218582 Ori inal ������ to City Clerk COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOENCIL NO. _ Authorization for payment , for overtime PRESENTED EY MILTON ROSEN DATF COMMISSIONE , WHEREAS, the head of the Departmant (�) of PUBLIC WORKS has reported that an emergency existed during the payroll period from MAY 16 to MAY �l � � which made necessary overtime employment; now therefore, be it � . ' RE50LVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on file in the office of the City Clerk and numbered 200 thx'u 202, 20� thrt 208 j 9l n i:hris 212, 219� 233 th�'u 235, 238, 2�0 thru 2�+5, 2�+8 thru 250, 253, 255 thru 258, 260, 262, 26�+, 268, 271� 272, 27�+� 276, 277, ". - '. .. r 281, 28�F thru 28g, 2g1 thru 2g�F. � - , Coun� cil File No. 218582-By Mllton "� , Rosen- Whereas, The head of the Depart- ment of Public Works has reported that an emergency existed during the, � payroll perlod from May 16 to May 31 � which made necessary overtime em- - ployment: now .therefore, be it ' Resolved, That the proper city ofH- � cers are hereby authorized to pay the employees listed on the reports on flle in the offlce of the City Clerk and numbered 200 through 202, 204 through 208, 210 tfirough 212, 219, 233 through � 235, 238, ?AO through 245, 248 through * 250, 253, 255 through 258, 28p, 262, 284, 268, 271, 272, 274. 246. 277, 281, 284 � through 289, 291 through 294. ,� � � Adopted by the Council June 9, 1984. Approved June 9, 1964. � ' (June 13, 1964) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council�� g �� 19- Yeas Nays . Dalglieh ��� 9 q� Holland � Approved - �T-19- Loss . - , � �� �^ ^ � ^ -� n Favor , ; , ,-��_�_o � Peterson Mayor � A gainst � 8osen ; Mr. President, Vavoulis i CSB 44a �� � � , � . �