218516 '� , i � Council Flle No. 218516—By MiltoA} ����-��� Rosen— �• .. ORIGII.. ;ITY CLERK �/ •ReSO1V0f], That •the plans and spec- �, '"'y CI 1 1 OF ST�'�ons, for ne�w traffic signals at CIL "� " � ' ' ?� �da Street and Ivy Avenue, and N�• OFFICE OF THE .f,��'�=�rLeet�i.the Arch-Pennsylvania ' � ised signals at Arcade ��' � � lock Parkway, R i c^ � 1 O NCIL RESOLUTION-3P..Rs:�`�s'r���,,- a„P,,u�, ,v�;.:,<� G G� ;�ec.sy :�h•���tx��a �-1: n�e. ::�r• � 3L_��T�D 6- PRESENTED BY � ' 8�'.1�2�!La«: �fivc COMMISSIONE �"' -' �'` �.',�e��lt{} '� I � RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for new traffic signals at Arcade Street and �vy Avenue, and Rice Street and the Arch-Pennsylvania Route, for revised signals at Arcade Street and Wheelock Parkway, Rice Street and Como Avenue, Wabasha Street and Fairfield Avenue, and Arcade Street and East Seventh Street, and for signal interconnectton on Rice Street from University Avenue to the Arch-Pennsylvania Route, and on Arcade Street from Maryland Avenue to Wheelock Parkway, as submitted by the Commissioner of Pu61ic Works are hereby approved, and,the purchasing agent is hereby authorized to adve,rtise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. Each lump sum bid shall be accompanied by a statement of the total cost of each of the eight signal projects. The sum of the eight cost statements shall equal the lump sum bid. �The lump sum bid shall be the basis for consideration a� award of contract, and be it further } RESOLVED, That the� cost of the above traffic signal projects be financed from PIR Fund Code 3001 , the same fund to be reimbursed from City Street Bond Fund Code 200-ST-15, from Munjcipal State Aid, from . County Aid and from Mlnnesota State Highway Funds as per City-State Agreement 54111 as follows: l . Arcade Street and� lvy Avenue, Arcade Street and Wheelock Park- way, and Wabasha Street and Fairfield Avenue; 50% State High- way Funds, and 50'� City Bond Fund Code 200-ST-15. I � � 2. Rlce Street and the Arch-Pennsylvania Route: 50'� State High- . way Funds, and 50% Municipal State Aid. � 3. Rice Street and Como Avenue, and Arcade Street and East Seventh Street: 75% State Htghway Funds, and 25% Municipal " State Ald. 4. Rice Street Interconnection: 100'� State Highway Funds. 5. Arcade Street lnterconnection: 50'� State Highway Funds, 16-2/3% County Aid, and 33-1/3% City Bond Fund Code 200-ST-15. COUNCILMEN � Adopted by the Counci��� 41964 19— � Yeas Nays - • Dalglish � Iiolland pproved ��uN 41�� i9_ � Loss � � � � . Tn Favor �QX1K�i�fi( Mered i th I .��,s� �I Mayor A gainst �- l 11�.E;;';g��c�en��::Va;�ou�}3s.� t , la�r?��ce�President�(Iiosen) i I ����.�__ J � r _ . ... .. _ . DU�LICAT,Ey,TO �RINTER - - Y . � �1����� � :" ' - _ _ � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF � , _� RE��Y�B, Th�t ths pl+�ns and sp�clgication; fow �►�w traffic s1gn+�is at Arud� Strs�t �rtd Ivy /lw�nu�� and Ric� Strat and tl� Arc1�T�enn�ylvani� Rout�. �ot� rwis� siqnals �� Arcadir StrNt �nd Mi�elock }4rla�sy. Ric• StrNt snd Co�o l4vsnu�, Wsbash� 5tr�t and �a i rf��1 d �1wn���� �d Nrcade Strest and tast ��winth StrMr�� anct for signal int�rc�or►n�ctlon on �i��r �tr�et fro+�i �niwrslty Aw+w� to th� IArch-l�nn�yiva,�ia �t�� +�nd on Arcads Str�t �ro� Maryland Av�u• to W�hato�k R�rlaviy, ts wt�ltt�cl by td� Co�issionsr of pubt i� M�orks ars ri�r�rby appravEd. and tfH► purchasir�g �� +rya�t i s h�rsby autho�i zsd to a�dve��i;� fo�r bi ds th�rwn i n th� �anqar }�roy i dsd i n and by thr c.he�rt�r. Each 1 uMp � b i d shi 11 bs acca�psn 1�d by a atat�t of ths tokai cost of s�ch of the eigt�t signat pro,j�rcts. Th� s� of td� si�ifi��cos� �t�ta�+ents sl�ll •qu+�l th� lu�p � bid. 1'hs luMp su� bid shail bs thi basi; fiar con�id�ratlon a� +�rd of contcact� and b� it fu��h�� RESOLW�Q, That th• cas� of the abov� tFaf�ic-si�l proJ�cts ba �tnanc�d frm� ptli i�u�d God� 30U1 . th� s� fur3d to b� r•iwburs� fro� Gity strMt �or+d �und �e�da 200�-Si'�y5. fcv� Munlcipat S�af�i A�d. �ro� � County Aid and fro� Mt�»sota $tats b�i�y Fun�s as p�r City-Stat• , Agr��snt 54111 a; fotlowst i . Arcad� Str�st a�d ivy Av�rwa� Arcad� $tr�s� and MlhMlock I�ark- way. �nd Wa�iash� �t��et and F�sirfial� Avaw�: 54X St��� H1qh- way �'unds, and S0� City ffia►d �'und Cod� 240�aT-l5• 2. ltics Strrst and the /�ch-�tnsyivanie itout�s 5� �tat� ytgh- way R�nds, and 50X �lunicipai St+�ts Atd. 3. fttc� �trMt ��d Cc�o l�w�w�, �nd Arcad� Str�st and �a�t ��venth Stre�t: 75�i �t�t� N��y F�rtd�t, and 2�'X, 14unittpsl �tats A�d. 4. Rtc� 5tr�et t�t��rcorit�c�ion: 100� St#ts Hi�y �und�. 5. Arc�d�r Str�t Int�r�tions 5�'i Stat• �fiqhway Funds. 16�Z/3°x Ecwnty Ald, �nd 33-1/3� �tty �d �'und Cod� 20o-�T-15. (/`� '! � 6I COUNCILMEN � b � Ado ted b the Council ��� 4 1�� 19— 11`�' 1 � P Y Yeas Nays �1 ' Dal lish � g � Holland Approved ��y� � ���� 1g_ Loss � In Favor �[X�I�1W�X 11�re�dith ^ �n ( ) Mayor V Against $ese�r' Mr,��President;'"Vayoulisl� ,�ir,3��ce 1=res:sent (ltos��: 10114 8-82 i . ��h i �. i Fi��OEfit�9 E�! STQ� idA3ER ��1.0� SE�R . CQ.'��iAC� 0 8, Pf�ASE 0 �►ddendun� Rfo. 1 Qatsil: �t�e� 3. 19�+ ' - ' 6�n t i�nxe�: �1e�se � advi�ed that thm frollaa�i�g spe�3a1 provision � a��t i ti�d '!CLASS 8G B�ATS��f � &ZCAVA�QOl�" sl�ai 1 b� � paa�t of ' the R�VE�tl���! S�OR�1 l�4�ER REL�E� SEIdERa COH3RAC� S8, ��ASC 6 Juse �+s if i�clucbd in th� or�gi�ial plans and specifications. CLASSO�SCAi'dOq 0� EX�Al9A�80D� Ot is ��ti�ip�tQd that �11 th� excavation foe� this praject . �ailt or.cu� in gl�cial drift, sand, gravcl� ciar or conibina�ions thereo�. Of c{xc�v�tion requi�as the r�nov�l of large boulders o� led�a r�ck. tit� wntracto� s6�t�1 i 9ae pa jd ar� ext�a art�unt in �ccordance v�ith th� sch�dule of unit� pric�s �re applicnbl�. 1�er� ttie u�it prices �o not a�p1y, �I�o �xtra c�st to tle� Cantracto� fo� �acwvation in rteater6als ot�r than glacial dri�t sha11 �a � reegotiation. • , Youc� �re�r truly. � Euger+o V. Av�ry C�4��� E�gi�aer i