D001509_ - Ciry CLerk _- FinanceDept. • _ - Dept. Accounting (Civic Center) _ - Engineer (I-IGA) - Contractor _ - Project Manager (CPMI) . �! �� �. _ ! � _ i � + CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRA"ITVE ORDER for CONTRACT CI�ANGE AGREEMENT NO. CP4AI-47 ADMINISTRATNE ORDER, Wbereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion, CP-4 Buildine Conshuction known as Contract L-_City Project No.015117 M.A. Mortenson, is composed of the foUowing: I. Install fiberglass reinforced wal] panels at pantries per Field Order #F4.158. Reason: Health code requirement. 2. Install fiberglass reinforced watl panels at Kitchen and corridor per Contraccor Proposal #4.193. Reason: Health code requirement. Approved by Expansion Coordinating Committee 18 Febmary 1998. $3,390.00 25,695.00 Total $29,OSSA� ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 29,085.00 , said amount to be added to the tump sum consideration named in the conuact, known as contract L-, • 930-90300-0898-06000 Civic Center Expansion Fund. and which amonnt is to be fmanced from: AP O� TO O r iry Attorney Expansi n Coo inati g Committee � l4 19 '�l $ M.A. Mortenson C or 19_ �, Expans n C ' atin ommittee 3- s ]9� Diiector of Civic Center i 19� rchitect � Di•e or, Dept. of Numan Rights TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE AAGES Reject (R) _ PtANPtlNG COMMfSS10N � _ CIB COMMRTEE � , _ STAFF _ . _ OISTP/CTCOURT _ . SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL O&1£CTNE? � iON N°_ 51562 ' GREEN SHEET � � {y1TiAVDATE MIRIAUDATE - DEPAflTMENTbtAECTOR CYiYCOUNQL CINATTORNEY O CIiYCLERK Bt1DGET DIAECTOR '� FIN. & M DIR. MA1'OR iOR AS515TA1Vn ❑] �.//� (� ^ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ��- ��f � �� �V �'��J d7'�._ PERSONAL SERYlCE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: L Has this personttirm ever workeC under a contract for this tlepartment? YES NO 2. Nas this personlfirm ever been a ciry empbyee� YES NO 3. Does this persoMirm possess a skill not normafry possessed by any current ciry employee? YES NO Expiain ail yes answers on aeparMe sAeet and attach to green sheet �e� �� � MAR 1 i iggg �AYO�'3 OFFQCE ISADVANTAGES �� J��1�' � ���� ��� ������' �d� RECEfi/E{� MAR 2 31998 �;ITY CLERK 1DVANTAGES :��� e� r� 4-° ^�a r�: v� =; � ., .,:� �dfiill Y � (��U z s'�,S � Y AMOUNT Of TRANSACTION $ �� D oS O � COST/REYENUE BUOGETED (C{SCIE ONEJ YES NO �`,�r .�e..� % �� /`� p 930- y'o30o-4�'`9S��Ooo� JG SOURCE � ACTIVITY NUMeER 4L INFOFllrfATION� (E) WN) CPMI • + ,� � CHANGE ORQER `��` " e� •,°'� �!-� � i� ,� L;; ,4r ;��:> ._ ROUTING TRANSMITTAL �'�"Q�� `' `� �. ���� t;;�>.. �� _ V.w� A� ��l - �+�j1. Attached pfease find 7 copies of Change Order CP4.01-47 for signatures/routing. v `�• Per the Partnering Session, the Change Orders are to be routed as Iisted below. As you recei�e it from the firm listed above your name, piease review, sign and SEND IT DIRECTLY TO THE FIRM listed below your name. When you send it to the firm listed below your name, piease do the foilowing: 1. 2. 3. 4, , Verify a117 copies are signed. SEND ALL COPIES TQ THE NEXT FIRM. Initiai and date this transmittai under the column "Date Received" and "initial". Fili in the date you forward to the next firm under the column "Date SenY'. Send a COPY of the transmittai to CPMI THE SAME DAY you forward the change order. 3225-404.9 A132251CP-41co-lot 5. Cail CPMI at 298-54D9 if you have any questions. • / CON7RACT STATUS PROJECT: Saint Paui Civic Center DATE tSSUED:� �� February 1998 Expansion Project CONTRACT NO.: CP-4.01 Saint Paul, Minnesota CONTRACT TITLE: Building Construction Multiscope CONTRACTOR M.A. Mortenso� PO Box 71 Q Minneapolis, MN 55440 Originai Contract Amount: PQ # 0'15117 PO # CO No. C4.01-D1 C4.01-02 C4.D1-03 C4.01-04 C4.01-D5 C4.01-06 C4.01-07 C4.01-08 C4.01-09 C4.Q1-10 C4.01-11 C4.Q1-12 C4.01-13 C4.01-14 C4.01-15 C4.01-16 C4.01-17 C4.01-'18 C4.01-19 C4.01-20 C4.01-21 C4.01-22 C4.01-23 C4.01-24 C4.01-25 C4.01-26 C4.D1-27 G4.01-28 C4.01-29 C4.0130 C4.01-31 C4.01-32 C4.01-33 C4.01-34 C4.0135 �4A1-36 ',4.01-37 :4.01-38 :4.01-39 4.01-40 Deduct (4,535.50) (4,422.00) (9,016.00) (23,313.00) $33,973,0�O.OQ 385,700.00 Add 34,475.00 151,969.00 29,684.00 10,'193.00 24, 598.00 86,610.00 29,410.00 8,927.00 4,482.00 22,D00.00 15,460.00 50,OOD.00 3,253.00 24,705.Q0 29,188.00 4Q889.Q0 8,583.00 19,Q81.00 5,531.Q0 8, 734.00 4,7'18.00 21,389.00 14,593.00 18,700.00 10,723.00 182,948.00 354,744.56 28,970.00 37, 566.00 13,097.00 23,813.D0 187, 332.00 8,2 i 9.OD 14,459.00 3,124.00 20,398.00 CONTRACT DATE: 18 January 1996 PROJECT: Saint Paul Civic Ce�ter Expansion Project Saint Paul, Minnesota • CONTRACTOR M.A. MoRenson PO Box 71 � Minneapolis, MN 55440 Original Contract Amount: PO # 015117 $33,973,000.00 PO # 385,700.00 CO No. C4A1-41 C4.01-42 C4.01-43 C4.01-44 C4.01-45 C4.Q1-46 C4.01-47 Deduct (5,629.Q0) Subtotal t46,915.50) , Total $2,785,962.06 �.. 3,925.00 14,535.�0 22,467.00 10,000.00 1,200,OOO.QO 29,085.00 $2 832.877.56 DATE ISSUED:'^ CONTRACT NO.: CONTRAGT TITLE: CONTRACT DATE: " QO February 1998 CP-4.01 Building Construction Muitiscope 18 January 1996 Net Amount of Contract f ncludinq this Chanqe Order. $37,14d,662.06 �0 I �Q /t��I / . r CONTRACTOR'S PR-0POSAL A change in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below; I �� ,i L , 1, It is requested the completion date be i) extended, t) decreased, {) uncharxged by-.�_ J � f catendar days. The adjusted completion date wilf be �`"�����_ Contractor Proposai No.: FO# 4.158 Date: 3U �anuar i a u �-. i r ��� Projecv ST. PAUL CiVIC CENTER CP.4 Contract No.: 4A'I - , y � „ 1 F " 2. Description of the change; iRefer to drewings, specifications, addenda, if applicabie). Reference RFP No.: ; FO No.: 4.158 : PCO No.: Title: Add FRP panels at concession pantries -- 3, Basis ot payment: tCheck one} iX) Firm price for performing this change is $ 3.390.00 Adequate supporting details and information (Increased} (Deductl must be attached to allow Owner to evaluate. {) Time and material per contract, but not to exceed $ {} Actual cost at completion of work $ Submitted by: M. A. MORTENSON Date:_/ q Co ractor � n � (l� �� ColltraCtOr SiqnBture FOR CPMI USE Action Recommended: tCheck one) O Change will not be made. Explain: P.w CPMI Job No.: 3225 S I Proceed on the foilowing basis: i I As indicated above, change and 6asis of payment is acceptable. ( 1 Change is acceptabie, basis of payment is not acceptable. () Basis of payment shall be 5 f) The following moditication is recommended: {) Change in completion date is accepied. t) Change is acceptable with no change in price. ( 1 Change is acceptabie with no change in completion date. ( 1 Other Reason for Cha�ge: ( � Design Change {) Ciieni Request t I Field Conditio� �} Suggested by Contractor 1) Design Omission or Other (explain) 3. Is this a part of the origina( coarract scope? O YES f) NO 4. Is Contractor's Estima2e attached? O YES {) NO 5. A!E consulted. O YES (} NO Prepared by: (CPMI} Approved by Approved by Date Date: Date: Date: CPMI inc., c!o Saini Paul Civic Center, I.A. �'Shaughnessy Piaza, 743 West Fourth Street, Saint Paul, MN 55102-t cc: Chris Hansen Mike Pederson Dick Zehring 3225- \J 1126/98 St. Paul Civic Center Expansion Summary Change Proposai ��� �ae,scces�xEer CENTEREXPANos�D e;�oaz T��� �' ShcNT PAUL, MN 55102 PH:612/243-9154 FAX:612/293-9557 Description: FO#4.158 Title: FRP Panels at Pantries $ Amount Morte�so� Labor: (Seeattached) Mortenson MateriaL (See a8acned} Modenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change ProROSaI) ✓ p G��`� � � g �5� General Conditioos �' - (Mortenson Work) SUBT07AL M. A. Mortenson $ - $ - $ - SUBCONTRAC70RSNENDORS �. Wasche $ 3 , 2 $ _ 3. $ 4. $ 5. $ 6. $ 7. $ - $ � ' 9. $ � 10. $ - SUBTOTALSutrNend $ 3�198 SUBTOTALFee SUBTOTALTax M. A. Mortenson Company Fee: SubconVactorsNendors Fee 5°10: M. A. Mortenson Work 15°l0: Totaf Material & Equipment S M. A. Mortenson Materiaf & Equipment Tax: $ 160 $ - $ 760 7°fc 5 SUBTOTAL:M.A.Mortenson+SubNend+Fee+Tax $ 3,358 Buitder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payment & Performance Bond SUBTOTAIInsura�Ce & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72(ftiousand) $ 2 0.0038 t$3.77Rhousand) S 13 0.0050 (84.9593fTfiousand) $ 17 $ 32 70TAL CHANGE PROPOSAL $ 3,390 Page 1 ,.�,,�n FROM Wf1SCHE COMM FIN INC. TO WASC C OMMERCIA L �INISHES, �NC • "' — ._._`� .. .--- _ . - f612143G-P272 (612143�-ESSS � Ham Lake, MN 55304•6M1 13 Materials: I'tem: FR�' Trim Cap adh�siue Paint Mask Paper Mask Tape Haz. Waste Other � Ztemt Rent Equip Spray Equip Paste Mach S� Too1s S�fetY �4uP Li:ft EquiP *�����:�*:��� i k*xs4:Faai�Yexyr�c FacSimile� 293955? P.61 ��5�� ._ � ^^ Change Request/Proposal : ' f ' . � , � `;_' ' : s ' � -� ; : � To:Mortenson Attn:Kevin':L'it£raan �; Bate:l/22j98 Project #:1450 "`' Project.St. Pau1 Civic Center �AN 2 2 ;=v� IIescription o£ Proposed Change:FO 4.158' n . .. _ :': i =. .:.::r3 t,'�. �apply FRP � Break-down of Qty: C4st: 26.00 57.12 28.00 2.50 6.00 35.50 O.fi5 2_59 2,39 @3g 3.00� 2.QQ 10.00 Equipment: Qty: CoSt: @50$ $2_00 @20� 26.00 7.Q0$ 658 3_00$ 558 @15 7.50 64 0 46 20 5 Proposed Costs: Labar: ' Item: � Qty: ' Cost: Apprentice 15.80 Journeyman ; 32.00 20.55 Spray I3rs � 21.30 �'oreman 21. S5 Overtime 30.82 Benefits 34.04,$ Tnsurante 32.00� Taxes 19.3o°s Supervision�l2.Oq$ Travel ' 3�.00 RECAF OF (COSTS : Materials. • ' Labar: � � Equipment: � Bond: � Overheacl : Fzofi.t: , Total: 0 658 0 6 0 217 204 12'7 79 0 1,246 1,284 134 0 256 266 Total Proposed Change Amount: $; 3,198 �,���,�**��*,r*����������*�n�*�x��*x�*������+� Wasche Office Use: � How Requested:FO 4.158 �CIR Status: Pendiz�g G/R Value: 3,198.00 CjR Nwaber: Requested By: Mortenson ;Entered: Project Manager:Randy Berqsten �x�**���,�,�,r,��: ��x�*�:����e��:�*�:�����*r�ar�*���e+�:r���r�� ����:�� Change Status To: GC C/O #� Est. Cosfi: Phase: Cost Scheduled Est. Type: Value: Unitsc: . -- {attach separate scope sheet if necessary) Date: Estimated Costs: Update AIA?� AIA Item #: Desc. Value: AFPTRMATIV� ACTION(EQUAL OPPOR�fUi�1 cY Ep'�iPLOY,sER/WBE Total: 414 7tf 213 0 0 0 3a 20 Tata2: �»-r�oYM FROM WASCHE COMM FIN INC. TO 2939557 P.O� �_�� , �v�ser�E r�vT�RroRs, rrvc: ; L . i �q 14735 H1GiiWAY 65 H.E. • HAM LAKE, MN 55304 �{5i2) 434-8812 • FAX (612) 434-885$ Prc�ecc: L' IVtG . _�tfT�le �A'PAvt�scb�Y' _.�_ C�easrat GonAactar. _,!!, � Zl �' �5b �{+ _._.._ f solratumber. ��SD wo;k ��� �� 1"_"'� ` � ' DESCRIPTlON iTEM! RQpM ti � e. �P#�'L �x�� z3pRc�a � , .� �' �Nt� . �rN�s¢CA�c_z,.K �,once-ss�o�✓-s a t � �"'�.�t � ~ SsFtelr� (�' .� �IYE�PDC��'�-`� GG�`J-� *l4L 2 N.I�A ?a a � c: i3a � � i.ASOR GbST MATER#AL ;COST V13PiiA7 ,SOURNEYMAN SY6-701"Al fTEtd GHiTS UN{T CAS7 SV&TOTA1. rE AATE t � � Primer / Size t Paint! Paste Waitcoveoing Suatlries I Equipment ! 8ond Omar J Suhsis. AL i.ABOR T07AL MAT�RlAL WORK QRbER TC?TQ�,. PlOy00 Svgn6ture: __ �-�r��-.- P��� - ne 1»ioin�s. tnc k At�hOnz¢d;8y: GarrLactor � 1-.�.-q � , �� ���9g Date i . > ` VI(ORK QR'QE�R n �� , ,..� The Consrruction �rganization 30 January 1998 SusanJones CPMI cJo Saint Paul Civic CenYer I. A. O'Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fourth Street SE. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: Dear Susan: Sa int Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Mortenson Project #951042 PO#4.158 - Add FRP panels Q concessian pantries � `�- ��� 3zzs- 4o�,g Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Boz 770 (55440-Q77Q) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422-4899 Telephone: (612) 522-2100 Facsimile: (612) 520-3430 ;r � � -\ y � ; i���. , I �� ,, _��?� .^, V %� t ; �_ . —�`'� i , In response to FO#4158 dated 08 DecemUer 1997, regarding the addition of FRP panels in the concession pantries, we quotc Nte sum of Three Thousand Three Hundred Ninety Dollars (+$3,390.00) foz the added work. Enclosed are copies of suUcontractor proposals and our price breakdown. Please let me know if you need additional informa6on or darification on the endosed. Please issue a contract change ocder. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to suUmit a proposal for addirional costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or tor the effect of this change in comUinaflon with other changes. Very truly yours, �� `-�"�------.--_ Allen 5. Troshinsk� Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI QV FO#4.158 Minneapolis•Saattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Miiwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Francisco•HOnofulu•LOS Angeles !! � � � r COIu[,3'4iA.CTdR`S 1� �, ��tf§ �equested the dompletion date be S) extended, ( 1 decreased, ( unc a g �? calendaz e�ays. The `adjusted completion date will be . r'�r.=\i.t _ , L- �_- -� Lcabiel. 2.� ,-De�cription of the change: (Refer to drawings, specifications, addenda, if app � Reference RFP IVo.: 4 193R ; FO tdo.: : PCO No.: Title: i n I i i 3, Basis of payment: ICheck one) $�� � � (Xl Firm price for performing ihis change is �In r a d) (Deductl Adequate supportiog detaits and information must be attached to ailow Owner to evaluate. $ () Time and material per co�tract, but not to exceed $ ( y Actual cosi at completion of work Submitt2d by: ""^RTFhCON -- Date: 2' �Z ` g�S Con ector ` � � � CoMractor Signature FOR CPMIUSE � Contractor Proposa�o� 7 Date: '� Februarv ��+s — �-v,sa� n r. ��� �Fn�TER CP.4 Contract i1o.: 4.01 /7 /� t'(0J8V1. . - /�' • ! ^� l•.::,. ��.. �. A ch�je in the scope of the work is requested as indicated below: t ,,, �� hnedby Action Recommended: tCheck one) i) Change wil{ not be made. ExQlain: CPMI Jo6 No.: 3225 `�Proceed on the foliawing basis: () As indicated above, change and basis of payment is acceptabie. () Change is accepiable, basis of payment is �ot acceptable. ( � Basis of payment shali be S • `�The foNowing modification is recommended: {) Change in completion date is accepted. {) Change is acceptabie with no change in price. �',Change is acceptabie with no change in comptetion date � } Qther �te���F�P _ 2, Reason for Change: /� .O ��.��j,jl� �) Design Change �Clisnt Request { y Field Condition �� {) Suggested by Contractor O Design Omission or Oiher (expiainS A_ n�� �ryc � 3. {s this a part of the originai contract scope? () YES �N� 4, Is Contractor's Estimate attached? '}d;YES () NO 5. A!E consutted. �YES { ) NO �N� [CPMq Date: 2' • Prepared by: �( � 1 r� Nt"' 4HGA) Date:__._____.--- ApQroved by r ,, . � „ Approved �ate:�-- CPMI lrtc., cta Saint Paui Civic center,��ke Pederson w Dick Zehring 3225- cc: Chris Hansen 2112t98 . � ��� Summary PAUL C/VIC CENTER IXPANS/ON SAIN?PAUL, MN 55T01 PFL 612l293-9154 FAX Description: RFP#4.193 TiUe: Kitchen Wali Finishes $ Amount Mortervson Labor. (See attached) Mortenson Material: (See attached) Modenson Equipment (See attached) Associated Costs (Change Proposal) Install comer guards $ �39 $ - $ - $ - Generai Conditions: � ' (Mortenson Work) SU6TOTAL M. A. Mortenson S 139 SUBCONTRACTORSNENDORS 1. Pierce Sales —� CORIILNC Cn11�fl5 $ 391 , 2. Wasche IMeriors $ 22.529 3. Wasche interiors (Add Room 478) $ �.��o 4. $ - 5. $ - 6. $ " 7. $ - 8. $ ' 9. $ - 10. $ ' SUBTOTAL SubNentl $ 24,090 SUBTOTALfee SUBTOTALTau St. Paut Civic Center Fxpansion Change Propasal M. A. Mortenson Campany Fee: Subcontrac[orsNendors Fee 5°k: M. A Mortenson Work 15°h: Total Material 8 Equipment $ M. A Modenson Materiat & Equipment Tax: $ �,205 S 21 $ 1,225 7°!0 $ SUSTOTAL: M. A. Mortenson + SubNend + Fee+Tax 3 25,454 8uilder's Risk GCL Insurance Costs Payme'rt 8 Perfortnance Bond SUBTOTAL lnsurance & Bonds 0.0007 ($.72lThousand) 0.0038 ($3.771Thousantl) 0.9050 ($4.9593Ifhousand) $ 18 $ 96 $ 126 $ 241 TOTAL CHANGE PRQPOSAL S 25,695 Page 1 � �J r � � � � � � a �, a � n e � � t � i h a a, a � b a M � w v a' � � � N m Z d w� U � O �� 1 �q � � ¢ � N O � �2 Q ("I oJ � � n � F � F � � Z O W p p O O O O O O O O O � W � N O O O O O a o� LL O t- � m J !� � � O O O O O O O W n' N O O O O O a "� o K Z W q O Y w v cO o °a, °o °o o° °a � Z P N Q Q O O O oao �� mo � W � rn � rn o �� m � n N t�O � f�+ Oj m O Q U v �= n � o 0 0 0 0 � y n o 0 0 0 0 0 W Z Q � O O O O O U u ff Z W p �n M �� v o p o ° o ° o o g � o � a a o00 . � 0 � 3 � ° v W � � W z � @ ma �' m ° � gom d' � N � O J � J O 9 f11 � ° m � � m o O K O � N N � m m m S m s � � �S� � � � a JOB NAME: Saint Pau) C ivic C enter Expansion CP- � • � _ PIERCE SALES 95�7 VALLEY VfEW ROAD �DEN PRAlR1E, lvitNNESOTA 55344 i � (s ; 2) 9a2-9710 FAX (612) 342-3323 _ . ��" . T`G¢ . �oR: MA Mortenson Attn.: Alten Troshinsky �612} 293-9154 Fax (6i2) 293-9557 A ; � fTEM NO. i � , l i . �SSCG1112 Baico-Metalines Expansion Joint Covars 6'16 ga sta�n4ess sfeet corner guards 1/8" radius, 4' high �� 2-10-98 �. 4.193 C C ��> �. . � r � , � i I s � iPiease call tf you have any questions, os need additionai infofmation. ;ihanks for the oppattunity! Quote based upon ma#erial onfy No taxes inc�uded Prrce quote �rm fo� 9tJ days Jim PrerCe Torai �. , '-". � �s �=Z3� � ��.� �� J f d £Z££ Y 4'l��sg�.a� ut24 HRT =[lT RF,-(]T-<7a-+ ��-12=1998 12�A5PM FROM WASCHE COMM FIN INC. TO � Equipment: Qty: Cost: '�ASCHE COMMER.C�AL FINISHES, INC. �� lr�(� 1a735 Highway 65 NE, Su�xe �;00 Tcicphrinc t672: 434-gg;Z 7-ir,m Lake, Mh 5530a•61 t3 Facsiml> (512) 434-E$Sg i Change Request/Yroposak ': To:hiaztenson Attn:Kevi.n Ilittman Data:Z/1219$ Projec.t #:1450 Project:St. Paul Civic Center � Descr_iption of Proposed Change:BFP,4.193 #�26 & #427 imcludes #495 includes FRP to &reak-down of Item: � Qty: Cost: FRP 152.00 57.12 Tri,m Cap 250.00 2.50 adhesive 3a.04 35.50 Sand Paper 0.65 Mask Paper 2.54 Mask Tape 2.39 Haz. Waste @3$ 3_flOg Other 5.00 A0.00 * room * room � .,'hi`i , (p ��v- Matezials•' . Iteltt: Rent Equip Spray Equip Paste Mach Sm Tools Safety Equp Lift Equip Total: 8,682 625 1,055 d 0 0 279 50 Totaz north & south 9'-0"AFF only 293555? P_�� wa12s only Proposed Costs: � Labor: , Item: ,QCy:. Cost: Apprenties 15.80 Jaurneyman :210.Oi0 2d.55 Spray Hrs 21_30 Foreman 21.55 Overtime 34_82 Benefits 34.00$ Znsurance 31.00a Taxes 19.300 Sugervision�12.00$ Travel 30.00 RECAP QF COSTS: � � � Total: 0 4,326 0 0 0 ��424 1,338 833 SZ8 0 @50� 32.00 0 Materials: 10,701 @24$ 26.00 0 i,abor: 8,42E 7,ppg 4,316 302 Equipment: 461 3.Q0°s 4,31fi 129 Bond: , � � @15$ ?_50 30 Overhead:�{�� ;� ��3G Profit: � I.�15� Total Proposed Change Amaunt: $.23 9 22 9ciric�F7ti��ririch4r:t�txir,tir5rFr7Y:e�F�cY[YC�rr*�&�ic�hye-k*Y�,`v,4�r3e4e3r� *dririr�lr3r�Y�F Wasche O�fice Use: j Aow Raquested:RFP 4.193 CJR Status: Pending C/R Value: 23,509.00 C/R Ni�uccber: Requested By: Martenson �Entered: L Project Manager:Randy Bergsten � ����c�x���x�-c��+���*,������+����;��x�r�����,r*�����������.,� �xx Change Status To: GC Cj0 ## Date_ Est. Cost: ; Phase: Cost Scheduled Est. Estimated Type: Va2ue: Unats: � Costs: (attach separate scope sheet if necessarx} UpdaLe AIA?� AZA Item #: Aesc. � Value: AFFI}L'vt�lTIVE ACI`l0\fEQUAL OPI'Oit'f[.�tiITY F?vtPLQYLR/WI3� TOTAL P � �?� 9e a*e i�dc�t*>t iz Yrak�c �W�r:��r**:���� .�� ie�1�98 01�50PM FROM WASCHE COMM FIN INC. � TO � 2939557 P.�1 ' WASC C FTIvTISHES, IN;C. ���� 76735 4?;g.�wav 65 Ni. Su�t» :706 _" ^" '—`— Tt1eVt+orie t6 i 2F 434-227 � H'sMlake.MN55306-5573 FeCL�aul< :�t<143G•885E . .'` ! • ' • ,, ��� '�� Change Request/Proposal *revisei3� '£o:Mor'tenson Attn:Kevin L''ttman -f7ate:2/12J98 Project #:24�0 ProjectcSt. PauZ Civic Center . Descriptzon of Proposed Change:RFP 4.193{room 478) *install FRP @ room 478.�j Materials: Ztem: ��� Trim Cap ac�#tesine Sand Paper Mask Paper Mask Tape Ha2_ Waste Other � Iteca: ReAt Equip Spray Equip Paste Mach Sm Tools Safety'Equp LiEt Equip oY ak iF1e ie �4 �k *+t �e �k ��:�����r���* Qty: Cost: $_00 57.12 12.00 2.50 2.00 35.50 0.55 Z_59 2,39 @3$ 3.00� 20.00 Equipment: Qty: Cost: Labor: Total.: Stem: 4.5'7 Agprentice 30 Sourneyman 71 Spray Hrs 0 Foreman 0 Overtime 4 Benefits IS ZnsuranCe 0 Taxes Supervision Total: Travel Qty: Cost: Total: ` z�.so 0 10.5Q 20.55 216 21.30 0 � 21.55 0 30.$2 C 34_00� 71 31.Q0� 67 29.3�� 42 12.00$ 26 30.00 0 RECAP OF fOSTS: @50$ 32.00 0 Materials: 573 @2a$ 26.00 0 Labor: 421 7.00g 216 15 Equipment: 23 3.00� 226 6 Sond: � @25g 7.50 1 Overhead• � Profit: �� � � l Total Praposed Change Amount: $ , 2b 1/ � refYiC'.Y'X'X9C'.f'•Y'IC:EiY't'X3C**:k'AiF'X'hR'Sr'FstYfaF`XlYX'Jt&&'X.Mie'J[sE4C'Ir 4CX'IC'Jtdt'X4('/[3C � Wasche OfEice use: iiow Requested:RFP 4.193{rm 478) C/R Status: Pending C/R Value: 1,22Q.Q0 C/R Nf��rber: Requested By: Mortenson Entered: Project Manager:Randy Bergsten � ��� Change Status To: Est. Cast: Phase: Cast Scheduled Type: Value: Est. UrLits : � (attach separate scope sheet if necessary) Update AIA?_ AIA Item �_ nesc. Bzeak-down oP Proposed Costs: Date: Esticnated Costs= Value: AP1=IR.�1.4TiVE AC"C(ON/EQU�1L OI'1'ORTL'�`dITY EMI�LOY:ER,��BF c/o # ..� • � ' The ConsirUC[ion 12 February 1998 Susan Jones CPMI c/o Saint Paul Civic Center I. A. O`Shaughnessy Plaza 143 West Fotxtth Street St. Paul MN 55102-1299 Re: Subject: Dear Susan: Saint Paul Civic Center Expansion CP-4 Moxtenson Pro}ect #951Q42 RFP#4.193 - Kitchen W all Finishes C �_� � � l�� s _ ;,. � Minneapolis Office 700 Meadow Lane North P.O. Box 710 (55440-0710) Minneapolis, Minnesota SSd22-4899 Telephone: (612) 522•2100 Facsimile: (672) 520-3430 = =F 1 '3 ..,.. _, ;t,� ,. In response to RFP#4.193R dated O6 Febtuary 1998 regarding the addition of PRP paneLs and corner guards to various rooms in the kitchen area, we quote the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Six Hundred Ninety-Five Dollars (+$25,695.00) for the added work. Enclosed aze copies of subcontractor proposals and our pxice breakdown Please let me know if you need additional information or claritication on the enclosed. If this work is to proceed, please issue a contract change order. The amount quoted includes only the cost of the changes identified herein. Changes to the contract not specifically identified as revisions are not included in this proposal and are excluded. Mortenson reserves the right to submit a proposal for addi6onal costs and time related to the impact of this change on unchanged work or for the effect of this change in combination with other changes. Very truly youxs, ����- Allen S. Troshinsky Assistant Project Manager file: CPMI �, RFP#4.193 Min�eapolis•Seattle •Denver•Colorado Springs•Milwaukee•Grand Rapids•San Francisco•Honofufu•los Angeles