217143 � ' ' ' I r ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK , �0.- � tTRT TC�TIL,�T 3 �'��� ,F� � .: _ CITY OF ST. pAlJ�vi�lilJliL1J FILE NO. �� ����� ' �'!: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , _ T COU CIL RES L TJ.ON GENERAL FORM ;�u$na�e xo. z17143—sy Bern�a T. .�, ,•rsolved, By the Council of the City PRESENTED BY DATF ���Compan �at Northern States COMMISSIONE (�s �f electric energy i�u�e City of_ 'r?%.�I, �s th: nermittee, ,---la � — ���?ti��:�: rfi4;+tr`PProved ,7 2i�i. .��1S,i :(RrilfG}?�l�Ofv ; (i) -vit0 -+:(A1 . RFSOLVED� by the eo�nail Di� the City of Saint Fa�l, � that NoPthe�n States Power Company, p�blia �tility snpplier of. eleatri� energy in tk�e �ity of Sain� Paul� a� t�e permittee=, under Ordinane� � No. 11762, approved Ju.ne 21, 1960, a� amended, having filed wit� the eity Clerk and wi�h �the Commi�sion�r of Publia Utili�ies reeisions of i�s ertinent eleatPic rate sahedules under date March 19� �196��� p�:rsuan.t to said Ordinan�e, as a.mended, ,and having filed �with the City Clerk and with �he Commissioner of P�bliQ IItili�ies its written reqnest� of the �ame date, for �his Counail� s approval of said revisions and a11 new �aY�ed�les .and wi��drawals �hereby provided and - presaribing as the effea�iv� date of the same April 30� 1g64, � and �hat the same �shall be �appliQable to all pertin.ent meter readings o� and af�er April 30, 1964, a:nd� this Coun�il deeming su�h to be in the p�zbli¢ in�erest� and it appearing that no � a�stomer of said Company �hall be pre�ndieed by any suQh revis3.on, hereby approves said revision� of said eleatria rate sahed�les siad all new sahedules an.d withdrawals inaorpora�ed therein ar�.d does hePeb� pres�ribe and �peaify April 30� 196�- , as the effec�ive date of the same and 'that the same shall be appliQable to all pertinent meter readir�gs on ar�d after April 30� 196�; and that said revisions, of said electria rate sahed�les� as filed by said Compan.y� shall be deemed in.QOrporated in this Resol�.tion and made part and parael of tY�e same, by referena�. ', r �! ,,�. - MAR 19 1964 ' -� COUNCILMEN . Adopted by the Council 19— �` . Yeas Nays MAR 19 � Dalglish ��V°�' Holland , pproved 19— Loss • Tn Favor � , Mortinson _ Peterson � ' - � Mayor A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis ������` ' �•� � lOTf 8-82 . DUrLIGATE TO rRINTER M y CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. ��' ��•�'�"� - �:� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . _. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - RESOLVED, by the Counc�.l o� the City of S�int Paul, that Northern Stat�s Pow�r Company, publie utility supplier of` slectric energy in the City of Saint ��ul, as the permitte�� under Ordinance No. 11762� approved June 21� 196Q� as amended, heving fil�d with the City C1erk and with the Commis�ioner of Public Utilities revisiona of its �ertinent �lectric r�te sch�dule s under date March 19� .i�ir+� pur stiant to said Ordin�n�e� as a�mended, �ra.d h�ving filed with the City Clerk and with the Commissioner oi' Public IItilities its written request ot' th� same date, for this Council' s approval of saici revis�.on� and all new schedules and withdraWal$ ther�by provided �nd prescribing a� the effective date of' the same April 30� 196�+� � and that the same shall be �.pplicable to all pertinent meter .reddings �n and after April 30, 19E,�+� and this Couneil deemi�g such to be in the public interest, and it appearing that no � customer of sa3d �ompany ahall b� pre�udiced by a.ny such r�visio�.� hereby �pproves s�id revisions of said electr�.c rate �chedul,es and all new schedules and withdrawals incorporated therein and does hereby prescribe and speaify April 30� 1964 as the e�fective date of the aame �nd that the same �hall be applica.ble to all pertinent meter readSngs on and �.fter April 30� 1964; �nd that said revisions, of said el�ctric rate sehedules, as filed by $�id Company� shall be deemed incorporated in th3.s Resolution and made part and parcel o�' the same� by reference. ,y►Hrc 19 ���� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays ��� �q �qfi�!� Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �sg Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson (' Mayor Aosen �gainst Mr. President, Vavoulis ion2 s-sz