. Alt certificates of insurance shall provide that the be given not less
than thirfy (34} days wriiten notice of caucellation non-renewal or any material
changes in the policy, including, but not limited to, covaxage amounts. Agent must
state on the certificate if the policy includes errors and omissions coverage.
b} The Consultant shali not commence work until a Certificate of Insurance
covering all of the insurance required for this project is approved and the CAO has
issued a notice to proceed. Insurance must remazn an piace for the
duration of the original Agreement and any e�ension periods.
c) 'Fhe Authority reserves the right to review ConsultanYs znsnrance poiicies at
any time to verify fhat Aufhority requiremenls have been met.
d) Nothing shalI preclude the Authority from requiring Consultant to purchase
and pxovide evidence of additional insurance.
e) Satisfaction of poticy and endorsement requuements for General Liability and Aufo
Insurance, of"eaoh occurrence" and "aggregate" limits, can be met witlx an
umbrella or excess pol3cy with the saane minimuni monetary limits written on an
occturence bas9s, providing it is written by ihe same insurance carrier.
SECTION � 1. Independettt CottEractor.
A. It is agreed by the parties that, at all times and for ail purposes wictun the scopa o#'the
Agreement, the re3ationship of the Consu3#ant to the Authority is that of independent contractor
and not tlzat of employee. I3o statemenY contained in ttus Agreement shall be construed so as to
find Cansultant an employee of the Authority, and Consultaat shall be entitied to none of the
rights, privi2eges, or henefits of employees of either the Authoriry or C3ty.
SECTION 12. Subcontracting.
A. The Consultant agrees nat to enter into any subcontracts £or any of the work
cotttemplated under this Agreement wiYhout ohtaining prior written approval of the Authoritq.
SECTION 13. Hold Harm{ess. -
A. The Consultant agzees fo be responsible for any compensable injuries or daznages,
inciuding reasonable costs of defending meritorious claims, incurred by the Authority aad City,
its officers, agents, and emp3oyees, which are proximateiy caused by an error or omission of the
Consultant or any of its persannel committed in connection with the performance of the
professional Iegal services provided under the terms of this Ageement, but oi�ly to Ehe extent
that such injuries ar damages woald not have been suf�ered 6y the Au#hority and City but for the
fautt of the Consultant or aay of its personnel.
SEC'1`fON 14. Assignment.
A. The Authority and the Consulfant each binds itself and its successors, legal
representatives, and assigns of such othar party, with respect to aIl covenants o£this Agreement;
1. ,.
and neither t3ie Authority nor the Coasultant wi1F assign or transfer tizeir interest in this
Agreement without the written consent of the oiher.
SECTTOi4 I5. Terminatioa
A. The Aufhority has the right to terminate this Agreement at any time by giving notice
thereof to the Consultant.
B. In the event of tezmination, the Authority will pay Consuf#ant for atl services actualiy,
timeIy, and faithfully rendered ta the Authority as determined in the reasonabie discrerion of the
Authority, up ta Yhe recztpt of the notice of t�inatian and thereafter until the date of
terminatio� The Consultant wiII deliver a1I work products and supporting documentation to the
Authority developed up to #he date af tei7ninatian prior to the Authority rendering final payment
for services,
SECTION 16: Defaulf by Cansuttant; Aufhority remedies.
A. In the ewent Consuitant fails ar neglects to comply with any term or condition af this
Agreement or to provide the services stated herein, Authority sliall l�ave the following ri�ts: (a)
to suspend payment of any invoices; (b) to commence an action to recover the damages incurred
by the Authority; (c) to commence an ac6on to compei specific performance of the Aa eement
by the Consultant; and (d} to tenninate this Agreement. These remedie5 shall be in addition to
any other remedies available to fhe Authority an Iaw or equity. The Authority skall be aniitled to
recover reasonable attorney's fees and cosfs of collecfion associated with enforcing its rights
SECTIOIV 17. Amendment or Changes to Agreemeut.
A. Authority or ConsuTtant may request changes that wouid inerease, decrease, or
oYherwise modify the 5cope of Services. Such changes and method of compensation utust be
authorized in writing in aduance by the Authority.
B. Any alTerauons, amendments, delet3ons, or waivers of the provisions of this
Agreement shail be valid onty when reduced to writing and dnly signed by the parties.
SECTION 1&. Notices.
A. Except as otherwise stated in t3us Agreement, any notice or demand to be given tu�der
this Agreement shati be delivered in person or deposited in United States Certified Mail, Retum
Receipt Requested to the addresses sei forth in the opening pazagraph of this Agreement.
SECTION 19. Waiver.
A. Any fauit ar delay of a party ta assert any right under ihis Agreement shall not
constitute a waiver or a Yermisiation af that right, Uus Agreement, or any of this Agreement's
SECTTQN 20. Survival of Obiigations.
A. The respective obligarions of #he Authoriry and Consuttaut under these tenns and
conditions, which by their nature would continue beyond the termination, canceIlation, or
expiration hereof, shall survive tesmination, cancellation or expirntion hereof.
B. If a court ar goveiviuental agency with pFOper jurisdiction determines fhat Yhis
Agreement, or a provision herein is unlawfiil, this Agreement or U�at provision, shall tenninate.
If a provision is so terminated but the parfies legally, comLnercially, and practicably can continue
this �tgreement withou£ the temunated provision, the remainder of fFiis Ageement shalI con2inue
in effect.
SEC'I'iON 21. Interpretation of Agreement, Venue.
A. Tfus Agree�nent sh211 be.interpreted and constnted according Yo the Iaws af tha State
of iviinnesota. All litigafion reiated to YYus Agreement shall he venued in the District Court of the
Covnty of Ramsey, Second 7udiaial Dishict, State of Minnesota.
SEC'I`ION 22. Force Majeure.
A. Neither the Authority nor the Consuitant shall be held responsibfe for performance if
its performanoe is prevented by acts or events beyond Yhe party's reasonabie control, including,
but not lunited to: severe weather and storms, earthquake or other nahuaI occurrences, strikes
and other labor unrest, pawer failures, electrical power surges or current fluctuations, nuciear ox
ather civil military emergencies, or acts of legislative, judicial, exe�utive, or administraiive
SEC"TION 23. Entire Agreement.
A. It is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement snpersedes all oral agreements
and negotiations between tke parties relating to the subject matters herein.
Ilv WI1TiESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreemeut, the day a��d
yeaz first above written.
Huusing and RedeveIopment
Authority of the Ciiy of Saint Paul, Minnesata:
iYS Executive Direetor
Its Direetor of O�ce of Financiai Seroices
W.H.Tyrone Terrill, Director
Department of Human Rights
Approved as to form:
Assisfant City Attorney
Activity # and Activity Manager Signature
Briags and Margan
Profe 'onal ' ion
� �.J��.--
Its `
T� Identification I�umber
f• ._
Eahibit A
Scope of R'ork
Attachment to Master Legat Services Agreement
Dated April l, Z006
Description of legat services to be performed:
3. Consultant will begin work on
services by , 240_.
2Q0_, and complete the
4. (a) Attomey fees for non-bond re[ated work far the Qroject will be billed at the
kourly rates set forth in Section 3(a} of the Master I,egal Servsces Agreement, and costs
wili be reitnbursed in accordance with Section 3(b). Totai fees and costs shall not exceed
the amount of $
(b) If the pro}ect involves the Authority's Revenue Bonds or Tax Increment Bonds,
then attamey fees for bond related work are agreed to be set at the fixed sum of $
payable, together with costs, from the proceeds of fhe bond sate or the Authority direcfly at its
option. The Consultant shall pmvide a single line bitl far the bond ciasing. Provided however
that na fees or costs aze due or payable to Consuitant if the bond closing does not occur, unless
the Authority agrees with Constcitant to make paymant of a portioiz or aIl of such fees ana costs
in an extraordznary case. In addition, the ConsuItant shall provide to the CAO and the
Authority's project manager witl3 an itemized billing stafement upon completion of the bond
ciosing that wi11 contain the folIowing informafion: fhe natves of the attomeys pexforming the
work, the nature and dates of work performed, and the amount of time associated with each item
of work.
Individuais from the Consultant to work on tlais project are as follows:
Special provisions:
t_ ._
Hausiag aud Redeveiapment
Authority af ti�e City of Saiat PauI,lVIinnesota:
Its Executive Director
Its Director of Office of �'inancial Services
Approved as to form:
Assistant City Attonzey
Activity # and Activity Manager Signature
Briggs and Margan
Professional Association
Tax Ictentification NumBer
E�ibit B
Consultant agees to perform atl legai services under the 2vlaster I.ega1 Services
Agreement and each Scope of Work in accordance with the foIIowing requirements:
t� . .
i. Uniess dizecteci ottserwise by Che CAO, all requests for Iegal services, advice and
opinions by Consultanf, and other communications between the Consultaut and
Authority sfiall be tiu�ough the CAfl.
2. T[ie CAO shall be copied on a11 communications whetheL in the form of inemos,
2etters, e-mails, faaces aud fhe like.
3. The CAO shall be informed of all meetings scheduied with Aufhority staff
including the projecC name and agenda.
4. Do not asscune you know how the Authority will decide upon or handle a
particular matter or issue. Simply because it has been ihe Authority's custom or
practice in the past does not meaxc it should or will continue to be the same in the
matter you are currently handiing.
5. For rnost files it shoutd be unnecessary to involve more than one attorney. If the
case requires more involvement than one attomey, prior approval must be secured
from the CAO.
6. Do not "double up" at meetings or court hearings. Unless prior approvaf has been
obtained, the Authority wiii not pay £or more than one attorney at any meeting or
court heazing.
7. The client is the Authority and the Authority, thxough its executiva directox and
pro,}ect managers, makes the dscisions on all business negofiations and other
items regarding a psojeat. Your role as outside Iegal counsel is to pmvide legal
counsel and advice Yo the project managers and executive cTirectoz, and provide
the Authority with possible courses of action, opYions and solutions.
8. It as importanY to listen to the needs of the projecY nianager and to draft clear,
concise and easy to understaufl language that effectuates the intentions of the
9. If it appezrs that the amount of attomey's fees will greatly exceed the original
estimate or "not to exceed" amount, then you shouid notify the pro}eet manager as
soon as possible so thaf appropriate action can be taken to minimize ongaing
expenses or fund the increased costs.
Master Legat Services Agreement
{Briggs and iVtorgan-2dQ6 and 2007)
THIS AGREEMb�T, is made and entered into effecrive the I St day of April, 2006 by and
betureen the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a public body under the Iaws of #he State af
Minnesota, whase address is IS West Kellogg Boulevard, St Paul, MN 5�102 (hereinafter
refened to as"City"} and Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, whose address is 2200
First National Bank Bldg., 332 Minnesota Street, St. Paul, MiV 55101, (hereinafter refeaed to as
WHEREAS, the City engages in economzc devetopment, redevelopment and housing
projects and tlae financing thereof in furtherance of the public purposes of tt�e City which is to
enhance Yhe well-being of the City of Saint Paul and its residents; and
WHBREAS, Chapter 5 o€the Saint PauI City Charter provides that rhe City Councii may,
upon recommendafion of tha City Attomey, appoint special counsel in special circumstances,
and fix special counsePs compensation;
4Vi3EREAS, federat and state law and regulatious significanfZy impact the projects and
programs undertaken by the City, and the obligations issued by or on behalf of the City to
finance such praj ects and programs and therefore the Crfy attorney finds there is a need far
special experCise to be available to the City on a continuing basis as well as on a specific project
basis relating to such federal and state Iaws and regulations for housing, redevelopment and
economic development projec#s; and
WF�EREAS, the Consultant is experienced in Iegat matters relating to public fiizance,
public bonds of varying types, tax increment financing, redevelopment, housing and related
matters; and
WIIEREAS, the Consultant is one of ihe Iaw fums approved by tl2e Cify Council to
provide legal services to die City in pnblic finance rnaiYers as provided in the City's ResoIution
No. 06- !_ � and anYhorized the City AtCorney to set ihe terms of such provision of services.
NOW THEREFORE, the City and Cousultant, in consideration of the mutual terms and
conditions, promises, covenants, and payinents hereinafter sei forth, agree as follows:
SECTION l. Scope of Serviees.
A. Consultant agrees to provide Iegal services to the City at tl2e direction of the City
Attorney Offiee ("CAO"} with respect to puUlic bonds, taY inerement finai2cing,
redevelopment and housing projects and programs and finance powers of the City
("General Legal Services"}.
B. Consultant fiu�ther agrees to provide legal services to the City aY the direction of the
City Attorney Office with respect to specific pro}ects as foilows:
•� - -
i. Assist in planning the financing and sizvchuing of the bond issue and, where
appropriate, preparing enabiing legisiation;
2. Prepare or supervise the bond proceedings, inctuding prepazatioa of documents
necessary or appropriate ta tl�e authorization, issuance, sale, bond opinzan, and delivery
of the bonds;
3. Assisc in various aspects of prepaFing the official statement or other disclosure
documents to be disseminated in cannection with the sale of the bands;
4. Ohtain fram governmental authorities such appTOVaIs, nzlings, pemussions, and
exempfians as bond counsel determines aze necessary or appropriate with respect to the
5. Prepare all necessary closing documents and assemble transcripts, if not assembled
by other parties, concerning all procaedings ta.icen in connection with the issnance and sale of the
6. Render advice or opinions on such ralated mat�ers as:
a. The app3icability of particuIar provisioi7s of federal and state
secuFilies Iaw;
b. The applicabilzty of tas !aw provisions �overning estate and gift
c. The eligibility of the bonds for investtnent by variaus fiduciaries and
other regulated invesfors;
d. The status ofthe bonds and related obligaiions under laws relating to
creditors' rights; and
e. The validity and enforceability of security agreements, indentures,
and othez docurnents rela#ed to the bos�ds and tlleir security;
Assist in presenting information to bond rating organizations and bond insurars;
Provide advice related to amendments to federal and state tax laws;
Advise in negotiatina bond purchase agreements with undervrriters;
10. Pravide rebate/azbitrage Iegai serviees for IftS zepartiug purposes as necessary;
I 1. As requested, participate in public forums, City meetings, including Council
committee meetings and HItA Board meetings, as bond counset to explain iegal
aspects of financing; anfl
I2. Assist in other specified aetivitias related to the bonds.
C. A Scope of Work wiil be agreed upon by City and Consultant for specific projects.
Each Scope of WorIc wit2 be in iiie form of the attached E�ibit A and inctude a list of
individuals who will perform the wark, and a list of key tasks. �ach Scope of �Vork will
•� •-
be verbally agreed to by Ciry and Consultant possible prior to tfie commencement of auy
work and signed as soon as practicatly possibie, and shall be incorporated into this
Agreement as an a#achment. City and Consultant agree that all of the terms and
condifions of this Master Agreement shall apply to each Scope of Work.
D. Consultant shall perfarm alI Iegal services under Sections I.A and I.B. above in
accordance cvith the requ"tremeats set forth in B�ibit B attached to this A�
Conduit bonds ara excIuded from ttus Agreement.
SECTFOIV 2. Time For Completion.
A. Llniess terminated eaziier or extended as otherwise provided herein, the term of the
Agreement shali commence upon �tie execution of the Agreament and shali terminate on
Nlazch 31, 2008.
B. The 1ega1 serv[ces rendered by Consuttant in accordance with Section I.B. shall be
commenced and completed in accordance with the schedule contained in eaalz Scope of
In the event that there are delays caused by actions of the City or which may be
reasonably requested by ttte Consultant which can change the completion date
Consultant shall request an extension of time for completzon of the groject. The City
Atkorney wili review the request atid may grant to the Consultant snch extensions of
coizt�act time as may be reasonable.
D. The City reserves the rigkt to exYend the term of this Agreement for a period of two
years, subjecY to mutuai agreement on hoiuly rates. The City can e�arcise this right by
giving written notice thereofto ConsuTtant no later than December 31, 2007.
SECTION 3. Billings and Payment.
That for ConsuifanYs faithful performance of this Agreement flie Cify hereby agrees to
compensate the Consultant as fo�lows:
(a) The Consulfant shall be compensated for services provided hereunder aY
the rate of $230A0 per hour for attomey senrices of Tony Stemberger and $250 foi•
attomey services of Mazy Dyrseth, and $125.OQ per hour for paralegal time. Provided,
however, in the event that the fees of tha Consuitant wi11 be paid by a private developer,
the hourIy rate of lawyer time is the Consuttant's nozmal recovery or bilIing rate.
(b) In addition to the fees for services set forth above, the Consuitant shail be
entitlad to xeimbursemeut for its reasonab2e and necassary disbursements for duplicauon
of documents; messenger or specia� de2avery services; long distance telephone charges;
telecopy or fax charges; and other reasonable and necessary amounts paid to third parties
reiated to Yhe services pravided pursuant ta this Ageement.
(c) The total fees, costs and expenses for services perFormed under Section
1.A. of fIus Agreement shatl not exceed $] 0,000, unIess Yhis Agreement is amended m
(d} ror general obligation and govemmental revenue bonds (incIuding, by
way of example, sewer, water, or leaselannual appropriafion bonds} bond counsel will be
cornpensated accorda��g to normal iecovery rates, with fees capped in order not to exceed
the following schedule and to comply wi#h flie state statute goveming bond counsei fees:
�500,0�0 or less
$SOO,flOd to $1,004,000
'_Vfore than $1,000,000
Advance Refunding Bonds
Ufility Revenue Bonds
Tax Exempt Leases
$3fl00 - $3604 base pius
$1.50I�1000 over $SOQ,000
$3750 - $4500 base ptvs
$130/$I000 over $1,000,000 for the
fust $20,000,000
1.5 — 2.0 times the fees set forth
The fees set forth above plus
1.5 to 3.0 times the fees set fortk
The above schectule assumes that the bond issue will be a fixed rate issue. In the event
the bonds aze sales tax reveiiue bonds, or issued as a flaating rate issue, with liquidity or credit
enhancemenY provisions, City and Consuitant wil3 separately negotzate a different arrangeinent,
which may be a"not-to-exceed" fee.
The Consultant shail bill the City on a quarierly basis of each year for ihe services
provided hereunder unless othex tettns are mutually agreed upon by the City and Consultant. In
the event of termination of this Agreement, the Constzlfaz�t shail be paid for its services rendered
up to axid including the day npon wluch terminatzan is effective. Each invoice submittad by the
Consultant shall separately itemize, and state the fees, names af tl�e iawyers, amount of time,
nature of work perfarmed, and disbursements attribntable to, each sepazate matter to wi�ich such
bi21 reiates.
In the event the Consultant fails to comply with any ierms or conditions of the
Agreement or to provide in any rnanner the work or services as agreed to herein, tha CAO
reserves the right to withhotd any payment until the CAO is sarisfied that conective action has
been taken or completed. This option is in addition to and i7ot an lieu of the City's right to
teFmination as provided in the Sectians 15 aad 16 of this Agreemeut.
SECT'tON 4. Responsible Individuals.
The individuals at the Consultani primarily responsible for the performance of the
legal services required of the Consuttant under thzs Agreement shall be Tony Stemberger and
Mary Dyrseth. The CAO shall be respousible for directing the Consultant to perform fegal
services for the Authorit}r, The responsible individuals sha11 perfozm the legal services in
accordance with the requiren2ents set forth in Exhibii B. The responsible individuals ae the
o� -s��
Consulfant shall submit to the CA4 the monthly billing statements provided in Section 3 of 8iis
SECT�ON 5: City Responsibi3ifies.
A. The City agcees to provide Consultant with access to any information from City
documents, staff, and other souzces needed by Consuitant to complete the work described herein.
SECT`ION 5. Work Pradacts, Records, Dsssemiaafion of Informa#ion.
A. For purposes of tYus Agreement, the foIlowing words and phrases shall have the
meanings set farth in this section, except where the cont�t cleariy indicates that a different
meaning is intended.
"Yt�orkproduct" shall mean any report, recommendatzon, paper, presentation, drawing,
demonstcation, oz other materials, whether in written, etectronic, or othar format that results from
ConsultanYs services under this Agseement.
"3upporting documentation" shaIl mean any surveys, questioimaires, notes, research
papers, analyses, whefher in written, electronic, or in other format and other evidences used to
generate any and alI work perfarmed attd work products generated under this Agreement.
`Business records" shall mean any books, docume�rts, papers, account records and other
evidences, whether written, etectroieic, or in other forma, belonging to Consultanf and pertaining
to cvorkperformed under this Agreement.
$. Copies of all deIiverable work products and supporting docLtmentatioz� that resulT from
t3ie Consuftant's serv3ces under this Agreement shali be delivered to the City upon its request
and shati become ttie property of the City after final payment is made to tize Consuitant with no
right, title, or interest in said work products or supporting documez�tation ves#ing in Consultant .
C. Tke Consultax�t agrees not to release, transmit, or otherwise disseminate n�fonnation
associated with ar generated as a result of the work performed under this Agreement without
prior knowledge and written consent of the City.
D. In the event of termination, copies of all documents finished ox unfinished, and
supporting doaumentaf3on prepared by the ConsulYant under this Agraement, shali be delivered
to flie City upon its requesY by Consultan# by the termination date and there shal] be no further
obiigation of the City to Consultaut except for paymant of amounts due and owii�g for wort<
performed and expenses incurred to the date and time of termination.
B. The Consultant agrees Yo maintain ali business records in such a manner as wil2 readily
canfarm to the terms of this Agxeement and to make such materiais available at its office at all
reasonable times during tttis Agreement period and for six (b) yeazs from the date of the fmai
payxnent uilder the contract for audit or inspection by the City, the Anditor of the State of
Minnesota, or other duly authorized representative,
F. This Agreement is intended to benefit, ta the full extent lawfiil, from the attomey client
privilage. Consultant agrees to abide stricfly by Chapter I3 ,Minnesota Govemment Datz
Practice Act , and in particular:vlinn. Stat.§§ 13.45, subd. 6 and 1I; and 1337, subd. 1(b) and
Miiui. Stat §§ 138.17 and I5.17. P11 ofthe data creafed, cotiected, received, stored, used,
maintaiued, or disseminated by the Consvltant in performing functions under this Agreement is
subject to the requirements of the Nlinuesota Govemment Data Practices Act and Consultant
must comply with those requirements as if it were a governmental entity. The remedies in
Chapter 13 appiy to the Consuitant. Tf any provision of Ylus Agreement is in conflict w'sth tI�e
Minnesota Govemment T3ata 1'ractices Act or other Ivfi�nesota state laws, s#afe law shaIl control.
SECTION 7. EqaaI Opporfunity Employment.
A. Consuitant �vill not discrisninate against any employee or applicant for empioyment
for wark under this Agreement because of race, creed, religion, coIoz, sex, sexual or affectional
orientahon, national origin, ancestry, fanvlial status, age, disabili#y, marital sYatus, or status with
regazd to public assisiance and wi11 take affirmative steps to ensuse that appiicants aze employad
and employees are treated during employment without regard to the same. ConsulYazit ae ees to
be bound by and comply with the requirements of Section 183.Q4 of the Saint Pau1 Legisiative
Code and the Rules Governing Affumative Action Requirements in Employment adopted by the
Saint Paul Human Rights Commission.
This provision shali include, but not be limited to the following: employment, upgrading,
demotion, or transfer; recruitment advertiszng, layoff or terminafion; rates of pay or their forms
o£ compensation; and selection for training, inctuding apprenticeship.
SECTION 8. Compliance With Applicabie Law.
A. Consultant agrees to comply with ali federai, state, and tocal laws or ordinances, and
all applicable niles, regulations, and standards estabiishad by any agency of such governmenYal
iuuts, which are now or hereafter promulgated insofar as they relate to the Consuttant's
performance of the provisions of this Agreemeut. It shall be the obligation of the Consultant to
apply for, pay for, and obtain all pernuts andlar licenses zequired. '
SECTIQN 9. Conflict of InEerest.
A. Consultant agrees that it wiIl not contract for or accept enxployment far the
performance of any work or services wiYh any individual, business, coxporation, or gove�unent
unit Chat wouid create a conflicf of inYerest in the performance of its obligations pursuanY Yo tlus
Agreement wifh the City, unless agreed to in writing by Yhe City.
B. ConsultanYs acceptance of this Agreement indicaYes compliance witlz Chapter 24.03
of the Saint Paui Administrative Code: "fixcept as permitted by Iaw, no City officiai or employee
shall be a party to or have a ciirect financiat interest in any sale, lease, or contract with the Ciry."
C. Consultant agrees that, should any conflict or potential conflict of interest become
known, Consultant wiII advise the Purchasin� Systems Manager of the situarion so that a
determination can be made about Consulfa.nt's ab�tify to conrinue performing senrices under fhe
SECTION 10. Insurance.
A. ConsuItant shall be required to carry insurance of the kind and in the amounts shown
below for the life of the contract. Excl�ding Professional Liabiiify Insurar,ce, insurance
certificates should state thaY the Cify of Saint Paul, its empIoyees and officials aze Additional
Insureds. A cross suits endorsement sl�all be provided to the benefit of the City.
l. Public Liabilitv Tnsuraace
a} Bodily Injury
b) Property Damage
$ i
eaeh occurrence
each accident
c} Policy must ineFude an "alI services, pro@ucts, or compieted transactions°
Z. Automobile Tnsurance
a) Bodily Iujury $ 75Q,000 per person
$1,000,600 peraccident
b) Property damage nat less thau $�0,000 per accident
3. Worker's Compensation and Empiover's Liability
a} Worlcer's Compensation par Minnesota Statufe
b) Empioyer's Liabilify sha11 have mirumwn timits of $500,000 per accident;
$SOO,OOQ per employee; $50�,�00 per disease poIicy limit.
c) Contractors with 1 D or fewer empfoyees who do not have Worker's
Compensation coverage are required to provide the City with a Ietter veri£ying tbeir
number of employees.
4. Professional Liabil'atv Insurance
a} $20,0OO,OQO per occurrence
bj $20,000,000 aggregate
5. Generai Iasurance RequiremenYs
a) Excluding Professional Liability Insurance, the policy is to be written on an
occurrence baszs or as acceptable to the City. Certificate of insuranee mvst indicate
if the poIicy is zssued on a cianns-made or occurrence basis. P11 certificates of
insurance shall provide thaz the City's Division of Contract and Analysis Services
be given not less than fliiriy {30) days priar written notice of cancellation, non-
renewal or any material changes zn the policy; uicluding, but not limiied to,
coverage amoun#s. Agent must state on the cartificate if palicy includes errors and
omissions coverage. '
b) The Cansultant shail not commence work until a Certificate o€ Insurance
coverzng aIl of the insurance required for this praject is apgroved and the project
manager has issued a notice ta proceed. Insurance must remain in pface for the
duration of the original contract and any extension periods.
i. ,,
c) The City reserves the righi to review Contractor's insurance policies at
any tim� to verify that Crty requirements have been met.
d} 23othing shall preclude fhe City from requiring Contractor to purchase
and provide evidence of addifional insurance.
e} Satisfaction of golicy and endorsement requirements for General Liability and Auto
Insurance, of "each oceurrence" and "aggregate" Iimits, can be met with an
umbrella or excess poFicy with the same mirrimum monetary limits written on an
occurrence basis, providing it is written by the same insurance canier.
SEC"TION IL Independent Contractor.
It is agreed by tlie parties tha#, af all times and for all purposes within the scope of the
Agreement, the relationship of the Consultant to Yhe City is that of independent conYractor and
not that of emplayee. No statement contained in this Agreement shatt be construed sa as to find
Consultant an employee of the City, and Consuitant shall be entitled to none of ihe rigkts,
privileges, or benefits of Sauit Paui employees.
SECTION 12. Subconiracting.
The Consuttant agrees not to euter into any subconhacts for any of the work
contemplated under this Agreement without obtaining prior wiitten approvat of the City.
SECTION 13. Hold Harmiess.
A. The Consultant agrees to be responsible for and pay zeasonaUle defense costs of and
any compensable n�juries or daznages incurred by the Authority and City, its officers, agents, and
employees, which have been proximately caused by an error or omission of the Consultant or
any of its personnel committed in connection with t11e performance of the professionaI Iegal
services provided under the terms of this Agreement, but only to fhe extent that such injuries or
damages would not have been suffexed by the Authority and City but for the fault of_the
Cansultaut or any of its personneI.
SECTION 14. Assignment.
A. The City and Yha Consultant eaci� binds itself and its successors, Iegal representatives,
and assigns of sach other party, with respect io all covenants of this Agreement; and neiflier the
City nor the Consultant wiil assign or iransfer their interest in this Agreeinent wiihout the
written consent af the other.
SPCTiON I5. Termination.
A. The City has the right to terminate tius Agreement a# aay time by giving nofice
thereof 2o the Consultant.
B. In the event of termination, the City wi11 pay Consultanf far aIi services actuaily,
timely, and faithfuliy rendered np to Yhe receipt of the notice of temunation and thereaffer until
the date of termulation. The ConsuItant wilt daliver atI work products and supparting
docuinentation developed up to fhe time of temiinafion prior to die City rendering final paymenf
for service.
SECTIO:\ 16: Default by Consultant; City Remedies.
- ..
In the event Consultant fails ar neglects to comply with any term or condition of this
Agreement or to provide ttie services stated herein, Ciiy shall have the following rights: (a} to
suspend payment of any invoices; (b) to cominence an action to recover the damages incurred by
the City; (c) to commence an action to compel specific performance of the Aa eement by
Consuitant; and (d) to tercnivate this Agreement. This remedy shait be in addifion to any o�her
remedies available to the City in law or equity. The Cify sha11 be antitled to recover reasonable
attozney's fees and costs of coIlection associated with enforcing its rights hereunder.
SECTTON 17. Amendment or Changes to Agreement.
A. City ot Consuttant may request changes that would increase, decxease, or otherwise
modify the Scope of Services. Such changes and method of compensatian must be authorized in
writing in advance by Ylie City.
B. Any aiterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this
Agreement shall be valid only when reduced to writing and duly signe@ by tlie parties.
C. Modifications or additional schedulas shall not be consmxed to adversely affect vested
rights or causes of action which have accrued prior to the effective date of such amendment,
modification, or supplement. The tezm "this AgreemenP' as used herein shall be deeined to
include any future amendments, modifications and additional schedules made in accordance
SECTIdN 18. Notices.
A. Bxaept as otherwise stated in this Agreement, any natice or demand to be given under
this Agreement shali be delivered in person or deposited in Uzuted States Certified NFail, Return
Receipt Requested to the addresses set forCh in the opening paragrapb of tl�is Agreament.
S�CTZON 19. Waiver.
A. Any fault of a party to assert any right under this Agreement shail not constiriite a
waiver or a tertnination of that right, this Aa eernent, or any of this AgreemenYs provisions.
S�CTION 20. Survivai of Obligai3ons.
A. The respective obligations of the CiYy and Consultant under these terms and
couditions, which by their nature would continue beyond tlie termination, cancellation, or
expirafion hereof, shatI survave termination, cancellation or expiretion herea£.
$. If a oourt or governmental agency witEt proper jurisdiction determines ihat this
Agreement, or a provision herein is unlawful, this Agreement ar that provision, shall terminate.
If a provision is so terminated but the parties tegally, commerciaity, and practicably can continue
this Agreement withouY the tef�nunated provision, the remainder of this Ag�eement shall continue
in effect.
SECTION 21. InterpretaEion of Agreement, Venue.
A. TFus Agreemenf shall be interprefed and construed according to the Iaws of the State
of Minnesota. All litigation related to tlus Agreement shall be venued in the F7ishict Coart of the
County of Ramsey, Second Judicial Dishict, State of Minuesota.
.. _.
SECTIflN 22. Force iVTajeare.
A. Neither the City nor the Consultant shail be held responsible for performance if its
pezformance is prevented by acts or events beyond the party's reasonable controi, ineluding, but
nof limited to: severe weather and storms, earthquake or other natural occurrences, st�ikes and
other lahor unrest, power failures, electrical power surges or curren# fluctuations nuclear or ather
civil military emergencies, or acfs of iegislative, judicial, executive, or adn�inistrative anthorities.
SECTTON 23. Eatire Agreemea�. -
A. It is understood and agreed that this entire Agreement supersedes all oraI agreements
and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matters herein.
IlV VJITIVE3S WT�REOP, the partias hereto are authorized signatories ac2d have
executed this Agreement, the day and year first above written.
City of Saint Paul, Minnesofa:
Its Mayor
Its Director of O�ce of Financial Services
Tyrane Terrill, Director
Department oP Human Rights
Appraved as to form:
Assistant City Attomey
Activity # and Activity Manager Signature
Briggs and Morgan
Professional Associa�ioa
$ �r,� ��r�-�.R
lts S h�,=e �,� 1�_`
TaY Identificatian Number
Scope of Work
Attachment fo Master Legal Serviees Agreement
Description af legal services to be performed:
3. Consuttant wilI begin work oa
services by , 20fl .
200_, and complete the
4. (a) Attomey fees for non- bond related wark will be billed at the hourly rates set
forth in section 3(a} of the tvlastex Legal Services Agreement, and costs will Ue
reimbursed in accordance w9th Section 3(b}. Total fees and costs shall not exceed tt�e
amount of $ .
S. {b) Projects that involve issuing General Revenue bonds as described in SecEion Z
(above) shall be compensated as set forth in Section 3{d} of the Master Legai Services
Agreament and biIiad by Consultant in accordance with that Aa eement.
(c} If the project invoives City Revenue Bonds or Tax Increment Bonds, then
,. attorney fees for bond related work are ag�eed to be set at a fixed sum of $
payable, togeti�er with costs, from the proceeds of the bond sale or the City direcUy at its option.
The Consultant shaiI provide a single line bill for The bond closing; pzavided, however, that no
fees or cosis are due or payable to Consultant af the band closing does not occur, tuiless the City
agraes wzth Consultaxit to maks payment of all ar a portion of sueh fees and costs in an
extraordinazy case. In addition, the Consultant shatl provide the CAO and the Director of
Financial Servzces with an itemized billing stafement upon comptenon of fhe �iond closing #I�at
will contain the following information: tlie names of the attomeys or paralegal performing the
wark, the uature and dafes of the work performed aud the amount of tisne associated cvith each
item of wark.
Individuals from the Consultant to work an this project aze as foilows:
Special provisions:
i- ..
City of Saint Paul, Minnesafa:
Its Director of Office of Financiai Sezvices
.4pproved as to form:
Assisiant Cit�� Attomey
Activity # and Activify Manager Signature
Briggs and Morgan
Professional Association
Tax fdenfification Number
(5�-5( �
Tohn J. Choi, CityAttamey
ChristopherB. Colemon, Mayor
CiviI Division
400 CityHa77
I S W¢st KeIIogg Bivd
Sainz PauZ, Mimeesota 55102
Z'e7ephorze: 65I 266-87I0
Facsimite: 657 298-5679
7une 19, 2006
Mayor Christopher B. Coleman
390 City Hall
St. Pau1, MN 55102
Councilmember Montgomery
310-A City F3a11
St. Paul, MN 55102
Council President Lanhy
320-C City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Thune
310-B Gity Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Gouncilmember Harris Councilmember Benanau
310-C City Hall 310-D City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102 St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Helgen Counciimember Bostrom
320-A City Hall 320-B City Ha11
St: Paul, MN 55102 St. Paul, NIN 55102
Re: Outside Counsel for Bond fmancing and related matters
Dear Mayor Coleman, President Lantry and Councilmembers:
This letter is sent to request the appoinhnent of special counsel under Charter § 5.02 to represent
the City and the E�2A by providing bond counsel opinions and related legal services. By letter
of this same date, John Choi, the City Attorney, has gven me the authority to act in tlus matter.
The law related to municipal finance, in particular as to bond transactions, is a highly specialized
area. Also, an opinion from a law firm independent from the City and the FIRA is necessary in
order to market the bonds. Due to these special circumstances, the City and the HRA has a long
history of retaining special counsel to provide these legal services.
The Office of City Attorney (CAO) initiated an exhaustive process to solicit proposals and to
select two or more law firms to represent the City and the f3IZA by providing bond counsel
opuvons and related legal services. The selection group included CAO staff attorneys, the
Director of Financial Services and staff from that office, and the Director of Planuing and
Economic Development and staff from that department. The selection group received proposals
from six weli qualified law firms. From this group the selecrion group recommended three law
firms: Briggs and Morgan, P.A., Kennedy and Csraven, Chartered, and McGrann Shea Anderson
Carnival Straughn & Lamb, Chartered. All three firms are well qualified, committed to Saint
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
D� 5l0�
Mayor Coleman
7une 19, 2006
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Paul, and have satisfied the city Aepartment of Human Rights as to affirmative action
requirements. The CAO has negotiated with these fiims to obtain very favorable terms. In all
three cases we have obtained a�eements for "govemment rates" for fees that aze discounted
from their standard fees.
Pursuant to Charter § 5.02, I request that the Council and the HRA. boazd appoint these three
firms. I ha�e sent the necessary City resolutions and copies of the relevant agreements to you
electronically for your review. The PED staff will prepaze the necessasy staff reports and
resolutions for Hi2A board action. Please place these on the first available agenda.
Please contact me if you have any quesfions.
e d T. H drickson
Deputy City Attomey
cc: Trudy Moloney, Director of Council Research
AA-ADA-EEO Empioyer
John J. Choz, CiryAnorney
ChristapherB. Coleman, Mayor
400 CiryHall
73 WestKe7loggBlvd
Saint Paul, Minnuoia SSIO2
TeZephone� 657 26G8710
Facmn:7e.� 65I 298-5679
7une 19, 2006
Mayor Christopher B. Coleman
340 City Hall
St Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Montgomery
310-A City Ha11
St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Harris
310-C City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Council President Lantry
320-C Caty Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Thune
310-B City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Benanav
310-D City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102
Councilmember Heigen Councilmember Bostrom
320-A City Ha11 320-B City Hall
St. Paul, MN 55102 St. Pau1, NLN 55102
Re: Special Counsel for Bond financing and related matters
Aear Mayor Coleman, President Lantry and Councilmembers:
Last fa11, before I became City Attorney, the Office of City Attorney (CAO) under Manuel
Cervantes began a process to select two or more firms to represent the City and the HRA on
bond counsel opinions and related 1ega1 services. The selection group included CAO staff
attomeys, the Director of Financial 5ervices and staff from that office, and the Director of
Plamung and Economic Development and staff from that deparhnent. When I became City
Attomey in 7anuary, the process was already well underway.
The selecrion group has made its recommendafions and staff has negotiated terms with the
selected firms. The next step under the Charter is for the City Attomey to request the City
Council to appoint special counsel and establish the compensarion.
As most of you may know, prior to becoming City Attomey, I was an officer, director and
shareholder in the law firm of Kennedy and Graven, Chartered. That firm has done municipal
bond wark for the HRA since 1996 and is one of the firms proposing to be retained by the City
and HRA.
AA-ADA-EEO Employer
d� ��
Mayor Coleman
7une 19, 2006
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When I left Kennedy & Graven, I sevezed all financial relationships with it and therefare do not
have any financial interest in the fum whatsoever. There wouid be uo iliegality and no
unpropriety for me to be involved in the selecfion of bond counsel for the City and HRA, but I
believe that it is wise to avoid even the appearance of vnpropriety. Therefore by this letter, I am
designating Gerald Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney, to exercise the authority of the City
Attorney under Charter § 5.02 to request the Council to appoint speciai counsel.
You will be receiving a
Any questions you may
directly to him.
7o J. Choi
City Attorney
separate communication from Mr. Hendrickson making the request.
have about the selecfion process and recommendations may be made
cc: Gerald Hendrickson, Deputy City Attorney
Shari Moore, City Clerk
AA-ADA-EEO Bmployer