217192 • ' � $`C�BLISIIE'D —��'� � �y ,(� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � �r�'���" O CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� NO _ p� � �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � �uncll File No. 217192—By James J. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM "D�g„S'i_ i'�° ': ResolvGd That in accordance i�' 10725, Cmincil File PRESENTED BY `�_'.� ;�j^na�•�� ;:�,, COMMISSIONE DAT =�� -•t''r�i;�.: ' _1TF�n �Q; � �ti'1 Eise gci �'..,�,ii� ;�s ^�,u;u�= •tltl�v� . , � ,r, ,�.. BE IT S LVED, t in acaordance �rith Ordinance No. 10725 C�ci7. F�e No� 176072'� approeed January 20� 1956, as amended by Ordinance �o. 11709� Conncil. File No. 19633lt� approved April 12, 1960, the anaual sewer maintenance charges to be made in 196l� against the follo�r3.ng commercial� industrial� and residential properties other than single and t�ro-family dwe�l i r�s� which are located in the �— Village of St. Arithony and which are connected to the St. �'av1 seHer system� be and hereby are determined to be the amounts set opposit,e the location of the connections as follawsr �D�� IISE AMOtJNT 3001 E. 37th ave., N.E. Service Station �� �5.$ja. 3.�005 E. 37th Qve., N.E. Drive - In 9.92' 2'S00 F�. 39th ,Ave.� N.�. Store 522.08 37�6 Macaleater Dr. Sub Station ].E�,5.�2� 3720 Ma,calester I1r• �ffice & W�e�,�ge 65.60 3800 Ntacalester Dr. Apartments 168.00 , 3808 Macalester Dr. .A,partments 168.00 A�pache P7.az� �I Shopping Center 3 177.20 a 3209 Telstax Conrt .A.partments 10l�.00 3227,Telstar Court Apartr�ents 105.60 E . 322�'Telstar �ourt Apar�ents 10I�.00 3225 Telstar Court � Apart�nents 10�..Q0 COUNCILMEN I Adopted by the Cou�AR 2 4196� 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish MAR 2� 1��-� Iiolland A ved 19_ �g� n Favor ' ' Mortinson - Peterson U Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82 r , t