218548Original to City Clark 1� 1 ORDINANCE 218548 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. i An ordinance. amending Ordinance No. 6,446., entitled: "An aclzninistrative .ordinance fixing the com- pensation, rater: of' certain city- positions. and employments," approved January 23., 19.25, .a.s. amended. i THE; COUNCIL. OF THF, CITY OF SAINT PAUL; DOES. ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23., 1,925, as -amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out all of the material in Section V", and by substituting in lieu. thereof the following: 1 Yeas Councilmen. Nays Dalglish Holland Loss Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: -.1„ Council File No: 218548 — Ordinance No. " 12783 —By Robert F. Peterson — An ordinance amending Ordinance 'No. 8448, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23, 1925, as amended. , c 0 M Passed by the Council Tn Favor Aroainst original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 2185 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- Ye At �1 1 bI } Section: 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its -passage, approval, And publication. as Councilmen Nays Holland Loss M4ptinsun Peterson Rosen Mr. President (Vavoulis) _ test: P , City lerk "2 zz Form approved Corporation Counsel , By_ AUG 2 5 1964 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approved - UG 2,5 194 C 218548 Section V EXEMPT POSITIONS-- The Standard Range applicable to each position in each of the classes listed below shall be the same Standard Range as is applicable to the positions in the same numbered grade in Section 6 of the Civil Service Rules, GRADE 39 Assistant Secretary to the Mayor Index Clerk -- Municipal Court GRADE 41 Senior Clark -- Municipal Court Senior Clerk— Traffic Violations Bureau Senior Clerk- Typist -- Municipal Court Senior Clerk- Typist -- Traffic Violations Bureau GRADE 43 / Senior Clerk -- Conciliation Court Senior Clerk- Stenographer -- Municipal Court Senior Clerk- Stenographer - -Traffic Violations Bureau GRADE 49 Personal Injdry Investigator i GRADE 53 / Cashier -- Traffic Violations Bureau Senioi Bookkeeper Cashier -- Municipal Court GRADE 55 Court Reporter- - ,Municipal Court GRADE 56 Attorney I GRADE 57 Court Stenographer -- Municipal Court Deputy Clerk -- Municipal Court -2- 218548 GRADE 60 - Attorney 11 GRADE 61 {- = _ tarn Deputy Purchasing Agent Director of Municipal Publicity Board Executive Secretary, Fair Employment Practice Commission Superintendent of Sanitation GRADE 63 License Inspector GRADE 65 Assistant Fire Chief GRADE 66 Attorney III GRADE 68 Attorney IV GRADE 72 Director of Civil Defense GRADE 73 Purchasing Agent Superintendent of Parka GRADE 74 Attorney V GRADE 75 Chief ,of Police Fire Chief -3- GRADE 78 Attorney VT . GRADE 80 Director of Libraries Health Officer Street and Highway Engineering Coordinator PRADE 82 City Architect -Street and Hi&way Eagiae®r-i tsr Director of Law GRADE 84 Chief Engineer Corporation Counsel Bi _x_ _r Law 2.8548 In the discretion of the appointing officer, an appointee in any of the exempt positions' hereinbefore listed may be paid any of the steps in the Standard Range applicable to the position." -4- . ROBERT B. GMPER jR.• - ,dune 5, 196 icon# Robert F* Peterson'. ' Cbmirman, Personnel Committee X ty'-Ha11.: at 3 :court= $ouae. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the onnel ttee an- ordimnce ' _ Council File X04-918540,p pertain in positions. The ordi•• nance was Introduced and given First today. Very tru4 yourBi = . - . City Clerk An amendment to' Council File No. 218548 which is an ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled: "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments, " approved January 23, 1925, as amended. Council File No. 218548 is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 in Grade 61, the following titles: City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Deputy Commissioner Deputy Comptroller Secretary to the Mayor and, by striking out all of the material in Grades 80, 82, and 84 and substituting in lieu thereof, respectively, the following: GRADE 80 Director of Libraries Health Officer Street and Highway Engineering Coordinator GRADE 82 City Architect Director of Law GRADE 84 . Chief Engineer Corporation Counsel An amendment to Council )FUe No. 48548. which. is An drdinanoa amending Ordiiiance.11o. 6446, entitled; tlAzi adixAnlsttativtor4inaoce i1xiog tho compensulon fates of certain , itW positions and bwvi6ym e n ta s approved January 23, 1999, we amended•, Council File No. 218548 ts heroby amended by striking' out of Section -1. in Or' ade 6X, the followibg titles City Clerk, and Comm.to6ioner of Registration Deputy CoMmissidnet Deputy Comptroller Sec' roita the M - r VII to Mayor I and,, by striking oi*t all of the material in 0'"' d' o 80., 02, an 4 .04 an, ;A, e, substituting in lieu -thereof, vetpeot etyj, t-h6 iollowing: Director of Ubvavieo H6644 Officer %reet tzd.HijhwaY -0 t En i 'erin oozdinaior 0 9 C GRADE 82 City Architect Diretfor of Law, CTRAbF,'84 Chief Engine itr Corpotation'Couhi;6I I . An M644MOUt to Council V06 No,: 41854$ which to im *rdiO040q6 arnewung oraitanee TO. .6446. onu od-; "An a-d*Wtd#r-!tiv6 OV41xMnce- A*iug the com'ponsatioh. rmqs Of Oertain city 'Posifloos and employtM64too-IR pprQvdd jau"ry 23, as arnoiad6do Council Pao Wo..41464g to heVoby, oraetiddd Atr4king, o#t of- Soctftft,l in 0*44e 61, Ow fotlowijig thleist.- City Cioricalid Comaii0isloner of Registration, Deputy ConuniestoOr. xmputv Cowptroll&v Seorot' vy to theM4Yb* a wAtij by sttikiv out all of the atevial 34,00 wdes $0,- $2, And 04=4 AUbbtftl#lUg 131, It0Utbd:VeQf. VOdVdd4VI6IYj• the, $011OWingt - GRADE ''to Director of U6,mvio Habith Offit.or City AVchitfs-pt Mtector of Law GRADE 84 Corporation Counosl- An umtmdoe�t t* counat slito $0. ZISS48 whidh is 44 Ordlatoos. ar'defAug OrdibAnido ma. 64460, antiatdt; aporoved aanuavy zsp 19z$#. agi: amenaqW. CouAod 2. 14 5bsweudo8. Uy stflW out of 41,0, *ho followtog title's t rut - 010, q vkaod cotatMosionor of Registution SOO-OtAlyto thd May** 414dt by 40WAS 104t ALITI Of th* =40W W 00400, 804 UP 0=4 04. vAd ouiwitating � uoq thoreof, o4apo'cavel"Y#, *V: touowlu Opt so Surtot 044 Hloway ft&*Orin C00114watot QMDZ, 81 city Arohit-act DI"Otor, Of, i6a* (MADE 104 Chief , V"tnw. LERK An aradodmont to Councit FII*NM*- .41040',wW4 is oo *44 evaploymients'p Approved Ayauuuy, z3j. 19290 '40,4VW0404, coumelt POO Voi, 21:040 is hereby smend -W striklog Out -sottion I to Orade 00 the fouqW1129 OtIts: Otr CIOUan4 Covetbissionor ,Doputy commitst"Ict Dopoty lComptroUar y soixoiat to - tho b'sAyar OA4* 6y. Otriklus pot 41,01,tbs morW 14 0*44*0,00# 4z", and 44, And ,oubstitutko ia tiou Oia-VItrols re*VoxttveIy,* titan tdUawltg; OAXADX 40 wIx:O.O.t*T, at ubifttkes alth Officor gt*O*t 4!DA .81SUvo4y XOginooring Coorftstpr ORADS sa Vi fty' Atolittoot. Nrdotor *114*0 OR&OZ $4 C*tef Sollnest 'Co"mr,4401% co -al 2 1st J - 2nd Laid over to 3rd and app. OAdopted ( ` Yeas Nays Yeas Nays �algush AWkffrd- 'I'D \��Oss lland Loss \rnson Peterson .eterson V Rosen PUBLISHED Rosen . President Vavoulis 218548 Mr. President Vavoulis