06-55Council Fi1e � 1J�0'��_ RESOLUTION CITY Presented By Referred To WIIEREAS, the Department of Public Works has let bids for eonstruction of residential street paving and lighting as part of the 2005 Residential Street Vitality Program, and WIIEREAS, tlus work was originally adopted by City Couneil Resolution 04-ll74, known as Log #SU-6600816, and WfiEREAS, there is storm sewer and water main work assoeiated with these contracts, necessitating an adjustment to the spending and financing for this progtam, and WEiEREAS, Midway Pkwy (SU-1000752) and Hamline Ave (SU-1001301) aze being reconstructed under the Arlington/Pascal RSVP contzact which requirea a transfer of funding from those projeets to the 2005 Residential Street Vitality Program, and WHEREAS, Hoyt Avenue will be reconstructed under the Arlington/Pascal RSVP contract, which requires additional MSA funding, and WHEAEAS, there is sufficient MSA budget in the Phalen Boulevard Phase III project to cover the reconstruction of Hoyt Ave., and WHEREAS, Publie Works has entered into agreements with the eities of Falcon Heights and West 5aint Paul and the Capital Region Watershed District to partieipate in funding the reconstruction of Midway Parkway and Charlton Street, so Committee: Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2S 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 Q3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $4,707,559.52 is available for appropriation in the 2005 Capital Improvement Budgets, as heretoFore adopted and amended by tlus Council, be hereby further amended in the Imprwement Budgets, in the Following particulars: Current Amended Budget Change $udget FINANCING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 05 CO5-2T559 Assessment Bond 2,065,000.00 2,065,000.00 MSA 1,276,000.00 1,276,000.00 Fakon Aeights 463,255.95 463,285.95 Capital Region Watershed Dist. 352,14723 352,14723 Water Utility � 798,709.89 798,709.59 West Saint Paul 98,000.00 98,000.00 Sewer Service Fund 887,39523 1,719,446.45 2,606,544.65 CIB 2005 7,525,000.00 7,525,000.00 10,477,398.23 _ 4,707,559.52 15,184,987.75 SPENDING PLAN Residential Street Paving - 05 CO5-2T559 Construction 1Q477,39823 4,907,559.52 15,1S4,9S7.75 10,477,398.23 4,707,589.52 15,154,987.75 Green sheet k 3028234 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA . � ' J'�; � � �' � 54 55 56 57 5S 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 6S 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 SO S1 82 S3 84 S5 S6 87 SS 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 FINANCING PLAN Hamiine Ave-Hoyt-Larpenteur CO5-2J011 MSA 217,000.00 -217,000.00 0.00 217,000.00 -217,000.00 0.00 SPENDING PLAN Hamline Ave-HoybLarpenteur CO5-2J011 Construetion 217,000.00 -217,000.00 0.00 217,000.00 -217,000.00 0.00 FINANCING PLAN Midway Pkwy-Hamline-Snelling CO5-2J020 MSA 599,000.00 -899,000.00 0.00 899,000.00 -899,000.00 0.00 SPENDING PI,AN Midway Pkwy-Hamline-Snelling CO5-2J020 Construction 899,000.00 -599,000.00 0.00 599,000.00 -899,000.00 0.00 FINANCING PLAN Phalen Blvd-I35E Iohnson Pkwy CO5-2S147 Federal Grants MSA State Grants CIB 2005 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 3,039,000.00 -160,000.00 2,579,000.00 4,000,000.00 4,000,000.00 400,000.00 400,000.00 12,439,000.00 -160,000.00 12,279,000.00 SPENDING PLAN Phalen Blvd-I35EJohnson Pkwy CO5-2S147 Construetion 12,439,000.00 -160,000.00 12,279,000.00 12,439,000.00 -160,000.00 12,279,000.00 FINANCING PLAN Major Sewer Repairs - 2005 CO5-2T639 Sewer Service Funds 1,719,446.45 -1,719,446.45 0.00 1,719,446.45 -1,719,446.45 0.00 0+��55 106 SPENDING PLAN 107 Major Sewer Repaus - 2005 •-� lOS CA5-2T639 109 110 Construction 1,719,446.45 -1,719,445.45 0.00 111 _ 1,719,446.45 -1,719,44fi.45 0.00 ll2 '!"�� ^�, r`���:� ,',t��t� _ ��"'-�� !:ai�:a� :�t�3'��s��a4� �{ 9+ G�e'.�'.�..'.cl �.'�i���+t�'[i 7l!'C?L �'ciZ`vsPl�l CC€?.eJ i�v,Y1�S. +'f£4 �. ��� t� aoo � ��;tt:,�.,�� �� -, p�-i��r�-+�i� B �'' ��/l/LsL ii�YvSiJrr Approved� ayor: Dat��7 � By: Requested by Depar� Public Works by Office of Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney: � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � PW - ruUlicWoilcs Contact Person & Phone: Paul Kuriz 266-6203 Contrad Type: (Date): AR-RESOLtff10N W/$ lRANSACiION Date Inifiahed: 30SEP-05 � ' Assign Number For Routing OrdM ��� Green Sheet NO: 3028234 p ' Wmts �a6 _g-3,0 0 1 'cWorks eotll�rec[or �� 2 i •,ca • ceFSnsnoalservi /a•IS � tv Af[orcev � 4 r•sOffice or�1%sistaut 5 _ _ :... ..-.,, _., -. 6 s „- ������' Total # of SignaWre Pages _(Clip All Lowfions for Signalure) Approval of attached Council Resolution amending the spending and financing plans of the 2005 Residential Street Vitality Progam - by lransferring funds from the Midway Pazkway Improvement, Hamline Avenue Improvement, 2005 Major Sewer Repair Projects and additing Water Utility, Falcon Heights, West Saint Paul and Capital Region Watershed District funding. a Personal3ervice Contracts Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firtn e�er woiiced urxler a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No CiHI Senice Commission 2. Has this perswJfirtn e�er been a city emptoyee? � Yes No . 3. Does this pe�son/firrn possess a skiil rrot rrormally possessed by amr -curtent ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and aHach to green sheM Initiating Problem, lssues, Opporlunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): . The Department of Pablic Works has let bids for conslluoYion of ffie residential street paving and lighting a,s part of ihe 2005 ResidenEial Street Vitality Pragram. There is storm sewer and water main work associated with these contiacts, requiiing adjustments tc �the sp�nding and financing for dus progam. Midway Pazkway and Chazlton Street are being reconstructed as part of this progtam and Public Works has entered into agreemenu with the cities of Falcon Heights and West Saint Paul as well as the Capihal Region Watershed DistricL MSA-funding needs to be transfexred from the Midway Pazkway and Hamline Avenue projects to tlte 2005 Residential Street Vitality Progcam. Hoyt Avenue wIll alsd be reconstructed undei this prograzn, which requires additional MSE funding. There is sufficient MSA budget in the Pkalen Boulevazd Phase III proejct to cover the reconstrucdon of Hoyt Avenue. Advanpaes If Approved: , Conshvction of the 2005 RSVP projects can proceed and budgets for Uus work will be in the proper acavity for payments to conaactors. DisadvanWges IfApproved: None. DCC e> i �U�S MAYOR'S OFFICE Disadvantages If NotApproved: There wID be sufficient budget in the�2005 Residential Street paving program to complete the projects. � • TotalAmountof $q�07,589.52 Transaction: Pundinx�Source: SSF, SPRWS, MSA, FinanciallnformaSion: A9(22fil0fltS (E�cpiain) - _ Septembe�30, 2005 6:51 AM ActivfirNumber. Cp�2T55g, 2J011, 2J020, 25147, 2T639 � Page 1 CosHRevenue Budgetetl: y [�