218579 ' (�'J` f ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' ' ��(`q��n � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N� �" 4J - - + � ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , � COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM � i PRESENTEt� BY� M i 1 ton Rosen COMMISSIONE DATF i RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the plans . , and specifications for sanitary sewer extensions in Bald Eagle Avenue - Improvement Project #176; in Johnson Ave. , 12th St., and Lake Ave. - Improvement Project #177; and in an easement to serve the 4th St. Apartment Site - Improvement Project #100, for the City of White Bear E.ake, authorized by and subject to the provisions, terms and conditions of the City of Sa�int Paul Ordinance No. 12387, approved January 18, 1963, for the connection of the public sewer system of the City of White Bear Lake with that of the ' City of Saint Paul , prepared by consulting engineers for said City and approved by the City Council of White Bear Lake on May 19, 19�+, and heretofore submitted to and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineelr, hereby are in atl�things approved. � � . ..,. _ ; Council File No. 218579—By Milton � Rosen— Resolved, By the Councll of the City , ,oE Saint Paul that the plans and spec-. iRcations for sanitary sewer extensions , ProectdNo.a�76: in Johhson Aveenl2th t St., and Lake Ave.—Improvement Pro- � � 9pet No. 177; and in an easement to , serve the 4th St. Apa3�tment Site—irri_� of�WhitenBear�Lake, authorized by arid f subject to the provistons, terms and conditions of the City of Saint Paua � Ordinance No. 12387, approved January 18, 1963, for the connection of the } public sewer system oi the City of ' White Bear Lake with that of the City of Saint Paul, prepared by con- aulting engineers for said City and approved by the City Councll of White G� Beaz Lake on May 19, 1964, and here- 111(pF � y(]��Q tofore submitted to and approved by NJ�10lI !a�{? the Commissioner of Public Works and COUNCILMEN �e ChieP Engineer, hereby are in all COUriCl� 19_ things approved. Adopted by the Council June 9, 1984.+ I Yeas N8y$ Approved June 9, 1964. O�� � ��� (June 13, 1984) �`� � �• Dalglish � j Holland ' . � prove 19_ ' Loss • , ; �� ���� n Favor Peterson v Mayor Rosen A gainst { , Mr. President, Vavoulis � � lOD4 8-82 t i i � � --..— - —� - - - DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER ����F°�� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �� ` � - � • � - � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� M i 1 toh lbs�n COMMISSIONER DATE RE�01.1�E0, 8y the Council of th• City �f S�int Paul that the 'plan* �nd apscif ia�tions for sanit�ry �sw�e'r ext�s�whs tn �ald �agi� 14venua - le�prov�r►t Rro,j�ct �1�6; in Johnson Avm., 12th St., •nd Latc� Avs. - iawprov�snt Pro��ct �177; a�nd in �n saseea�ent to serv the 4�h St. Ap��taisn� S i te - I�aprovea�nt �ro,�ect ,�t00. fow tha C i ty o� Wh i te M�r Lak�, •uthor izsd by and subJ�ct ta th� provisions. t�rr�s �nd condition� of th� �ity of ��nt Paui Qrdir�nc�efb. i2387, a�ppcoved JsquarX 18. i963, �or ths connection of the pubiic �ewer �ystea� og th� City of lrhite �ear kaks with th�C af the Cit� o� S�int �'au1� Arcpared !�y consulting enginssra for s�id City and approv�d by the �ity Councit of lrhite Eear t.ake on May 19. 19�+. amd herotofore �ubr�l�t�d to and �pproved by the Cos�aission�r of �'ubi ic I�ork� and th� Chief �nginee�, hereby are in'allt�hings approved. � " ��� � �9� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19_ Yeas Nays � Dalglish �'�if�'+ �� '��� C;v�. Holland Approved 19_ Loss � Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis iont a-sz