218517 ` . '�.1 �� + ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � • 31� To(��� � - ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� �' `-� z _� . � • ` � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F�� NO COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOt�LIS�ED �- G J � `� PRESENTED BY M i 1 ton Rosen � COM M f 55I O N E � DAT� , t r • � i � � � Whereas, By Council File No. 218255, approved May 21 , 19�+, the City Council approved plans and specifications for the RIVERVIE`� STORM '�ATER RELIEF SE'�ER SYSTEM, �ontract II, Phase 1, and Whereas, In order to accomplish the work contemplated by said plans and specifications in the most economical and efficient manner, it has become necessary to make an addition to the special provisions of the aforementioned plans and specifications, and all bidders have been sent a copy of Addendum No. 1 relating to said special provisions and their addition. Now, Therefore, Be it Resolved, The action of the City Engineer and of ' the Department of Public Works in drafting and transmitting the hereto attached Addendum No.+ 1 to all interested parties and so amending the special � — -_ � ,�f . - _ _ �� : -- - - - � - � - provisions of the aforementioned plans and specifications is hereby ratified, approved and author i zed. cRo u'File No. 218517 — By Milton ; - �� ' .•'Id��,b,�'ti� ��cil File No. 218255, nc�'r�+Q 4 Z. ,.:21µ1969 tkte Clty Council ,�r.:. +��.�, �s anc? '•;i�ciftcatl%ir•� for �:s2 �.1� .,;1�C". 't 'O 1�'_V,' r, a�^1..R , rl3t�: �`ti�:�;.,�';� lr.e; A '!'�£i. _1. an ` . �f�-L3r' 'r?''tr.,hr.t t` - �`!I :'.�e:!��C it�nf; � �.,, d9Y4 5i� . �.,. 3•+etS :�y:=� ;vo ;P� , � ' �� 'I' jr,[t�? , . `+Z � � .. � . i ' � COUNCILMEN ��N 41g� Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ��i� 4196� Holland �, pproved 19_ Loss ' � Tn Favor ` ���`?��•��'G �1��� � DRayor A gainst ���--� �i�:���,�,-,;resi'deriti�;;�Vauou;s �VIr:y�ce President (Itosen) lODZ 8-82 t` � � � � �UrLICATE TO rRINTER � � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. `� �� _'� - � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��'`'�� _ � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �i��� ��� COMMISSIONER DATF _ 1�sres�, �y �ounci� �'iis lio. 218255. apProved !!ay 2�, 1�6�`►, tb Cfty Councii appr�oved pl�ns �d spe�cifir.atioris far ths RlV�tlWl��l $TORlI'i�1T�l l�EL t� $�W�R� S��TEli, Contract t 1. Rhase t� �nd 1�er��. tn or�lsr to aeccMpi i�h �h�e wopk cante�p�stsd b�y s+�id �i�ns and spsciF�cattons In �he most econt�mic�l ar�d ��f lcies�t �nrar, tt C�s bQCar� nee�asary to ,r�ke an �dditton �o thm sp�cisi provi�ton�,of tttia► afordrnenttar►ed p�an3 and s��ific.�tion�. ar�d �11 bidder� Iwv� be� tea� a copy of Adc�ndu�n t�ia� t nei�a'��ng to s��d :pacta� prcwis�ons and ��r �ddition. , - Nc�w, Therefare. �� iC ftsso�vad, The act�on ot tha City �r�qineer and of the Qepax��t�aent.Qf Pubi tG irbrka in drafting a�d �ransu+i�ting fii�a herato at�ached Adal$ndurn i�lo. 1 to aii tnCmrested p�rtiss �nd so ansr�ding �he spectal proviaions o� th� afqrementiohed �ians and s�$cifica�jons is, hereby rattf�ed� apQroved a�d �uthor�zed. , ��� � ���`� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ���`� �} ���° i Iiolland � Approved 19— Loss � l l�g � In Favor ' -�e���se�vi �� s�- � Mayor �n A gainst Mr:"Qre��ten�;-Vavoulis loD4r�882c�'��r� ��,�. � �.;�. . � �: � .:-� _' . �� . . �,q��� �� �.�� R bt�ERt�d E�1 Sg�H 1�l48�A ��a.aES s�� . . ' c��c� a a� �r�sE a a �Iddendun� �to. 1 D�torl: Ju�� 3. 13b4 • , C�en e I�e�: P1¢�se � �vis�ad 8l�at tho fro118��irog sp�cial p�ovision � ent i t ied 10CLASS 8�BCAY�QP3 O(� �e!&GAtfR'P 00�" sha i l b� � p�+a�t of ` tha 6�BtAEAV6�H S�OR9� td�8� 6tEl.8g� SE1�ERa CON3RAC$ 96, �85PIS� 0 juat as if includad in tt� o��g��ai pia�� and specif icat 6ons. , CLf1S5 8�bCATS0i4 e(t�EX�A�►AT 00�3 Ot is anticigated that �11 �{� exx��b�t3on foo� this �roJec� will occur in glaci�l d�ift. 5ar�d. gravei, cl�,r or con�bire�tions th�reoff. Of mxcav�tiqn �e�uirms the ren+ov�i of large 6oulder� o� � ledqa roska � contractor sha11 l� pajd an extr� �rtaunt i�a aeeordane0��ith tlez sehedul� off unit� prices �re�applic�la. 1�eP� t#i� ur�it prices � aot apply, the �xt�a� cost to th� C�ntra�tor for �xc�vation in mat�rials oth$r Shen glacial dr9�t sha11 �s by �gotiation. ' � Yo�ra w�r trul�. � Eugen� �1. AYCPY Chief E�gineer i