217190 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ��9 ���1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL N0. L U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C U IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ I BE IT OZVED, That in accordance with Ordinance Pto. T2222'� �ouncil File No. 20752�.� approved June 27, 1962, the annual sewer maintenarace charges to be made in I96l.t. against the following com�ercial, industrial and residential properties other than single and tNO—family dwellings� whieh are located in �he Yi].Iage of;�andota Heights and �rhich are connected to the Saint Paul sewer system� be and hereby are determined to be the amounts set opposite t he location of the conaections a� followsr, � II SE AMCXT NT 574 �. Bu.tler Studio & Residence �10.'j2� Ilt15 Dodd Rd. Office & Residenee �11.?�0 � Council File No. 217190—gy James J. Dalglish— . Be It Resolved, That in accordance ^ with Ordinance No. 12222, CounCil Flle i No. 207524, approved .June 27, 1982,� the annual sewer maintenance charges • � to be made in 1984 against the 4ollow- . idential�ercial, industrlal and res- _ - _ .. _ ' and •two fa�r,pilly i damllinBs.t which agre - - - �-- �- located in, the Village of Mendota � � Iieights�riil which are connected to'the Saint Paul sewer system, be and here- � b� �aze determined to be the amounts ( pposite the location of the con- � nections as follows: ADDRESS USE .�p�T 574 W. Butler, Studio and Resi- dence ....................$ 10.72 � 1415 Dodd Rd., Office and Res- idence .................... 11.20 Adopted by the Council March 24, 1964. Approved March, 24, 1964.� � • (March 28, 1964) � � ` � . MAR 2 4 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays t • Dalglish ' r�f AR �419fi4 Holland Approved 19— �gs In Favor � Mortinson� (l Peterson � v Mayor A gainst � Rosen � Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82 L � _