218510 ; { E" . ,
-----.-------�--- ` ei�, :'ile No. 218510—By Frank L.
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK .kS,�, �e Commissioner oP Parks{ ��j ��� ➢ 1
CITY OF ST. PAi�L��het2� d Saof Tu�ne,BSS4�'ing� Np, '�
OFFICE OF THE CITY� C,�" F�'`�����'.�4�ng thenappr;,ai
dFf���i!-•=u ;,�-j anpointment of '
COU CIL SOLUTION—GEP ..°�.�;; .�c.�?_� t��y ��h:t�t / �,
� Yi:'a:g,-' sri: 5:_t,;,:l,�nc.1 � LISHED b— (o_ �
PRESENTED BY � � ;�" '"�i �`•`��1z�� i'S"„t 1 e
COMMISSIONE ��• •dS1T 1Y b�71�i ;,..
�;• ,. �GL�`7:'T'—� a}'�i�;
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� WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public
Buildings did, ori the 2d day of June 1964, introduce a Resolution
announcing the appointment and asking the approval of the Council for
said appointment of Robert L. Ames to be City Architect for the City of
Saint Paul; and �
WHEREAS, said Resolution was introduced on the assumption that
- the complete pension ri�hts under Public Employees Retirement Asso-
r ciation to the benefici_ar,v_ of Alfred H. Schroeder, former City Architect,
had accrued in full and maxi.musn benefits; and
WHEREAS, it is now apparent that said full and maximum benefits
under said Public Employees Retirement Association will not and cannot
accrue to the beneficiary of Alfred H. Schroeder until the first day of
� July 1964,
Now, Therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Resolution dated June 2, 1964, seeking approval
of the appointment of Robert L. Ames as City A.rchitect of said City may
. be and hereby is withdrawn and the following paragraph substituted in
� " '� " lieu thereof: . �
� -�
"That Robert L. Ames hereby is appointed Architect of the City
' of Saint Paul, said appointment to be effective on and after
y •, . �he 2nd day of July, 1964. "
� �.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cour�c�� 4 1� 19—
Nays '
a�gu8h �U� 4 i964
�Iolland _ proved 19—
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, Tn Favor •
��������� � Mayor
Fe�r�sorr— �
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Rosen ,
. President, Vavoulis + � , , . ,
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