217160 OlZIGINAL TO CITY GLERK „yr4h /+�,����y / �� CITY OF ST. PAUL couHCi� ��"' - �-`-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F��E NO. - R O FIO —GENERAL FORM ; �. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF _ RESOLVED, That in view of the condemnation by the City of Saint Paul of the tract of land described as Lot 9, Block 28, Rice � and Irvinets Addition, and parcel marked 28 i.n Plat of Dayton and Irvine's Addition, subject to West Seventh Street, under which con.. demnation the City of Saint Paul has acquired title to said premises as of January 8, 1964, and in the further consideration of the fact that Ben Freeman, former owner, GustasonTs Oil Company, former tenant, ' and unlrnown present tenant or occupant are still holding in occupancy, the proper city officials may be and hereby are authorized to issue appropriate eviction notices to the above mentioned parties in order to secure vacation of said. premises not later than the f�rst day of , May, 1964. ��g1�h�e No. 21718�By James s. Resolved, That in view�ef the con- ' demnation by the City of Saint Paul 'of the tract oP land described as Lot 9, �Block 28, Rice and Irvine's AddiUon, �nd plrvine's Additi n i s bj ctfto awest I Seventh Street, under which con- �,demnation the City of Saint Paul has i acquired title to said premises as of l Tanuary 8, 1964 and in the further Cconsideration o� the fact that Ben I Freeman, former owner, Gustason's �011 Company, former tenant, and un- known present tenant or occupant are �still holding in occupancy, the proper �City of8cials may be and hereby aze authorized to issue appropriate evic- Ition notices to the above mentioned parties in order to secure vacation of said premises not 3ater than the first day of May, 1964. Adopted by the Council March 19, � �9�. �A�191964 Approved March 19, 1984. � (March 21, 1964) COUNCILMEN ---�- —r�uu�,�ed by the Council 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ��AR 19 1��� Holland Approv 19_ �gg � Tn Favor ' Mortinson / '' Peterson - � Mayor Rosen A gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis 10114 �82 __ _ t � OUrLIGATE TO rRINTER " '�'��.�� � �' � CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. - •�- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK – COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY' � COMMISSIONER DATE _ RESOLVED, That in view of the condemnatior� by the City of Saint Paul o� the �traet of land d.�scr3bed as Lot 9, Block 28y Rice and Irv3nefs Add3tion, and parcel marked �8 in P�at of Dayton and Irvines �iddition, sub3�et to West 5eventl� Street, under which eon- demnation the City af Sa3nt Paul has acquired title to said premises as of January 8, 1964n and in th� further consideration of the fact t�iat Ben Freeman, forme� ot,mer, Gust�sor�'s 0�.1. CanpatYy, form�r tenant, Hnd unlcnown prc�s�nt tenant or oecupant are s�ill holding in occupancy, �he proper city off3eiaYs ma.y be and her�by are authori�ed to issue appropr3at� eviction nqt�c�s -to the abov� mentinnec� pa��Cies in, order *o seGUre vaeat�on of said premises not leter than th� f3�st day of May, 1964. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ��R �'g 1� 19— Yeas Nays � Dalglish ��? :,,�,i� 1 � ��1:� Holland ` Approved 19.— Loss • Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor Rosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis lODi 8-82