218531 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �� ' � ' J�� �q��1 CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� � ' � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO ° � ���JCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SS�ONER FRANK L. LOSS DATF PUBLISHED � 3- G`E' WHEREAS, The City Council, as provided by laW, has authorized the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings to� enter upon the premises known and described as 634 Capitol Boulevard, in the City of Saint Paul, and to tear down and re- moye the single family dwelling and shed thereon as being un- safe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and WHEREAS, Pursuant to such Council action, bids for the tearing down and remoyal of said buildings were duly advertised for in accordance with the provisions of the City Charter, and the lowest bid was in� the sum of $350.00 and the expenses of the Department of Parks And Recreation And Public Buildings in con- necti_on with condemnatio�n proceedings and writing specifica- tions amounted to $70.88, making a total of $420.88, and , WHEHEAS, There are no funds now appropriated in the Building _ Wrecking �mergency Fund for the wrecking and removal of said buildings, be it , � RESOLVED, That said sum be paid out of the Wrecking Buildings- Demolition Account 0976-256, and that in the event said s'um proyes to be collectible from the owner of the premises, same is to be credited to 0976-256. Councll EYle No. 218531 —BY Frank L. I,oss— �,`__ Whereas, The City• Council, as _ _ _ _ -, , __.._ ._, provided by law, has authorized the Department of Parks and RecreAtion and Public Bulldings to enter upon the premises known and described as f�4 Capitol Boulevard, in •the Clty of k�nc�t Paul, and to tear down and re-' k`9�d thereonglas�beiingdunsafe and F�yn:s�nrous to life, limb and adioining b;'���y'� and � �;� ��..nt to such Counci. �� '�aois6.2 e teazing d��.m,a��te ,4 : -;ryV 1�_Adings r :_a �Z3vi ,� 1"�rP • ,aq97n:��! y �9t;�•::t f.i�_�-*r.'a:ia9vai 9'rbl �>ricvs!sY .e:sups�s rc�u� TBt�-�"�—_____" -.� � JUN 5196� COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays �UN 5 �9�, Dalglish o land pproved 19— Loss ' Tn Favor ' � Ni�� Meredith ' � Peterson � Mayor A gainst ftosen Mr. President, Vavoulis iorz s-sz DUrLICATE TO rRINTER � - , ��_��'J� CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� '� '�' , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ ' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY FRANK L• LDa7S COMMISSIONER p,,Tp _� WHER�AS, ?he City Eouncil., as provided by law, h�s authorized the �epartment of Pa�ks And �ecreation And Public Btaildi.ng5 to enter u�on the premise� known and d�scr.ibed �s b34 Cap.itol Baul�vard, in the City o� Saint �au1., and to tear down and re�- move the �3.ngi� family dwell.ing and �Hed therebn as be�ng un� �afe and dangerous to li�'e, limb and ad�oining property, and VYHEREAS, Pur�uant to such Council act�.on, bids f�r the tearing dorvn and remov�l of ���d build3.ngs w�re duly adver�tised for �.n accordance with the provis3.on� of the City Charter, and the larx�st b�.d �ta� in the sum of �350.00 and the expenses of the Department of Parks And Recreation And F�ublic Buildings in con- nect3.on w�.t�. cvndennatiar� �roceedings and writin� specifica- t3.ans amounted to $70.88, making a total of $�2�.88, and WH�B.C�Q�, There are no funds now appropriated in the Building VJrecking Ernergency �und fvr the wrecki.ng and removal of said buildings, be it RESOLVED, That said sum be paid out of the Wrecking Buildings- Demoli-tion Account 0976-256, and that 3.r� the event said sum pr�ves to be collectible f�o�r the owner of the premises, same is to be cre�lited to 0�76-256. ;4� 5 196� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ���� � -����� Dalglish ���11an� Approved 19_ Loss ' 1V�ti�i Meredi�h Tn Favor Peterson Mayor Rosen � Against Mr. President, Vavoulis iort a-ez