217188 OriPinnl to City Clark � I , ' i �1 . � . � � ORDINAI�TCE �_�.���.�� � ' COUNCIL FILE NO. r �PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 0 , jsncil File No. 217188—Ordinance No. �;2705—By Bernard T. Holland— �;�1 ord�nance amending Orc�irance �d '•J.`807, entitled: , � ,y..-��� �,r-^:-.;rtce-fisrng Yi. , s-»-�:� , � An ordinance amend3.ng Ordinance No. 7607, entitled• " � �g�I��;,;t,���:;'•�-.��.'�%�y;i=-•�?i:;� • . :P'vfti ,c it:t4A�' – I ` ' ' � ' 'tzcrAl "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of , positions in the Clai s3.�ied Service of the City." approved February 13, 1935, as aanended. � � , / THE COUIVCIL OF THE CITY OF S9IN.P PAUL DOES ORDATN: ' , � Section l. �hat Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13� 1935, . • � as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out � ' t � the specifications �or the following titles: • Junior Testing Technieian Senior Testing Technician ; Testing La,boratory Helper � Testing Machine Operator: and, by substituting in lieu thereof� respectively, the following ' specifications�.for: a� .. • ` Chemist I = • - - . _ - Chemist II Testin� Laboratory Helper � Testing Machine Operator \ � . � � � 7 � , � a � o ; � � W � o , i o ' �' Q U •s � � � O ,�� - i " . f� , i � J ._v L � � , ^ ' ' Yeas Councilmen Nays � Passed by the Council ' Dalglish ," Fiolland; ' Loss � Tn Favor Mortinsan Peterson' Aroainst Rosen � '� Mr. President (Vavoulis) � • . � . , Approved: Attest: j - . ' • � ' . • - . � • ` . City Clerk . Mayor lnz s-82 �ZZ Form approved Corporation Counsel By r' . . , � - 1 - , _ � . Orlrinal to City Clerk , I . . � • ,� �: . . _ �ORDINAI�TCE ��'��.��� , COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO. Section 3. This ordinanee shall take e�Pect and be in force thirty days after its passage� approval, and publ.ic�tion. � { � . i � f i i I � APR 8 �9�� - e Yeas Co�n�.c�i,l'men Nays Passed by the Council Holland � Tn Favor Loss - Mortinsan � Peterson , � Against , `2 �� ��- Mr. President (. '� A R $ ��'� i( Approved: Attest: .. ° . � � �� 'ty Clerk r1���/d9 Mayor , lnz s-°Z �zz Form approved Corporation Counsel By , - 6 - . � � 1 • • ' , , ������� Title of clas s: • CHEM�ST F I� � � 7 Duties and responsibilitieso - Under supervision� to perform ck�emical and physical tests incident to tl�e testing program o� t�ae City Testing Laborato�y; and to perform related work as assignP�l, . . , Examples o# work performed: To pexform standard, qualitatiNe and quan�itati�e chemical analyseso To test coai arzd oil. for izeat cont�nto • To do standard pk�ysical tests on bitumii�ous materials. To pxepare stock fox reagents and stanr3ard solutions, To maintain supplies and care fox instxuments. • Mxnimum quali#icati.ons: College graduation with a major in chemistry or chemical engineering, ZNo substittttion £or eciucationa ) - ' i I � I � - 2 - � . � � ��_�:�.��� 'Fitle of class: � � �D � � CHEMEST T,� Duties and res�onsibi�ities� Under direction, to perform pro�essior�al wark in tk�e physical and chemical testing performed by tibe City Testing Laboxatory; and to perform re�ated work as assigned. Examp�es of work performed: To make p}�ysical �ests on all types of bituminous materials, To make chemical and p�ysical tests o� metals, paints, lubxi- cants� petxoleum distillates, and ot�ex materials used itn Cxty �onstructxon and maintenance activities. To make tests for t�ae Fire Preven�ion IIureauo To test building clean,inp, and maintenaz�ce materials. To conduct research studies on new materials or studies.to ixnprotre � xnatariais and methods used. To interpxet re,sul�s of tests perfoxmed by lowex grade emplo}rees, • To prepare and write reports and assist i�n gx'eparing specifications, � .Mznimum qua�i�icatione: College graduatian wx� a major in cl�emistry or clzemical engineering, and two years' experxence as a Chemist T. �No substi�u�ion for educatior�o ) i _. ' . 0 - 3 - � � -� � ����.,�� lass: • �� v� T�tle of c � TESTTNG LABOR.ATORY HELPER Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to assist teckinicians at the City Testing Laboratory; and to perform related work as assigned. Exaxnples of work perforimed: To collect samples for �esting. To cap and test concrexe cyl.inders, blocks, bricks, etc. To operate testing mackines inside and outside the laboxatory, To use testin� sieves and related equipment for mat�xials testedo To operate a calculating mac�xine, and to prepare reports, To �ase testxng equipment in the bituminous laboratory, To keep �quipment and �remises neat and order�yo Minimum qualifications: � - �iigki schooZ gxadua�iano �,�viale onl�r. � I I 1 t � - 4 - �� ��.�C7 Title o# class: / TESTiN� M�1C1iINE OPER,ATQR o� � �� Duties and responsibilities; Under supervision, to operate testing macl�inea and assist wi�k� routine testin.g in the City Testing Labora�oxies; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To operate standard testing mac�inery and to manipulate supplennental apparatus. . 'L'o assist professional emplo�rees by pex£orming asaigned routine tests. To see that testing mac�ines are propez�ly oiled, cleaned, and maintained. To assi.st in setting up and operatxng special testing apparatus, To prepare simple repoxta of tk�.e results of tests witY� necessary calculationse Minim�xn qualifi�ations: , , High school graduation and two yearsY experience as a testxng . lat�oxatory helper. il l, I � � � I I - 5 - �st � 2nd � � � •, - ° I • Laid over to 3rd and app. Adopted l' Yeas Nays I Yeus Nays ` ! Dalg6sh � ' � �UBLISHEI'� Holland � �olland ` Loss Loss � ' V –AAe�irtsafr v orfinson �Peterson ' Peterson I -RQSe�+– � � � o�sen— t°1 M�r. President Vavoulis .�,�� ,��,�� /V�r�nt alauoul �