217086 � ' � � 21���
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. CITY OF ST. PAUL �B�� ci� ����`��
'ouncil File No. 217086—By James J.
C U I OLUTION—GENERAL FORM F Resolv d, Pursuant to that particular
�^olution dated February 28, 19H4, and
PRESENTED BY � ';p��wn as Council Flle 218767, under the
COMMISSIONE DATF ��visions of which the City of Saint
�� a municipal•corporation ;q;A� —
•.�h title h:�d use of th�y'�?i{. 3�g
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RESOLVED, pursuant to that particular resolution dated
February 26, 196�+, and known as Council File 216767, under
the provisior�s of which the City of Saint Paul as a mun3.cipal
corpora�ion seeks to obtain title and use of the following
. described real estate, to-wit:
' That part of Lot 10, Block �F, Hudson Road Gardens,
'� lying between the south line of Conway Street and
a line which is the arc of a circle having a �5 foot
radius, the center of said circle lying on. the center �
line of Conway Street and 311.21 feet east of the
east line of White Bear,�Avenue. Also, that part
of said Lot 10, lying between �he sou�h line of
Conway Street and a line which is the arc of a '
, circle having a �+5 foot radius, the center of said
circle lying on the center line of Conway Street
_ and 125.0 feet east of the east line of Whi�e Bear
- Avenue; � ' '
the purpose of which is for opening, widening and extending
' Conway Street over, upon a�nd across the aforesaid real estate
as described, which real� estate is presently owned in fee by
said City of Saint Paul' and administered by the Department of
Public Safety, that the proper officials of said City of Saint
` � Paul are hereby authorized, pursuant to the aforesaid resolution,
U Council File 216767, to prepare the '�appropriate payment in the
o sum of One Hundred Twenty Dollars ($120.00) to be credited to
w o the appropriate account of the Department of Public Safety as
d � � shall be determined by the Comptroller of said City; and be it
� � ;
o .
c.L a.
� ¢ � FIIRTHER RESOLVED, Tha� transfer of said real estate as
•�iereinabove descr3.bed may be and hereby is effectuated without
� :�the exchange and recording of any deed of conveyance.
� � ,
� •
- . - - . � . MAR 17 1964
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays -
,�Iglis�r— �
��— A rove �A� � � 1964 19—
oss �
Tn Favor �, _ �
Mortinson �
Peterson � Mayor
�A gainst �
Rosen •
Mr. President, Vavoulis �w,,� "
, iont s-sz ,
CITY OF ST. PAUL couNCi� ��-���'��
RESOLVED, pursuant to tha� particular resolu�ion dated
Februa.ry 26, 196�4, and known as Council File 216767, ur�der
the pro�isions of whi�h the City of Sa.int Paul as a munie3pa].
corporation seeke to obtain title and use of the following
described real estate, to-wits
That part of Lot 10, Block �, Hudaon Road G�rdene,
lying betv�een the south line of ConWay Street and
a line whiah ia the ara of a circle having a �F5 foot
radius, the Qenter of said circle lying on the center
li�e of Conway Street and 311.21 feet east of the
eaat 13.ne of White Bear Avenue. Also, that �part
of �aid T,ot 10, lying between the south line of
Conway Street and a line which 3a the arc of a
circle having a �5 foot radius, the center of said
circle 1,ying on the center line of Conway Street
and 125.0 feet east of the east 13.ne of White Bear
the purpose of w��.ch is for opening, w�.dening a.nd extending
Conway Street over, upon and acrosa the aforeaaid real estate
as deaeribed, which real estate is presently owned in fee by
said City of Saint Paul and administered by the Department of
Publie Safety, �hat the proper offia3als of said Ci.ty of Sa.int
Paul are hereby authorized, pursuant to the aforesaid reso].ution,
Council F11e 216767, to prepare the appropriate payment in the
sum of One Hundred Twenty Dol�.ars ($120.00) to be credited to
the appropriate account of the Department of Public Safety as
shall be de�ermined by the Comptroller of said City; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, That transfer of said real estate as
hereinabove deacribed may be and hereby is effeatua.ted without
the exchange and reaord3ng of any deed of conveyance.
MAR 17 1���
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19—
Yeas Nays
� ��AR 1� 19�4
��- (` Approved 19—
I�ess�— �._
In Favor
Peteraon � Mayor
Rosen A gainst
Mr. President, Vavoulis
10:11 8-82