217169 r--- , Council Flle No. 217169—Ordinance No. Oriein�l to'+City Clerk 12698—By Mtltor} Rose1�— . �' a � � .,,'n ordinancc, �•�ntirrr �ermi��',y to �;4 Ch:+4a�o, 'a.r ��•:.I,...���..i�=''�is- t�{�" �����i.�� � .Y+� _ � O � i/'�_ �-*. ii�3'�•4,?- ".•;? +�;�� n a �'i�r::'''t��:- i,yJ"*^�;;t�Y;yyil�a . ^+ 1�"?t O � ! '�' COUNCIL FILE NO. , ' � PRESENTED BY • � ' ORDINANCE NO. An oPdinanae gr�nting permission to the �hieago and North Western Railway Gompany to �onstruot and maintgin a water �ervi�e tr�nah in Wostern Aaenue from the� meter pit loaated on the east line of s�.id Weaterr� A�renae �o the� end of the present 8-ineY� water m�.in a� the� iaters��tio� of Graae �treet �d Western A�renBe fo� the acaommodation o� the iast�l.lation� mainte�anae and operation ther�in of a �ater service a�eatioa wi�h said �►��Ger a�in of the Bmard of Water Comiai.s�l.oner s oF' the Cit y of Saint Panl. Thi s i s an � em�rgenay ordinanae rendered n�aess�ry �'or the preserva- tion of the publie peaa�, health and �afety. - �THE COIINCIL OF �A� GITY OF� SAINT pAIII, DOFS ORDAINs j , Seation 1. That permis�ion and authority are hereby gra:nted to �he Chiaago and Nort� We3�ern Railway eompar�y to eonstr�.�t azd -maintair� a water aerviae trenah in �Testern� AQ�n�e from the _ meter pit loaated oa the east line of said We��tern Avenne . to the� er�d o� the pre$ent eight-ineh water m�.in at �he int�r�ea- tion of Gra¢e Stree� and �Testern Aveg�.e for the aaeommod�t�42�. � of the installation, main�enanae and operation therein of � � �rater serviae aonneation with �aid water maim of the Board of Water C��mi s s ioner� of the City of Saint Paul.-. , �ea. 2. �hat the Co�missioner oP Ft.iblie Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Ghiaago and North We��tern Railway Company for t�.e construation a�.e� maintenanQe of �aid �ater serviae:�'.tr�nah, s�zb�eat to its aompliane� with the following cgnditionss � . �;�. . . - 1. �a�d ,.permi�tee �hall Qon�trnat and maintsin said wat�r s�rviee tP@IICh,entirely at its own ezpense, under the aupePVision and to the 'aatis�aation of the Commissioner oF P�.blia �Topks and in aaaordanae with the plar�.s and apeaifiaations of tk�e Department of Publia iaTorl��. �. S�id per�it�ee� shall p�y the aost of engincering an.d � inspeatior� of said work, and shall pay the aost of p�bliaa�ion of� this ordinancae. � �' 3. Said per�ittee� or ita eo�tr�ators shall properly protea� all eaaavations made in any s�b�eat seations of street� or easemen�s, both day aad- night, so as to avoid all dam�ge � or in.��.ry to per�on or proper�y� and �hall properly fill and �, + tamp any snb�eQt �eations o� streets to avoid settling and ~ ��� restore fihe s�rfsee� of the �ame. � � , a� � ' � �+. Said permittee or its aont�aator$ af�e� the i.r�Qeption �' . - of �said �rorY, shall proseaut� the said work �ontinuo�$ly� �r3.�h diligen� and i"nllp ao�plete said �rork to �he satisfaQtion • Yeas Councilmen Nays , 'Passed by the Council Dalglish . . ' Holland � " ' ' - Loss � Tn Favor '-� ' Mortinsan Peterson Rosen �- Mr. President (Vavoulis) Attest: City Clerk � Oririnal t�City Clerk r=� � � - p ORDINANCE ��`���� ` COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. °� � • Pa�ge �2. and approval of the Co�mis-�ioner of PabliQ Work�� DII �F befere Sep��mber 1, 1964. 5. �aid p�rmittee ezpre�ssly agrees and under�akes to fully inde�.if'y and hold harmless tbe� City of Saint Pa�.l, i�s ager�ts, offieers and employe�s from ar�y and al1 dr�mages alaims, losse�s•� �udgment�, ��its o� expense� arising oti� e� or oacs�sio�d b� the performanQe of' tl�e xork Qontenpls�ed by thi s permi s sion� and �t�th�rity. 6. Said perm3.t�ee� or it� contPa�torg ���11 not proaeed with said eonstruation of s�id water �ervics� �r�:tloh ual�a�� and tantil said permittee� h�s ft�lly aomplied with �he pro�isior�.s regarding in.�urarnQe a:n.d indemnifi�ation contained ia th� City of Sain� Paul Depa�tment Qf Publia Worlc� 8peaifiQations for �tre�� and se�rer Con�tr�etion�, d�ted l�pr�.l 1, 1959, as a�ended, Seation 1.�= �ad fot�,d on p�.ge�s 1-13 through 1-1'7� of �aid Spectification$ applieable� t� Qontractorg. For the p�rpo�es of �his ordinan.cte, the aforesaid s�Q�ion of s�id SpeaifiQations , numbe�ed 1.� �hall be read aa thvugh the ward "permittee" � were �bstitu�ed for the word "QOn�raator" Wherever the �ame appears in �he� �forasaid �e�tioa 1.4�. �sid �ection 1.�+ �of the SpeQifie�ations for� �treet �nd Sewer ConstPUCtion in the �itg of �ain.t Pau�l i$ hereby inaorpora�ed hereia by re�'erena� as fully and �xs Qomplet��y as it set forth her�in. v�rbatim. Proof of aomplianQe with the proviaions of the afore�said �ation � 1.E+�t- sha].1 be in �,c�h fo�� �s� the C<3rporation Got�n�el of the City of Saint Panl may di�eat, ar�d tl�e doc�t�ents required by ; the �fore�said S�Qtion 1.k+4 shall, after submission to the i Corporation �ounsel, b� �iled"°in the office of the� Comptroller of the City of Saint Paul. �. Said permit�ee -shall f�rnish a bond to the Gity of - �- ' 8aint Pa�.i in the sam of �1��000, aoac�itioned. "to� aomply with �11 the� term� of thi� ordinanee snd to indemnify and gave �armless the said City fPOm all liability, l�ss, �ndgments, s�.its, �osts, charges, and eapenses that may aaarue to persons or propertp oe�asioned �b� the makin.g of t�e said- improvement or arising o�.t of the �same. 8. Said per�ittee� before� en�ering �.porr or doing any � of tl�e worY herein permitted �r�.d at thorized� shall proaure from the ab��ting owners suQ� easem�n�s in and to the abutting property �s may be neQes$ary and shall obtair� a written � rele�se f�o�a s�ah owners� releasiag and di�ahargiag the �ity from t any a�.d all damages by reason of �aid Qons�ruation and �hall �ile said written �rele��es with •th� Department of �uub�liQ i�Torks. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Counci� Dalglish , Holland Tn Favor Loss Mortinsan A ainst Peterson g Rosen . Mr. President (Vavoulis) , , Approved: �, Attest: City Clerk Mayor lhz s-ez �22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By � ` OriP�nal,t�Clty Clerk �-`�, � � " ORDINANCE �,��� , _ _ _��� � COUNCIL FILE NO. F'RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. � ' � P$ge 3. �. Said p�rmittee shall, within �en days aft�r the passage of �his ordinanae-, t'ile• a written aaceptanae- thereof vith the �ity Clerk. " Sea. 3. This ordinanee� is hereby deal�red to be� �an em��rgenay or�inanae render�d n�o�s�ary for� the pres�vation of' �he publiQ peecse� h�alth and> gafetg. Sea. 4. This ordinanQ� sha;ll tske etfeat and be in forae� from and after its passage, appr�val aad� publiaation. . � Yeas Cou� nc��en Nays Passed by the Coun��'1 A�R � �� / Holland , b Loss � Tn Favor Mortinsan • Peterson ' � Again�t Rosen I . Mr. P esident (Vavoul' ) � APR 7 15� � � • i Approved: Attest: � � _ ., , . ` � X� �. Clerk � �� a or t�?_FLa�.-m�. _���----'_ � ' 1M s-ez °�2z Form approved Corporation Counsel B� ; •. f2 � + } { , t t i � � i .� � , • o. , � j ��, r` �� .. 1 .a� r o'_ i . ~ ( � � 1 7 , v. . 1 . � , . � C " . .. ` • •' , . . .5'S�l!'f. �LLl.� �j.Y]Y3eSOt'iQ. � - � - � _ - . April 13, 1964 . � t To the Honorab�e, the City Council . � Saint Paul, Minnesota . ; Gen�tlemen: _ � We,{ the wadersigned, d"o hereby accept and agree to abide by all the i terms and conditions of Council File No. 217169, being Ord3nance No. 12698� adopted by the Council on April 7, 1964. - � # ! CffiCAGO AND �OR'I8 WFSTEI�T RAILWAY COMPANY � � I ' . � � ' � � � Ay41 ql1t�'EiflIR�91 � . - .� t a ' . � � , t . _ , ' ^ ' , - r j t ., � . ' - !'. � y , . . _ . . � . � � � . . . : . _ .. • - • ``'_ . ', yC'_ "i�, �� ��'�' �. ,`' `�' r .- a ' • - � . ' � • _ _• '� � , r � ' , • �� �_ . , . _�s` ' :•ia . -'' 1. . "/l. . ' � S , ' ' `�• • .L \ _. .' ` ,, , � ' ��. ` _ - _ •. _ 'T i . .1�:.�r �� � ` � � r � ,1 . �. _ = ' _ .- ' �, - - a r ' ���} _ . . -� :�. . . �. -_ . - -� � - _ . . - - � r � �. � � _� - � �.��� --�� � � - � ._ .' i . . . " _ - - l_ ._� .i ' � Y �i�, e � . . -} � ' , _t, ^ f '; � .. .. ?� ' � i r '� . � �1 "- • , - ' Y . � � _' _ ' • . ` • t� . '' �^ -. -Y . - � . l , . �. . . �_ ' ' � � J .f ' � a '!-r -� \ •� ,� ' ' 4,- ' • + ` `, 'y ' , _+ , _ ` - � _ ;< < . . �- = � ; _� - � . _: - - April 13 f°,1964 . � _ ` - . _ - . a , ' � . _ ' �, • � ' • •_ • y ; ,[ '. '� ' ,_ . •. • }� - �' • a' l�yi� ' -- '. - •� � ; . , r .'` � _a _ • _� '�' _ - '. I f . �' � - _ - - ' - ` }2 � _ � � _.. . ' • •� - _ - ' _. ♦. •• � t - . . - . . � C~ . , �� Ghief. Eqgineer • • � { •r � -' � • -- „' .^- - . q - ' _' ' __ -. , _ , `` , � , -�i�CBgO Q.Y1G� �OT�l W6Bf'iEI�1' �f r (�.O•' ' ' ; " _ . -� ` � . .� , : 275-E. Fourth St. � " • � .� _ , . - - > . ; . • - ' . � ,. � . - � St: P�ul:y Minnesota _ _ _ . . . ' � _ � "- ., � : - _ ` ' - ` - � -- ' _ • Dee.r Sir% , " _ . ' . , . _ ' � • �-: � - _ � - ' ��`` : .,, � � ,- . _ � - - - ." - .- - .• " . � - • '� � . - - , We enelos� a copy o�' Qrd3nance �to�:-12698 6�n �8 Y��Permi to �eoast�et - - ' � and m�int,�in a water �service t�ren�h...in a kesteraa A .;� aleo bf11 . < � -- _:-in th� sum oP $Z��3 to cover the;cost _ li , t nn o� this ordinance: � • - , . . -� _ � _ .. ? , � _ -� .-_ _ _ . .,,�i � _ �' �` . . We call your apecial attention to . p}s'7 � �9 of Sect,�.oa 2�, wliich . -- . . � . • requ�re t2�e fi3ing o�f' a bo�d 1n t� � . -s ie8 a�d '�he �ilii�g`of an • _, , • - _ •, . � _ acceptance_ o� ,tYi,� terms a� �his ord3na�pc must be� ��,lec7. in this " ��� " - � - � ofPice�•�toca�► 386e. City Ha�.].�� w. . `c1s�, . I�' uot so �11ec�, -the ord1.� . '__ " � _ � _ ri�ace becc�mes voici�,_`. ' - f_ . - - � . . : , . � w - - .- - :• - �. - � . � • Va�'Jr tru],Y Ya�i . ° . - _ - ; � - r-,. ' .._ - � -• ' , - � _ , . - . , _ - , . , � � . '_ ,. _ _ _ . C.ity Clexk., : �,, _ : - � -- , • - . f _ � � • . _ , . ' + ' ' . ' - � .-- • ' ,� ' `. - ` ' - - L ., � ,4 � . . . �_'I�. - - _. , - .. �I _ : ~ = - _ , ' , - - ' ' � ` � , ' . - ' � . ' ` '. '+ _ _ ! ' ' ` . _- S`� • � ` - i r,' - , " � 4 ' " � f' . . , - ' . : � _ - "' ` , " � c. . . . ` J s • .,- �. _ ' . . ' - T ' l ' . , , ♦ _ - • . • , ' . _ - ` - _ • _- _ F " • ' • ` . . • - ' 4 _ _' • �. ' . • , '- . . , _ ` } _ - . • � ' " � - � ' f , ` • � l �- _n , ' � I '-+ . � , _� + � ` ' ' _ • •• . � 1 �� �' _ •^t•r _- � • •.` � • / ~ • ` � / ` �' • � '� ' • ` '• � - ' _ . _ � ' ^ _ . �� �' � `. • ^ . � ' • ` _,. � ^ • � . - .. �"' V ` _ _• ' t � . +i : IR y _ ' - � - . - ' . � . - . ' _ " ^ , (� . , . r � 5 � • �l, ' ,� � . ' ' ' r- •� � - . 1 ' . - _ • ` ' Y . �, • _ • - + ,_- -_ - � �� �' , • � ' l I•T , _e - ' ^ �- ` ^' �. - . _ r • • .. ' • • , ._ . V . ' _ . ._ • . _ • � . � . � � ' _ 'r _ " " � � . � - � , , ��- -� CHICAGO AND NORTH WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY ; i � � OFFICE OF DIVISION ENGINEER . f ; 275 E. Fourth Street St. Paul,, M3nnesota April 23, 1964 St. Paul - Western Avenue Yard Office (� 88949) ' ?�r. Harold J. Riordan '�'- '. City Clerk � • • Room 386 � ' City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota " Dear Mr. Riordan: Referring to yaur letter of April 13� 1964, concerning ' the granting of Ordinance IJo. 1269$ to Chicago and North Western Railway Compax�y wherein permission was granted ! to construct and maintait� a water service trench in a portion of Western Avenue in St•. Paul,. Minnesota. Attached please find acceptance form duly aigned by Mr. B. ft. Nle�ers, and bond in the amount of �10,000.00 as specified in the Orclinance. ' i � ': � Yours truly, ., _ ����-� M. E. KOENIG Division Engineer Encl.: � ORICi1NAL CITY OF 3AINT PAUL - TO PAYOAT OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �. '' _ ' N° 1640 - RECEIPT � � (0�19— RECEIVED OF � +oo � • ' 6 � �� , �/ l� FO — � �/� . l� � � - ,� Gl/��� , CITY COMPTROLLER wo s-�a �s22 BY . ` �.V • f'w� .t ; � ���� r, . � � �, ,, � t�z.. { L! 41r� � ° . '�/ � G�--r�;���(Z,; c.e��./"_ -r s�/'�.�t,.C�t G� � �� ' : � ,I ' ~ . � r � � 1�t� �'``" 2nd �/� . � ,� -, . b LqiA over to ,�`3rd and app. Adopted J ' ' , Yeas Nays Yeos 1 Nays I `Dalglish ..DnlglisFr--- �klollorrd— `Holland �Loss \Loss � Me�sarr– �,�(/� ortinson � f��� ( 1 , �Peferson ���i$�%" �eterson �/ .- 1'��"� -Ras€n— �Rosen r. President Vavoulis ���,��� . President Varvoulis