217078 ORIGINAL-- CIT; OF SAINT PAUL �_� '���'�� CITY CLERK � ' N. 3001 COUNCIL RESOLUT[ON R�NC1L NO 2�� O FOR �*Gnyr�� � � L.,� AUTHORIZA OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT L1DI1L' ���� � r+ PRESENTED BY HON DATF MSl'Ch 12'� 1g_S4 • RESOLVED: That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Com�ittee theretor� and herebq awards contract for tnrnishing all labor� material� mRChines� tools and equipment for esnstructing, repairing� or reconstrticting such monoli�hic concrete sidewalks e nd other work incidental thereto� within Sidewalk District #1 as may be o rdered by the Council !or the current year prior to November 15� 1964 . except saah work ae the Council may order to be done bq �ity Force Account�, to NOATHWFST FLOOBING & SIDh�NAi� CO1I�ANY in accordance with City plans and speci- fications therefor hereto attaahed and the Fora�al Bid #9655 of said Northwest Flooring & Sidewalk Companq Por the contract price of approxiaoa�tely �131s425�00 (at unit prices bid) plus L�gineering �10�514�00 and plus Inepection $2,�628e50 by City Forces� saah bid being the lowest and said Northwest Flooring & Sidewalk Company being a reasonable and reli�ble bidder�, and the Corporation Connsei be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract theretor,� and the proper City officials hereby are suthorized to e�cecute said contract on behalf oP the C ity of' Saint Paul„ ' Assessed againat benefit�d property �144�567,�50 . --� - � File No. 217078 — By Miiton� � �,�9_ _ �ed, That the Council hereby 3�ts the award of the Contract rree therefor,and he;ebc awards , � CONTRACT PRICE - - ;��� �or turns:���i.ig i.�, L�����r cna ; 131 425 00 ��:�achiner� ,,. . .,... �:�t ,�..�,L�it= � + • DEPT.CONT.NO. ����.�� � ..r M��_ :.1 ��.. #�Ir�..:id !li,9_ (�� b.s>1C1:A?T_V� �'r' WATER CONNECTION3,DETOl7�� ���'.�:,�� p, y� S !4�1�'a� li4�l q J.4J�1Lf!.•, � ` v_YO3s�- • � ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE: �G�NFRR�NG - - - - - - - - - - - S 10�514e00 s NO EBt3mE�te INSPECTION 2°Jo ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; 2�628�'SO FORMAL BID NO. 9855 , TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 144�567„50 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. , PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO_BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF._THIS IMPROVEMENT AS-FOLLOWS: - • 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITfED PROPERTY - - - - - - � - - � � - � ; 144�.567�,50 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'3 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE g 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE S 4. APPROPRIATED FRQM BOND ISSUE—CODE � 5. COUNTY AID _ _ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � _ ' � � _ _ ' _ ' S 6. MUNICIPAL STATB AID PROJEGT NO. 7. ; TOTAL - - ' - ' ' - ' - - - ; 144l567„50 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IB AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND PUBLIC WORKS IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. - - �� 1 "r.��.��i V. � PURCHASING ,� J_ �. ���y� DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMPTROLLER � � BY _ ._, ..�.� ,_�>�.:.�� �IIAR 1� 1964 COUNCILMEN YEAS NAYS ADOPTED BY TH COUNCI� • IN FAVOR MAR 13 1�s� � APPROV �GAINST L i MR. PRESIDENT MAYOR S00 5-81 a�O .L.,w . ..