217116Original to City Clerk i Y ~ F ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. �_ Am- ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3.250, entitle.d<: '!An administrative. ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving .and, adopting rules. and regulations, therefor, It approved August 20., 1914, as amended. THE: COUNCIL, OF' THE CITY OF SAINT' PAUL, DOES. ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August .20., 1914, as. amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in Section 7, in its pro -per alphabetical order under the. heading ",Skilled Labor ", the. title "Equipment ,Maintenance Foreman!'. Section 2. This. ordinance shall take effect, and he in force thirty days after its. passage-, approval, and publication. Approved: a. P �• i. r ncil File No. 217116— Ordinance NO.�" '3693 —By Frank L. Loss — ordinance amending. Ordinance entitled: " ninistrative ordinance relat,� CJ 4! Fervlce Bureau of .� 31.E O.- IM.yj70� 9f'Cj.,�,a•. r,e' 0 G �W { O Q coo !Y p Q_ Q < U 2 N V v, lL � Yeas Councilmen Nays Dalglish Holland Mvrtinsun- Pe,ter Rosen �cll Mr. President (Vav ulis) Attest: /z City Clerk IAl 6-62 22 Form approved Corporation Counsel By APR 21954 Passed by the /Couunncil `- Tn Favor i — Approved: APR 211% Mayor CITY CLERK A*. or4ft"ot Ate WW4, *Voamooftoi Moo amad OAO adMitilstgAtWo 00"Uto 14-404, W *a, GIVU sovd,00 3surow PAO* *4 vos**tlaas thoiatar#4' �mz co"clu or %IM in or "bm V U Z*I;.q OSDAmt Ott Ord 40 bo, "A *ot' sa Jklim "futho AlAaft4ta ur wottlos ti I tAk* 0946t =4140 to for,40 *40 4&vg Agwv, Its P&Ovssov 4"Porov4t A FA 'A Approvs& I I T w N;; re; woo"U"Ms * I; roov" I APR 1964 ASR 1964 1st s . .I 2nd Laid over to _' 3rd and app. �7/' "dopted v Yeas Nays Nays ` ®Dalglish Dalglish PUBLISHED —**NHolland Holland Less— -taste' 'Wortinson Mvrti►isoFi' Peterson Peterson U Rosen Acserr— avo Mr. President Vavoulis