217087 . ; _ �u���� � �'Z�'��{ ��.�C��� ORIGINAL TO GITY CLERK'' �` �' , - :\ � ' ' CITY OF �ST. PAUL FOENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I F�e ria. zi�os�—sy RoueTt F. �- '� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 •eas,—The c�tY Clerk has re- , in accordance with Section 53- PRESENTED BY ` � g City Char.ter, the extstence of COMMISSIONER � . DATE ��_„ ;4ency during the period from r' �_ 29th,�to March 12th, 1964, ...i,d.•,. .�'.er^r.•,the em*�1��- — • - �E�� ��z.ia7' ,.e,.i �� �•`':. r:8�3 . . � ...• . g+neml'T:._jr1 ��. �ti ,_ WHEREAS� The Citp Clerk has reported, in accordance with Section 53 ` of the City �harter, the egistence of an emergency during the � period from February 29th to March`;12th, 1964, which rendered necessary the employment of certain employees of the City Clerk' s Off ice f or more tl�an 'e ight hours per day or f orty lzours per week in doing the follot,ring �,rork: Setting, etc. voting machines and checking them. V�M� Warehouse was open from 8 A.M� to 5:3� P.M. Saturday, Feb.29th. Election Bureau was oQen T�arch 4, 5, and 6 f or instruction � meetin;s until 9 P.M. and was open until 5:30 P.M, � Sat. � Njarch 7th f or absent voters. Judges picked up supplies and voted absentee �arch 4, 5, 6, and �. Election day, 1�'larch lOth, the Election Bureau was open from 6 A.M. to 12 P.M� • �nd Z+��REAS� This emergency arose by reason of the following facts - and circumstances : The City Primary Election, Tuesday, '�arch 10, �964. TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLV�D That the proper city off icer's are hereby authorized to pay the employees wtzo perf ormed such work in accordance with the provisions of the �ouncil' s salar.y ordinance, �rdinance No. 64�46. , COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council MAR i 7 i9Sa 9_ Yeas Nays Dalgliah MA,q 1 � ��� , ���_.. Approve 19— Loss . —T�— � .- Tn Favor , Mortinson , Peterson C't.c�vr�- Mayor r �Against , � � 1.��r'�� � r'. Y�esident, ' � iorz s-sz � r �{ ` ` ' ' �.��1 , �(�� �� �� ' REGI S7�TION & II�ECZ'20N B� �� OVEE�TIME Februa,ry 29 to Nlarch 12. _ _ BTa�me Title No.Hrs. Rate Amount Walter A. Bell Asat.Supvr.of Elec. 32� $ 5.80� $ 190.].1 Elfrieda E. Brustmaa Eeg'n Clerk 8� 3.49 7/8 29.74 Hu� D. Golby License Clerk 8� 4.85 5/8 40.�6 -� Clara M. Conrigkit Reg�n Clerk 21� 3.40 1/8 . 73.13 Dorot3�y M. Dansky Clk. III 24� 4.31 5/8 106.83 Donald A. Griffith Stkpr.-(Vot.Mach.) 32� 5.15 5/8 167.58 Colleen A. Norr�an 8eg'n Clk. 14 3.20� 44.84 9lbert B. Ol�on Jr. Council 8scorder 16� 4.85 5/8 _ 80.13 � I,ucille M. Peterson Rsg'n Clk. 23� 3.61 1/8 84.86 , Asuriel E. Prelate He��n Clk. 16� 3.61 1/8 58.68 F3nelie E. 8sichaar Eeg�n G7.k. 21� 3.20} 68.85 Dolore� M. Tierney Reg�n G"lk. 18� 3.11� 56.80 I,oren E. Heffern R.eg�n Clk. l� 3.0� 4.53 Thomas F. Mc(�i.re Reg'n Clk. 1'� 3.04� 4.55 Lee Carlson � Bsg�n Clk. l� 3.0.� 4.53 John M. .Sif�er fieg�n C].k. 1� 3.�} 4.53 Qeo. Di�con, Jr. Reg�n Clk. l� 3.02} 4.53 � GeOTge PaviCh Eeg�n Clk• 1� 3,02� 4.53 Ra� Scharfbillig Esgtn Clk, l� 3.0� 4.53 Lvcille Stebbing Eeg'n Clk. 4� 3.0� 13.60 C}�arles 8. �ester Reg�a Clk. 1� 3.(� 4.53 Earley E. Coleman Reg�n Clk. 18� 3.� '55.16 Ssvin Reardon Heg�n Clk. 4� 3.� 122.41. . $ L229•Q2