217138 .� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK •- '�-���"�� � _v�- � _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE NCIL NO. _ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY , � COMMISSIONE DATF — WHEREAS, an exa.mination for the posi.tion of 1tPatrolmari" is being� scheduled, and V�HEREAS, i.ny-estigation and past experience ma.kAs it evideat that. a sufficient eligible list canrio�t. bE ohtairied from.among the: residen.ts' ' " of the City, and " _ WHEREAS, it� being in the bea� interests of the City to� ext�nd . the recruitin.g are�a beyond the Cit.y].imits; nov�therefor�, be it RESOL.�TED, that in accordance with the a,uthority granted to the Council by Chapter 417 of the 1963. Laws of Minnesota., th�e residencE requirements, for ;admission to the .examination as .provided fox� in. the City Charter and in. �ection 10 D: of tke Civil �eryice Rules, are hereby waived for the� first examina.tion for �'Patrolm.a.ri" to: he. held fallovying the. �passage of this resa�ution. Council Flle No. 217138—By Robert F. � Peterson— - Whereas, An examinatlon for the - � position of "Patrolman" is being � scheduled, and Whereas, Investigation and past ex- perience makes it evident that a suf- ficient eligible llst cannot be obtained from among the residents of the City, and Whereas, It being in the b e s t � � interests of the City to extend the recruiting azea beyond the City limits; now therefore, be it Resolved, That in accordance with the authority granted to the Council by Chapter 417 of the 1983 L.�ws of Minnesota, the residence requirements for admission to the examination as provided Sor in the City Charter and in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for the first • exam�nat�on for 'Patrolman" to be held following the passage oP this res- olution. ��� �� ���� Adopted by the Councll NLarch'18, 1984. COUNCILMEN APProved March 18, issa. uncil 19— (March 21, 1964) Yeas Nays Dalgliah , �AR �$ �9 1� Holland Approve 19— � I'Ogg Tn Favor — ortinson ,l " v �.Ll� Mayor Peterson , --- A gainst M .� ,�'� ��.�J r�ident, � � �� iort s-sz - r� ` �`� DUPLICATE TO rRINTER p CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��' '�'`�t� � �� ° OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ COUNCIL 'RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � ' COMMISSIONER DATF - WHEk�E�'►3, �aa. e�rni�ia�€on far �a.e pv.�i�3o�, �,� "#�?��ro�r�'� �s 'b�:��g e�hed+�Ied, �rtd . . i��RE�S� in�e�ffgation aae� past ��r�enc� �1e�s 4t ev9;��ut t,�� � e���ien� e�i���l� ].l,�t ��unot be o�#.�.�ned froYn �nc�r,�g the� r�ri.dants af fihe ��ty*. sad � WH�REAS, it bein� 3n. t�a 1��rt �nt�ax�sts of t�ie Gi��r to �xtend t,�ie �s�e�crui�� ��ea. b���ac� the ���.jr �.imits; nao� the��tf���, 'Ia�i it R.�S�LY�D, �ha� �xi. �c�o.xdan�e �.th t�m �utho��.t,j► grsnt�d ta t13� C�au�toiY by G'�aaptex ��� of tb.� �9�i3 �.�►� of M�nn�s�ta.. thd ��►�tfd,�u��e ��q�ir�tn�:x�$e �o� �,c�Cn.3��io� to t`hs ��.xx�ia�tion �m p��vis�e�c� fQr in th� �ity G"1�art�r �n� ia Se�ction. �0 �1 a£ the Civ�.. S��►ic� Rw�1es. �.�e� I�sreby �r�.ii►�c� �or t,he fi�i�� ex�rrl#nat��� �£or "Pat�olzn�a"' to be hs�.d �v?do�►in� tk�+� p�t�t�a�s of t�i� reMql����m. � MAR 18 1�� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish ���� a� ���� Holland Approved 19— �gs In Favor Mortinson Peterson � Mayor A gainst Rosen . resi en , 's ionz s-ss