217103 � � . • ' 'ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , k �_`���T�� ���� � ,. � • ° � CITY OF ST. PAUL �� 2�'���3 s' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. '� •il,File No. 217103—By James J. �`' O N�IL`�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 56lish— ' � � It Resolved, That in accordance PRESENTED BY v�,h' � „ Or�linanm No. 11061, Council File COMMISSIONE � � ' / �� DAT !&' =���° ^"�v°d 7ulv 26, 1957, the �. S„E� �� :,,_ ` rl'.az'g0S t� ,b�t�i:��,�ci-,t?y�11�-^;+.� dm—L�`�- eozeFI��d1':er� BE � SOL Tha.t �in�ac�ordance with Ordinance DTo. 11061, Co�ua31 File No.�* �-°.^� 18 app o ed.July 26, 1957, the ax�nua,l. sewer main.tenance charges to be made ia 196�., a st the follawing co�erci,al., industrial, and residential properties other thazi single and t�o-fam3ly dwe113ngs, Which axe ].oca�ed in the Vi7.].age of -y Maple�wood and which axe con�ected to t►he Sain� Pau], se�rer syatem, be and hereby axe determin.ed to be the a�nwants set opposite the location of the connections as followsa � , �.D� IISE AMOUNT 1685 �rcade Service S�ation � 9•36 1701 Arcade Office� ]1�•3� 1949 Arcade 3hop & Reside�ce 8 •00 ]�955 �rcade Service ��ation , 8.00 2150 �lrcade Studio & Resi.denae 11�.]2 1879 Beanmont �hop & Re�idence 8.00 328 Bellwood 3tudio dc Resideace 8.56 z655 �urke �ontraetor & Residenee 8.l�0 Il S. Cerrtury �ervice St�ti.on 15.S�t - � 609 N. Centnx°y Tawing Service 8.00 . � 653 N. Cent�r 3hop & Residence 8.08 ' 831 N. Ceetury Hall 15.28 835 N• ��u'Y store 8.00 , 839 N. Century � �tare & gp�tment 16.8l� 25!}S .E. Conway Serviae Statioa 18.88 ,. .A- COUNCILMEN� Adopted by the Council_ 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland �gs Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson A gainst Rosen Mr. President, Vavoulis io�s a-sa � • ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK . /'� A� y y� � - ' ' CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� `i � � t' . ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF _ �age 2• �;DDRESS• ' US� AI�l�NT I.1t60 �'. Cope �Shop & Residence � S•00 ]2.52 E. County Rd. B - Shop de Resider�ce 8.00 I810 E� C�tp Rd. B Shop & Residenae 8.00 1895 �. County Rd. C Office & Residence 8.�8 1615 D'emont Shop & Residence 8.00 1723 Edgemont 3hop & Residence 9.60 1800 Sdgerton Office 8.lt8 _ ` �?086 Edgerton Servl.ce Station 8.00 / - 1809 .English � Apartment� 83.8l� , 18T0 S�g]a,gh • �hop & Residsnce 11.d.�. f _ � _�1821 English � � � Apartments 87.80 T8�0 Engliah � _ _ --- Office & :�,��miise�� 25.9b 1870 Epg],�sh • Lu.mber yaxd 1l�..00 1876 �ng73ah Shop & .Apart�nent ]1�..�.�,0 1955 Engliah Barling Alley & Tav�ern 164.88 I965 Er,glish Shop & Residence 8.00 2076 Engl3.ah Shop & Residence 8.00 1030 Ferndale Beauty Shop & Resideace 10.32 1785 Frank Office & Residenae 8.72 COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19_ �gg Tn Favor '" + Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst Rosen � f Mr. President, Vavoulis ions a-ea � `� ��_ P..��,,�� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' ' CI� OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF - �'age �. �DRESS' USE , AMOUNT 91�0 Frost Offiae & Residence �13.9� ].]!!�6 Fr,o st � Shop & St ore 17.�0 1160 Frost . Shop & Ha1l 115.36 . 1217�21 Frost Shops 14.3�. 1247 Frost Star�e 8.00 ]291 Frost Servie� Station 15.60 1310 Frost Service Station & Garage 30.36 1�13 Frost Serv3.ae Station 9.56 1315 • 21 Frost Stores & Off`.I.ceg 38.2� 1350 Frast Store 9.52 1351 �os� Stores 53.32' 13b1' Frost Off`ices 8•00 ?.�2$ Frost �partments 37.� 1959 �'].andrau �afi�erer �C Residenee 9•52 � 1751 G�,rney Bean�y Shop & 8esidence 8•00 2310 Eazelxood �erviee Station 16.00 T�1.00 $. �i.ghita� 36 Office & Shop LG1�.80 2288 Iii.ghway 61 Servi.ce Station 8.00 119 E. yarpenteur Shop & Residence 8.00 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish Holland Approved 19— �gs Tn Favor Mortinson Peterson Mayor A gainst �tosen Mr. President, Vavoulis lOM 8-82 4� � OR�GINAL TO CITY CLERK , ����� �� • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' couNCi� �' �'� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE NO. _ ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT� 1'age �t o� ADDRF�SS IISE AP40UNT 1667 �. Larpenteur �ffic� & Residenae �10.80 2251 �. Larpenteur Store & Apart�anen� 9.60 2�00 E�. I,arpenteur Shop & Res3.dence 8080 � 1671�.•E. I,aurie Rd.o Shop & Residence 1Q,32 22$0 Maplewood Dro ShoPping �en�er 72Qo0Q T839 Marygnoll Shop & Residence, , 8000 , - 1899 I�1aryKnoll Offioe & Residence ll0l�8 , . � 2255 E'o �ehaha �Rear) Garage 8.(30 2255 E�o �i.nnehaha �Front) Service �tation 8.00 i � 2259 g._ Minnehaha. Store & A,partmen� 8.00 22'S9� $. Mifinehaha Service Stat,ion 15.0}� -�`22YOaE. Mi.nnehaha Theater 75060 2289 E, I�i.nnehaha �avern 18052 272? Eo Min�ehat3a Service S�ation ].l�;.72 2080.McMenemy Shop 8c Residence 8.00 1806 No. St. �'a�il. Rclo Store 57,020 18T5 N,o, St. �aul Rd, �u.per Market 201,24 T706 �'ark�ay nrive Shop & Residence 8.l)0 1721-�.5 �'arkway Drive Golf �oarse & Restnurant 10806l� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— '- -Yeas Nays Dalglish � Holland Approved 19— I'O3g Tn Favor Mortinson � � - Peterson Mayor A gainst �tosen Mr. President, Vavoulis r ioa� a-s2 1 - � � `J , ������ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK , � � , CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOENCIL NO. - " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATF �'age 6• ADDRESS USS AMOUNT 17l�0 Van I1y�e Shopping Center �761.7.22 26l�7 yarct gyke Shop & xesidence 8,.00 67�! Vik3ng Dr3ve Office & Residence 9.60 1706 W�.i:te Bear Store 57.5� 1989 White Bear Shop & Rssidesae 11.88 2055 Whi.te Bear Office & Fact�ory 138.88 2223 w}iite Bear Serviae �tation - 18�60 22l�2'. White Bear Service Station 21�.6?� 2625 Wri3.�e Bear �tores 9�68 2626 W�.i.�e Bear Store� & Apartinents , 3I.20 3088 �ite Bear �ra3ler Sa1ss & $esidence 8•00 _ _ , . . . . - , MAR 17� 1�6� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays Dalglish � MAR 17 196� �a,,,, ; rovea' 19— �-- s�-- i � n Favor . Mortinson � Peterson � � � Mayor � A gainst � 1 r� � ' � �d� �� � � � � �o��Z � � �