218528 � , . � -- - RESOLIITIONS ��^ �' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlRK �� ���,^��� -- ` CI� OF •3 ^cil File No. 218528—By Frank L. NC�� ND � OFFICE OF TH�''�;� . n1vPP By, the f`•��ncil of the City . COUNCIL RESOLUTION�z���,���!I:��YJ�:r�.,���,�}�0�°t �;_� 3 -6 5�, �'°" ��UBLISHED �'to d�L��,9� zu; = i: x�s�r� �RESENTED EY � � �i' � ot 3 • � a' COMMISSIONE r 'DATF � � BESOL�TED� by the Council of the City of Saint Paul� that said City o�' Saint Paul does hereby aaaept that ce�ta3n Deed of DediQation for �ark� �teereational and Educat�.onal IIse dated the 25th day of Marah� 196�+ wheretua.der and whereby Ho�sing and �tedevelopment Authori�y c� the City of Saint Paul, NLi.nnesota gran�ed� bargained, quit claimed and �onveyed unto said City of Saint Paul the following described tract or ,parael of land lying and being within the Gounty of Ramsey-' and �tate of Minnesota: "Lot �hree , (3) � Bloek One (1) � Eastern Area Addition� Saint Paul, Nlinnesota� aacording �- - - -- to the plat thereof on file a.nd of re�ord in the . offiQe of the �.egis�rar of Titles in and for Ram�ey County� Minnesota" � ' for use by said City of Saint Paul or a nonprofit Qorpo�ate assignee of the City' of Saint �Pa�l created for edueational purposes� for park re�reational and edueational �ses� foPever� snb�eQt� however� �o the aonditions and eovenants whiah shall , � r�n with the land for the period or periods t�ierein stated an.d whieh are set forth in said Deed of Dediaation� and that hereunder- and hereby said City of Saint Paul shall be deemed to dedicate a.nd rededicate �aid traet or parcel o� land to p�blic park, reareational and edu�ational uses purstza�t thereto and sub�eat __ to the terms and aonditio�.s of said Deed of _Dediaation; be it � , r " � " FIIRTHER RESOLVED That as reQited �3n .said� Deed� of � �� Dediea�ion� the same is in�ended and shall be deemed to reform > � arid supersede that aertain prior Deed of Dedication for park� �. Peareational and eduoa�ional use dated Oetober �2� 1963 by and a � between the sa.me Grantor and the same Grantee herein� on file � and of reaord in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and fo� � Ra.msey County� Minnesota and designated by Document 1Vo. �65874 � y. � in Volume 465� at pa`ges �58 tr�roug� 159; an.d that the City Clepk � c and tY�e Commissioner of Parks and Reareation and Pub].ic Buildings hereby are authorized and direQted to cause said Deed of Dedication to be filed an.d registered in tY�e office of said Registrar of Tit�es �$�ether Wi.th� cert�fi�d plat of sai� traQt or parQel of COUNCI�LMEN4 ACj.21g the oresa d edic�t�p�nd�,y tbeeC un�c���;���i9— � Yeas Nays Dalglish e��� � 1� ��� Approved 19— � �Loss Tn Favor� • Meredith _ t Peterson (/ � 1�Yor V A g8iII9t Rosen • Mr. President, Vavoulis -M M 10� {I'W , � .s 3' + ' � � . pUADRUrLICA`E TO DErA11TMlN� " � ^ • �O ����^^ r - CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCa ;.�� OFFICE OF THE CeTV CLERK FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rR�reo er � COMMISSIONE� DA� �B�OLV�� b�t �h� Cot�o�i� 'D#' the �i�y of ��i�t Pauli t�a� $aid �ity o�' Sa3�nt Paul do�� ber�b� �ocept th�� cer�s�� �ed �f Dedicatio� Fdr AArk, Reore�tion�l u�d �dumat�oagl Ua� da.ted �he 2��Y� day of �aroh� 1�f�k wh�reutzdex� mnd wheraby �iou�it�g � �developme�t Autho��.�y t�[ t�4 �ity a� S��nt P�.ui 1�ii.nae���� gran�ed� b�r��ine� qu�.� �l.ait�od and co�av�y�d �ato se�d �it�r of 8a.int T��u3. �Me �oi�d�ing descrit�ed t��at or► pa�cel crf 2�e�.d ly�ng: �nQ beimg �,���.� tY�� �o��y ot Ra�a���r az�d Stata af �esQte►s "Lo� Th�ee �3j y �l�rcl� Ohe {1)y �a�tera �rraa �r�diti�att� �+e��at Paul Aiinne�ota� �a�vrd#�g � to ��e� ple�� th�reo� on li�.o artd oP reeard i� the o�'fia� t�� thm A� i$tr�r c�!' Titie� Sn aad �or Ramss3r �ouz��q, �i�+�sot�" �or ��,e bq �s�i�1 G3ty af 8�int �s��l or a �onprolit e�rporate �BSSgr�e�e ot' the ei��' ot �iaint p�ul c�eated for eduaat3a�e�. purp4seaf tor parl� r�cr�ationel �r� �ducntiob�l �s��� �'c�revsr� �ub�ea�� hor���+er� �o �he eond��ior�� � aover�au�t� w�ieh s��3.i � with t�+a lar�d �or ��i� pertod, �r p�r�iad� ther�in at�t�d azid �o�i.ch er� aet �s�rth in �aid 1�eed ef �ed3.�mti+�n� end �hat 3�ersund�� erad h�reb� �a�.c! 4i�y of $a�.n� �au]. shall '�� d��m�d to dedf.aate a�d r�d�d.�ca�� esid �raat vr par��i o�' la�d �o p�b�.ia pa�Fk� �e�earentional a�d sdueaCional u�ee� pt�rantart� th����d end aut�,��at � �o �he terms �nd �anc3��9.qns oY ee�.d �eed� ot Detlioa�ion� be �� F��H�R ��QL'iTF.� �at ns r�+�it�d 3u aa�.d 33ee� of ��d#.�ation� th� seme i� i����ded �d sh�ll be deem�d Co r�io�� s�fl e��e��ed� �hat cer�a�,n p�4or 3�e�d vt Do�i�a�ion !'or ��rkf recr�eti�ue]� ancl edtto�tiaaal ��e �a�ed �3a�aber �2? 196� by �nd b���r�an the �etime �P�.nto�r �d the �use �ra.ntee h�r�in� an f�l�r e� at racord �.tt t�� c�►��'�c+� of the Re��.�trar of �itles it� ar� tor Remse�r Ca�nt w �asm�ota and c���9,�s�e$ Dy �3o�uraa�t No. 4�a�g74 i� �olume 46�y at pa��� 1�8 t�r�u�i iy9; �tnd tbat t�� Cit� �i��� ��+d the ��ra�.�aitan�� +�Y' 1'�rka amd. �ea�ea�c#on end F�blia H�31d�gs bsreb�r nr�e au�hor3�zet� at�! r�9.reate4 to aauae eaidt A�ed �f �adi�atto� ta b� file�d 4n� rs����ere� in �2�0 offia�► +�f sa�d ���i�trar of cov�.�t �s ���et�eP ��h � c�rrt��i�d la o�' s i�'_�raat QfiU�������r c��r�v ttv tag e � or�se► ed�c��o�� �� t�qco�i��•�� �s— Yeas Nays r Dalglish e��� `� ���� ���_ Approv� 19— Loss Tn Favor Meredith Peterson • MSyOr A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ion� sas i