217189 � T � F Q-- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • q���-�y ; �- ` '" CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. �-'- _4J ,� .ti�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :;�. C UNCI�L RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF ��'•�G� �n examination is to be given for the position of "Junior Testing Technician", and �EREAS, it is highly unlikely that a sufYicient list can be established f'rom among residents o� the City of Saint Pau1, and � '�;RF��, it is highly des3xable that competition be extended to graduates of the Univeisity of Minnesota and otherincal colleges, even though they are not res3dents of the City of St. Faul: therefore, be it � i RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admisaion to examinations as provided a Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules ,4 arE hereby waived �or the, exami.nation for "Junior Testing Technician" Council File.No.217189—By Bernard T. to be held on May 15, 1964. xou�a– Whereas, An examination is to be given£or the position of "Tunior Test- j ing Technician", and - ' Whereas, It is highly unlikely that a sufficient list can be established from 'among residents of the City of Saint �Paul, and � IWhereas, It is higtily desirable tha4 competition be, extended to graduates 'of the University of Minnesot� and ' �other local colleges, even though they �are not residents of the City of St. Paul: therefore, be it Resolved,That the residence require- ments for admission to examinations ' as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil 'Service Rules are hereby waived for • the examination for "Junior Testing Technician"tQ be held on May 15, 1984. Ackopted by the Council March 24, 1964. Approved March 24, 1964. � (March 28, 1984) � I�AR 2 41964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counc'1' 19— Yeas Nays , ��p� 2 g: 1964 Dalglish '� �iolland -`f Appr _ eci � 19— Loss - Tn Favor � Mortinson � " Peterson v . Mayor A gainst R,osen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOT1 8-82 � DUrLICATE TO rRINTER 1� �� ��.�� ��� � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL N�-._ � ,� - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e , _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF __ �13� an saa�in�ioa is to be g3r�a �or t�e po�it3.on o� "..'Itm3or '.L'��3� °l�cbn3Ci�a"� �d �S, it i.es hi�1.� vnlitel�r tha�t a� auftiais� li.� can be sstabli�: Praa �atrg s-�sid�ats o� the Ci�GJ oY Sa�int P�ail.� and �, it is h3�h].g 1�esirabla t.� �e�tit3�a 'b�e -�zte�d. #.o graduatea ot tl� t�.i.versi� o� ��ota � at�er]ncal oolleges, �n t,ho��h tb,ey � no� res3,ds�ts ot t•he �it� of St. P�u].s t3�r�ot�ee, bQ it �V.�, th�t t�e �ai� r�.ir�nt� �or �3.uion to �t�.or� � �roTi� in Secti.� 10 �? o=�the Ci�i't. S�rrice Rul�s ara hereb�* �e►i�t ior th,e ess�d.nation �or "�.inior �sting �iciaa" to be �Sld oa lL� 15, 196�. ' � MaR 2� 1964 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays • Dalglish �,7H� 2� ��'�� Holland Approved 19— Loss , Tn Favor Mortinson ' Peterson Mayor �tosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis , iont a-sz ;