217133 ✓ � - �-1 ��f ORIGINAL TO GITY GLERK ��� ��_����� CITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . „; COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . --• ��9� �,lo. d, .. �, �S Of Dt:..9 Jl4l , ��`1 �.,_ _ �ci2 3u'�,�a i� PRESENTED BY �,(J�� • - - COMMISSIONE �'-"'" — DATF : � r;T ��~i31' . 'F 7 F'':,?'.L;�i��, '�,,._,_8 �Frr�z"�,'sirY'"•loym?'�:' ,�soetd'1 �r=.�iL'• r,�v�, ,,x� �.n�s 'O l:�;.rsV102;)'S ri.J aOl ^29• 1��3B7r " "q��r�r,•.._o WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks and l�creation and public Buildings has raported, in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the ead.stence of an emergency during the period from March 1 to 15, 1964, �ich rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the Department of P�ks and Recreation and public Buildings for more than eig�it hours per day or forty hours per week in doing the follo�g work; Qperation, maintenance, care and protection of public parks and playgrounds and of their facili- ties; -snow plowing and sanding parkways and boule- vards; placing ��No parking�� signs on Sunday; hea�ing plant repair at the Public Utilities buildi.ng and electrical work at the Asphalt Plant. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances;. Seasonal requirements for protection of public property arrl pursuit of departmental activities, such as; Civic events and municipal sports- and " playground programs required increased time 2nd effort of an unforeseen but temporary nature; breakdown of equipment necessitated itrnnediate repairs; during the heating season, the plant for the Zoo and Greenhouse must be tended constantly; Greenhouse and Zoo are open seven days. a week; il�nPss of regu.lar employee; snow and freezing rain required ittunediate plowing and sanding; and elimination of parking in tree tr�mm5ng areas necessary. � THEREFORE, BE IT RE.SO�VED, That the proper a.ty officers are hereby authorized -to p�r -�he employees �rho performed such work in accordance with the provisions oi the Council�s salary ordinance, Ordinance No. 6I11�.6. ���8, 19�,4+ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish �AR 1� 1964 Holland / Approve 19— Loss %" `� In Favor ortinson � Peterson v Mayor . A gainst NYr. Pre ident,• ��:����?s � iort e-s2